Bric Cameroun recrutement: des postes vacants 30


Hub for students, job seekers and scholarship directory. The site provides free informative information regarding competitive exams, educational opportunities, Universities, Results, Jobs, Internships, Tests, Tips etc., Career Path Guide For Students & Employees with best guides and how-tos

4 réponses

  • Commentaires4
  1. Tchapon cabrel :

    Je suis disponible . Titulaire d’un bac f4

  2. Aletanu Dilan :

    Dear sir/madame
    It is of previledge writing to thiS letter. i have been looking for a job when I heard that your firm has vacancy for workers, it will be of honor if i am being honor through this letter.thank you sir/madame for understanding.
    Your’s faithfully
    Aletanu Dilan

  3. Bityibiyaa :

    Recherche d’emploi



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