ENSET Douala Concours 2024-2025 Entrance 1st, 2nd, 4th Year


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15 Responses

  • Comments15
  1. tekeben filbert says:

    Bonjour s’il vous plait j’ai besoin de la composition des dossiers pour le concours d’entrée en première année à l’enset mon WhatsApp c’est 675702173 ou 698868607

  2. MATEDA says:

    Quel domaine étudié à l’ENSET avec un baccalauréat D?

  3. Dione Nkwelle says:

    A pleasant day to the reader, i wish to find out if the discipline- esthetics, hair dressing n cosmetics has notes in English?.

  4. Esther Mbawoh robertson says:

    I want to know if there is enset Garoua

  5. Larissa says:

    Which domain can one study in enset douala with a bachelor’s degree in linguistics

  6. Larissa says:

    Can a bachelor’s degree in linguistics be accepted??

  7. KENGNI NZOKUI Yannick Jiresse says:

    Demande de recrutement

  8. Fifen melissa says:

    Please for past question of enset douala in economics for 2012 to 2018

  9. Ndi Gertrude Mbu says:

    Please I wish to know the latest day to summit the documents in Enset Douala 2028-2019

  10. Ngwomeh says:

    please can some one help with the communicate for the entrance exam in to ENSET Bambili 2018/2019 you can sent it via my whatsapp at. 670294799

  11. LONGE N. JESSICA says:

    please i wish to know the deadline of the submission of file and, i also need some past questions in Geography as my major and economics as minor please, from 2015/2018

    • tekeben filbert says:

      Bonjour s’il vous plait j’ai besoin de la composition des dossiers pour le concours d’entrée en première année à l’enset mon WhatsApp c’est 675702173 ou 698868607

  12. Kila Linda says:

    Past questions enset Douala second cycle. Guidance and counseling

  13. Kila Linda says:

    Please i need pass questions enset Douala, I’m guidance and counseling. Thanks

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