Concours MINT Cameroun formation de 240 experts en sécurité routière 2024-2025


Hub for students, job seekers and scholarship directory. The site provides free informative information regarding competitive exams, educational opportunities, Universities, Results, Jobs, Internships, Tests, Tips etc., Career Path Guide For Students & Employees with best guides and how-tos

10 réponses

  • Commentaires10
  1. Emma BAlA NGUM :

    It is still possible to register or submit documents for road safety expect concour

  2. Hans simo :

    Thanks for the opportunity but what of those who are between 33 and 40 years who will like to write as well

  3. Bumlangmi Aaron Kolah :

    Mr Minister i wish to know if you most possessed a driving license before being eligible for the course.

  4. Ngwe :

    Please when exactly is the writing part of the exams? On the communiqué it’s 16th while the timetable says 3rd..

    • Erica :

      Hello Dr please write me on WhatsApp let’s work together. We need alot information on this 671477800

  5. Bekumaka Okanyene :

    I’m a graduate with masters in geography. A huge knowledge on transport and logistics

  6. Suleman Ismael :

    I can’t find where to download the registration form on the website given

  7. Asongse Ngemasong Patrice :

    This is impressive, it will reduce unemployment in the country

  8. Wanyu Paul yufenyuy :

    I am really interested to make my career in the road safety

  9. Mpoumpiel Djodjol Quentin Kévin :

    Bonsoir à vous, puis-je connaître le lieu de composition du concours des 240 inspecteurs et délégués du permis de conduire et de sécurité routière.
    Je suis candidat dans la ville de Yaoundé..

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