6 Best General Chemistry 1 online course with Lab Community College
6 Best General Chemistry 1 online course with Lab Community College
1. General Chemistry I – Shelby – Cleveland Community College
General Chemistry 1 online course with Lab Community College. This course covers fundamental principles and laws of chemistry. Topics include measurement, atomic and molecular structure, periodicity, chemical reactions, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, gas laws, and solutions. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of fundamental chemical laws and concepts as needed in CHM 152. This course contains a lab component. Kamerpower.com
2. General Chemistry 1 – Anne Arundel Community College
Study atomic theory and periodic relationships, chemical bonding, gases, liquids and solids, stoichiometry, kinetic-molecular theory, solutions, oxidation-reduction, reactions of molecules and ions and nuclear chemistry. Laboratory work includes basic techniques and principles as well as quantitative measurements by titration, calorimetry and stoichiometry. Lab fee $30. Prerequisite: MAT 137 or MAT 145 (formerly MAT 141) with a grade of C or better or eligibility for MAT 146 or higher and eligibility for ENG 101/ENG 101A. Note: Also offered as CHE 111H. Credit is not given for both CHE 111 and CHE 111H, or for both CHE 111 and CHE 115.
3. Chemistry Courses | Community College of Philadelphia
CHEM 101 – Fundamentals of Chemistry I (Lab Based). A fundamental course for non-science majors requiring a laboratory science. Does not satisfy the requirements for Biology, Chemistry or Engineering program students who should take CHEM 121-122.
4. Take Online Chemistry Courses | Butler Community College
Chemistry courses offered online include Basic Chemistry and Math Review for the Sciences. Basic Chemistry is transferable and may count toward your degree. Chemistry touches on all fields of scientific inquiry. This major relies heavily on critical thinking and experimentation – both of which you use at Butler. By working one-on-one with chemistry instructors in the laboratory, you gain hands-on experience, individualized attention and collaborate with fellow students.
5. General Chemistry I Lecture CHEM 1010L: General Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1010, General Chemistry I Lecture & Lab, is a three-credit, lecture only, online general chemistry course. The overall goal of this course is to give an introduction to general chemistry emphasizing the concepts that will be important for and provide the basis for the subjects you will encounter in their future studies. These concepts include components of matter, atomic theory, stoichiometry, chemical reactions and bonding, thermochemistry, gases, quantum theory, electron configuration, models of bonding, theories of covalent bonding, shapes of molecules and intermolecular forces of liquids, and solids.
6. Chemistry Program & Courses | Glendale Community College
CHEM 110 is a basic course in the fundamental principles, laws, and computations of chemistry emphasizing the descriptive phases and including a brief introduction to the chemistry of the carbon compounds. Lecture 4 hours/Laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 90 or 90+, or the equivalent, or one year of high school algebra with a grade of C or better. Course Typically Offered: Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC
What is General Chemistry 1 all about?
General Chemistry 1 is a highly interactive and engaging course that covers all topics typical of first semester General Chemistry. The course includes a multitude of formative practice problems that are scaffolded and include detailed feedback.
Is organic chemistry the same as general chemistry?
Looking at it from a big-picture perspective, I’d say the one tremendous difference you’ll find in organic chemistry is that it is very qualitative. Whereas gen chem has a large number of formulae and calculations to do, organic chemistry is notable in the absence of a lot of calculation work.