Concours IRIC 2024: ouverture du concours d’entrée Cycle de Master Professionnel en Relations Internationales DIPLOMATIE


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6 réponses

  • Commentaires6
  1. Embolo fouda lazare dit :

    Bonsoir Mr/Mm. Je suis un jeune étudiants dont le rêve a toujours été d’être un grand diplomate. Plus motivé qu’avant, j’aimerais sincèrement intégrer cette école avec votre permission. Je tient vraiment a le faire car j’aimerais atteindre ce premier objectif. Merci pour votre sincère compréhension !

  2. Akini dit :

    Svp le concours des attachés diplomatique est lancé à l’iric

  3. bilem filipo dit :

    Svp le concours des attachés d’ambassade est lancé ? Vous mélangez tout on ne comprend rien dans votre site ..merci.

  4. attention!! un des profils présentant l'IRIC affiche une image pornographique!!!

  5. keju Roland dit :

    This is a good innitaitive by the government to reduce unemployment among the youth. But it becomes problematic when only one month is given to compile documents for this concour. what of Some poor intelligent Cameroonians who need some time may be two months to gather finances to registers?? Public concours to me are meant to get the best for the public service in terms of merit and equality, and not a means to desuade entry to the public service, not to talk of a very delicate service as deplomacy,,,
    I think the authorities will take note of this in upcoming concours. thanks for your understanding

  6. keju Roland dit :

    This is a good innitaitive by the government to reduce unemployment among the youth. But it becomes problematic when only one month is given to compile documents for this concour. what of Some poor intelligent Cameroonians who need some time may be two months to gather finances to registers?? Public concours to me are meant to get the best for the public service in terms of merit and equality, and not a means to desuades entry to the public service, not to talk of a very delicate service as deplomacy,,,
    I think the authorities will take note of this in upcoming concours. thanks for your understanding

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