How To Become A Lego Master Builder Model
How To Become A Lego Master Builder Model | Lego Master Builder Requirements. Playing with LEGO for a living sounds like a job dreamed up by every child that grew up building entire worlds with the tiny interlocking bricks. Employment is full-time LEGO Master Model Builder to work each day and create all the cool models and installations you see throughout LEGOLAND.
What is a certified Lego builder?
The LEGO® Certified Professionals (LCP) program is made up of adult LEGO entrepreneurs who have turned their passion for the LEGO brick and system into a full-time or part-time profession.
Fast Steps On How To Become A Lego Master Builder
- Step 1: Hit the Bricks: Before you can break rules, you have to learn the rules: Buy a Lego kit and follow the instructions. The designers are always coming up with new ways to put the bricks together. You can learn a lot from that. Then knock it down and create something totally radical.
- Step 2: Start at the Bottom
- Step 3: Become a Model Builder: This is apprentice stuff. While the boss free-builds imaginative creations, you’re still following his prototype blueprints, at least on company time.
- Step 4: Achieve Lego Mastery: Lego’s so impressed that they’ll let you design your own giant builds. Just don’t get lazy.
How do you become a certified Lego builder?
To become an LCP, one has to fulfill two requirements: You need to be a business owner or in the process of becoming a business owner working with the LEGO brick as part of your product/services. Important selection criteria are as stated above and will also be stated in the recruitment posting.
1. Know what the job involves
If you think that Master Model Builders spend their days playing with LEGO, you’re absolutely right. But they’re not given free rein over what to build. There’s a lot more to the job of a Master Model Builder than just building models out of LEGO, though. As a Master Model Builder, you’ll clean, repair and maintain existing LEGO installations, while you’ll also take on a PR and marketing role as you participate in media interviews, create instructional videos for social media and lead virtual building classes.
2. Start building using the bricks
Chances are you’ve been building with LEGO since your early childhood, ever since you got your hands on your very first set. But there’s no better way to learn the knots and bolts of building with LEGO than by creating Your Own Creations. There’s a lot more to LEGO than just stacking bricks, and you’ll come across many different building techniques in official LEGO sets, which you can master by creating your very own models.
3. Get the appropriate education
You don’t need a bachelor’s degree to become a Master Model Builder. You’ll still need to complete secondary education: if you’re serious about becoming a Master Model Builder, a minimum of a high school diploma, GED or equivalent is required. While at school, you should focus on relevant subjects that will help you develop the knowledge needed to succeed in the role. Beyond the obvious art and design classes, concentrating your efforts in maths, physics and science is the way to go.
4. Develop the right skills
Building with LEGO for fun and building with LEGO as a Master Model Builder are two very different paths. And if you’ve chosen building with LEGO as a Master, you’ll need to develop a specialized skillset to be considered for the role and succeed in the position. One of the very first things you should do is familiarise yourself with the LEGO Digital Designer (LDD), the official LEGO design software, which lets you build models using virtual LEGO bricks.
5. Build and update your portfolio
As with any creative job, a well-organised portfolio showcasing your best work can be immensely advantageous when applying for the Master Model Builder position. Indeed, a portfolio acts as a demonstration of the design skills you listed in your résumé. Essentially, you show, not just tell, hiring managers at LEGO what you can do and why they should consider you for the role.
6. Compete in Brick Factor
Landing the LEGO Master Model Builder job isn’t your typical hiring process. Brick Factor contests are few and far between, so you’ll need to regularly check your regional LEGO Discovery Center website for advertised positions, while it’s a good idea to prepare a compelling résumé.