Second hand cars for sale in Cameroon
Second hand cars for sale in Cameroon.
Second hand cars for sale in Cameroon. This market is dominated by vehicles from Japan, Europe and North America, claims Le Quotidien de l’economie. Familiar trademarks imported into the country include among others Toyota, Mercedes, Nissan, BMW…stationed in the economic capital, Douala at L’hotel Le Nde, a familiar spot for buyers and users of second hand cars. voiture d’occasion a vendre au cameroun.
Prices of these used cars have dropped considerably from 5 to 3 million francs CFA, the paper said while quoting Felix Kouogang, a dealer in used cars. To him, the economic crisis reduced the purchasing power of Cameroonians, and also many families have loved ones abroad who send them cars, the demand is relatively low.
Imported through the Douala seaport, some of these second hand cars are as old as 20 years, although the 2011 financial law of the country permits only the entry of cars of maximum seven years of age. Mercedes Benz MB 100 D that was first manufactured in 1981 is still being imported into the county. Named “cargo,” this wagon carries up to 25 persons within the Douala city.
Similarly, vehicles on Cameroonian roads such as taxis date between 1980 and 1990, states the paper.