GCE Advanced level Law past question paper 2 Cameroon Year 2015. Subject code : 7060 Law paper 2. Cameroon GCE Board known as Cameroon General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a public examination body to awards certificates to the Anglo-Saxons Cameroonian secondary school students of two stages; Stage 1, GCE “O” Level is a 3-year course beginning in form 3 and form 5 student are qualify to take the GCE Ordinary Level exam . While the GCE “A” Levels is written in High School upper sixth for student who had successfully passed the GCE ordinary level in at least 4 subjects. See reference here General Certificate of Education is a pure UK system of education adopted by Anglo-Saxons Cameroonian. In 2015/2016 Academy year, about 182,416 candidates sad in for both the GCE examination in Cameroon with over 138,000 candidates for Ordinary Leve while 46,000 for Advanced Level.
Grading system
The Cameroon GCE Examination grading system can be seen below
GCE O Level : Ordinary Level Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, U
A, B and C are all passing grades, A being the highest and C the lowest. Grades lower than C are not stated on the certificate.
GCE A Levels: Advanced Level Grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, O or F A, B, C, D, and E are all passing grades, A being the highest and E the lowest. An F (fail) is not a passing grade and is not stated on the certificate.
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