How Do You Spell 50 In English (Fivety Or Fifty)
How Do You Spell 50 In English (Fivety Or Fifty). 50 in Words can be written as Fifty. The number “50”, is a number between 49 and 51. It is the number you get when you add (1 to 49) or subtract (1 from 51). You don’t have to say “That old man is not up to fivety years”, it’s wrong, it’s best written as “That old man is not up to fifty years”.
The correct spelling for the number 50 is fifty, not fivety . The best way to remember the spelling of 50 is to use the word “fif,” and add “ty” thus “fifty”.
In geometry, while mentioning the number, it is written in Numeral and not in words. For instance, a right-angled is more than 50 degrees, its 90 degrees. You don’t have to say that a right-angled more than fifty degrees (it’s not right).
Examples of how you spell 50
- That man is not up to fifty years.
- My mum is fifty years old.
- She went to college in the fifties
When can I use fivety?
The word “fivety” used to be correct in the past but now it’s updated to Fifty”. You don’t have to use the word “fivety” because it is not correct. The best way to describe the number is to write it as fifty, not fivety.
How to write a cheque using 50
In writing a cheque for withdrawal of money, you use fifty instead of fivety in cheque.
50th in Words
50th is the abbreviation of fiftieth. To put it another way, 50th is the short form of the ordinal number for 50. 50th spelled out = fiftieth. 50 can stand for a noun or adjective. In the latter case, it is a cardinal numeral to denote quantity, or a ordinal numeral to express a sequence.
For example:
- The fiftieth number is 50 – ordinal number word.
- Fifty dollars – cardinal number word.
- Fifty – pronoun.