Surprising Crazy Princess Renia Spoiler [Most Insighting]
Surprising Crazy Princess Renia Spoiler [Most Insighting]. In this article, we are going to reveal Spoiler dialogue and scene for Crazy Princess Renia. Renia is the princess of the Fontiano Empire. Her happy days were now shattered, after she married Duke Clovis Zenov.
Crazy princess Renia was just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. She had an ordinary house, went to an ordinary school, and had ordinary friends…at least she thought they were her friends at the time.
A Quick Crazy Princess Renia Spoiler
Renia is the princess of the Fontiano Empire. Her blissful days were currently broken, after she wedded Duke Clovis Zenov.
“I might want to condemn my better half Renia Zenov to death for the homicide of Duke Clovis Zenov”.
“I’m innocent, I swear to god I never intended to kill my beloved husband!”
Reality was like hell, nothing changed even if she screamed in pain. Presently the entirety of that is left for her is the gift of death. To fail to remember all that and track down a spot to rest in the arms of God, she betrayed the blade of her head. In any case, God overlooked and didn’t allow her last desire.
On her 18th birthday, the happiest day of her life. Blood-stained memories returned.
“I’ll tear it down and fix it all. Play in their hands, to fix my past. And most of all…I won’t marry Clovis.”
She is forced to act as an innocent person, and marry a man who will face death for her.
About Crazy Princess Renia NovelUpdates
Crazy Princess Renia is an exciting, adventurous novel about a poor girl that’s been through many crazy things in her life, and how she made it to the top. It was difficult for me to put this book down. If you’re not a fan of adventure stories with heavy romance, then you might want to skip this one. Regardless, if you’re interested in buying it on Amazon just type crazy princess renia spoiler. And have fun reading.
Punishment For The Death Of Lenia Zenov – Princess Lenia of Fontiano.
Her happy days as flowers were ruined by her marriage to Duke Clovis Zenov.
[The death penalty for the assassination of Lenia Zenov, Duke Clovis Zenov.]
Author: Asoura Lin
NovelUpdates: N/A
Artist: N/A [Novel]
Year: 2019
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama
Status: 5 Volumes + 1 Side Story Volume or 196 chapters (Completed) [Novel].
Associated Names
- Crazy Princess Lenia
- Crazy Princess Renia.
- Lenia, a princesa maluca.
The Description Crazy Princess Renia
It was a foolish time when I longed for death, the blessing of God, convinced that no matter how hard I tried, I would not be able to escape the hell of reality. Under her providence that God only gives human beings undeathly pain, she suffered mortal pain, and the only thing she could do was wish for blessings.
To escape this hell and obtain the blessing of oblivion. Losing all memories and finding peace in the arms of God. Wishing for only that, she thrust a knife into the nape of her neck.
Even that desperate last wish was not granted. No, not only did he not listen to it, but he shattered that hope and returned it to despair. Back to this hell. It also came back with all of her most unhappy memories of her time when she was the happiest of her life.
I can’t go back to those days again. Had to avoid meeting him, marry him.
Summary Of The Plot
The story is set in a world where the next ruler of the kingdom will be determined by whoever is born on the first day of spring. If it’s a girl, she’ll become queen; if it’s a boy, he’ll take over as king. Which means that parents all across the country are eager to have children before the big day.
Enter Helena and Fred, two very different people who are about to embark on an adventure. They meet up at the ceremony where they’re supposed to crown their daughter, the new Queen or King. There they bump into crazy princess renia spoiler aunt Lydia and her husband Colonel Roelker who just so happen to be childless because they were too busy fighting wars for us.
They reveal themselves to be Helen’s true grandparents, but alas she isn’t eligible for succession any more because she was born on March 1st which disqualifies her from becoming Queen or King.
This book is perfect for anyone who loves fiction and wants to explore a new world without having to go far outside their comfort zone. Crazy Princess Renia is loved by many people, as it provides interesting insights into Princess Renia’s life, like how she spends her time away from the throne. It also tackles the big spoiler in a way that does not give too much away, but still leaves readers guessing.