Is Farming/seeds/milling A Good Career Path?
Is Farming/seeds/milling A Good Career Path? Yes, If you are interested in farming/seeds/milling work please definitely you can do this work because our feature generation also eats our traditional foods. Full process of farming are: Plowing the soil. Leveling the soil, Showing, Add fertilizer/manure. Irrigation, Weeding. Harvesting. Threshing, Storing, Selling.
There are many different types of jobs available in the farming, seeds, and milling industry. Learn about the different types of jobs and their availability to help you make the best decision for your career.
What is agriculture/farming?
Agriculture means understanding you agree with human culture, It’s my own thought the name comes to agriculture. It is a process of cultivating plants and seeds by doing certain processes like irrigation, pesticides, fertilizer, maintaining seasons, and good hard work of farmers that all combine to make food from plants, the process is called agriculture or also called farming.
What Are The Importance of Milling?
Milling is often described as the process of grinding cereal grains into flour. It is the most important step in the production of wheat flour, accounting for about 70% of the total energy expenditure in the manufacturing process. In addition to wheat, other grains such as corn, rice, and oats are also milled. So Is Farming/seeds/milling A Good Career Path?
What is the various processes of farming?
1. Plowing the soil.
Plowing the soil means what? Actually, the first part of agriculture after selecting a good landscape is plowing. By plowing the soil, the farmers bring the nutrients under the soil which is called ground soil. It is helpful for plants to grow faster and observe the fertilizer.
2. Leveling the soil
This is the second step done after plowing because in plowing the sand is like a splitter or looks mixed, now we need to even out the soil. The process is called leveling the soil. It can be done by Leveling tractors or with bulls.
3. Sowing of seeds in the soil
Sowing the seeds is a very important process, the process name called sowing. So why it’s very important means it’s an initial start for cultivating plants, so before sowing the seeds, we need to check the soil quality and depth of the soil. Based on the soil quality only we consider the plant growth period.
4. Add fertilizer/manure.
Fertilizer is necessary for healthy plant growth, So we used fertilizer in agriculture/farming. It contains a lot of nutrients and helps to absorb more nutrients in plants. The fertilizer is also called manure. So after sowing the seeds we need to use fertilizer in the soil.
5. Irrigation
Irrigation is the process of sending water to the plant because it must be required for plant growth, without water the land will dry, So irrigation is a must needed farming process.
6. Weeding
Weeding is the process of removing unwanted plants. It’s an important process because we need to spend money on fertilizers, tractor services and several expenses are there to grow the plants safely, So we don’t waste our nutrients on unwanted plants, then we need to remove the unwanted plants safely.
7. Harvesting.
The process of harvesting is picking out the crops which are grown fully and healthy crops. It has the happiest day for farmers because on that day only they earned good credit for their year of hard work. An average time period of the harvest of a crop is taken up to 100 days. Harvesting day is also called farmer’s day.
8. Threshing.
After harvesting, we need to thresh the crops, because we want the rice, wheat, and several grains. So we need to do the threshing. Actually, threshing is the process of splitting the grains from the crops. All the farmers are very happy while doing this work because after threshing it will go to storage and sell the grains to get paid for the work.
9. Storing.
Storing is the final process of farming, Now it’s the time to protect and save our food under several food administrations it’s changes by each country.
10. Selling.
After completing the storage, We need to sell the grains to get paid for the hard work.
What Are The Highest Paying Jobs In Farming/seeds/milling?
1. Agriculture operation manager
The agriculture operation manager is needed to operate the major process of operation like managing labor, make engagement with local grocery shops, maintaining the business, Checking the quality of the products, managing growth rates of crops, maintaining junior-level workers, and taking care of any problems related to agriculture.
2. Farm labor.
The work nature of farm labor jobs is to work on the process of cultivating farms, in another way they are also called a farmer. They also do all the things that are said by the owner or farmer. For this job, you need to start from plowing to harvesting.
3. Horticulturist:
A horticulturist is an interesting job, who needs to take care of the plants, trees, growth of fruits and vegetables, measure the growth level and protect from insects using pesticides. For this job, you need to have a good scientific knowledge of plant development.
4. Agriculture Inspector:
The agriculture inspector is the doctor of trees and farming because your responsibility needs to watch each and every quality of the products and issue certificates under the government.
5. Agriculture equipment technician:
The work of the Agriculture equipment technician is to repair their machinery products which are used in agriculture/farming. In this job you will need to handle machinery components, you need to also have a good experience in electrical and automobile repairing.