MMPI Test Online | Requirements, Tips, Dates, Questions, Results
MMPI Test Online Free Download | Requirements, Tips, Dates, Questions, Results. Job seekers have gotten accustomed to sitting for pre-employment aptitude tests when applying for their desired jobs. These tests serve as a means to not only test their academic fortitude but to evaluate their psychological makeup, especially for stressful and high-risk positions.
What is MMPI Test Online?
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with MMPI as acronym is a pre-employment screening test used worldwide. It was developed at the University of Minnesota now popular MMPI-2 exam. It is one of the reliable tests on personality traits; hence, it’s used by numerous companies for recruitment purposes.
The reliability of the MMPI test is ascertained by the several purposes it serves. For instance, the MMPI test is used to:
- Examine the credibility and personality of candidates.
- Differentiate between psychiatric diagnoses.
- Assist in sorting candidates for various key positions.
What Is the Format of the MMPI Test?
There are three variants as expressed above, but the MMPI-2 and the MMPI-2-RF are the two more popular variants. Both the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF are untimed exams. The MMPI-2 consists of 567 questions which candidates generally complete in approximately 90 minutes. The test has nine validity scales to aid in the prevention of fake answers.
How much does a MMPI test cost?
The MMPI test costs $100 to $800. The MMPI may test for mental health disorders and their severity in clinical settings. For non-clinical settings, MMPI tests for various personality aspects of candidates applying for some key positions.
Why would you want to Take the MMPI Online?
1. Self Development Assessment
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used personality tests in mental health. The test is used by trained professionals to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology.
2. Employment Opportunties
Almost all Government Job Opportunities require you to Pass the MMPI Test. The MMPI test is deigned to reveal an individuals mental health and capacity to handle specific roles pertinent to key positions.
3. Court Cases
Especially for Child Custody, but extensively used to provide evidence on the Psychological instability of one of the parties involved in the case. The balance of Justice can be tipped in your favor.
The MMPI Scoring & Reporting
The MMPI-2 has a number of reporting options that are currently being used. They are as follows:
- Extended Score Report.
- The Minnesota Report: Revised Personnel System, 3rd Edition Adjustment Rating Report.
- The Minnesota Report: Reports for Forensic Settings.
- The Minnesota Report: Adult Clinical System, 4th Edition Interpretive Report.
- The Minnesota Report: Revised Personnel System, 3rd Edition Interpretive Report.
How Do I Take MMPI Test Online?
You could visit a couple of websites to take MMPI test online. While most of them are MMPI practice test, it is best to take one under the supervision of a licensed professional. Taking the MMPI-2 test online may not be profitable as you may not be able to interpret your results. For most people taking this MMPI test online, they graph their results to get a fair result.
To take the MMPI- 2 test online free, click any of the buttons below.
- Minnesota Free MMPI Test
Tips on How To Pass The MMPI Test
Study guides will not provide you with the holy grail to passing this exam, but they might be able to give you some rewarding tips. One of which is to expose yourself as much as possible to the exam material. This can be done by attempting MMPI questions and practice assessments.
This process helps you to optimize your responses to suit the psychological profile best aligned to your desired job. Being familiar with this material from repeated practice and study sessions provides the candidate with added confidence which allows them to answer the questions with little hesitation and increased clarity. The MMPI test is not timed, and therefore there is no rush to complete the questions. It still may help however to attempt the practice questions in an environment more in line with the conditions expected at the assessment center.
What is a Good MMPI Test Result?
MMPI test assessments are a significant indicator of certain psychological conditions. This makes it difficult to ascertain what behavioral patterns are spectacular to high scores. However, 65 and above in MMPI assessments of psychological conditions are termed high scores. Well, MMPI- 2 test result comes as an interpretive report. Scores are converted to normalized T scores on a scale ranging from 30 to 120.
Requirements for MMPI Test
This personality test is common among mental health professionals. Usually, the diagnosis are used to ascertain the mental state of test takers. There are no specific requirements for writing MMPI tests. However, most candidates who write this test are either applying for high-risk jobs or certain professions.
This test can also be written by patients whose effectiveness of treatment programs is being evaluated. Only 18 years and above individuals can sit for the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF tests.
What are the MMPI Clinical Scales?
The clinical scales is designed to state where an individual is on the ten different mental health scales.
Scale 1: Hypochondriasis
This scale contains 32 items and is designed to measure whether you have an unhealthy concern for your own health. A high score on this scale is an indication that you are worried about your health which in turn interferes with your life and causes problems in your relationships.
Scale 2: Depression
This scale has 57 items, and it measures satisfaction with your own life. For instance, a high Scale 2 score is an indication that such an individual is dealing with clinical depression or having frequent suicidal thoughts.
Scale 3: Hysteria
Scale 3 consists of 600 items and, it evaluates one’s response to stress, including physical symptoms and emotional response to being under pressure.
Scale 4: Psychopathic deviate
This MMPI-2 test scale comprises of 50 items that measure antisocial behaviors and attitudes. Individuals’ answers to these items will reveal if they are experiencing psychopathology.
Scale 5: Masculinity/femininity
The original purpose of this 56-question test section was to elicit information about people’s sexuality. This scale stems from a time in which some mental health professionals viewed same-sex attraction as a disorder.
Scale 6: Paranoia
This scale, which has 40 questions, evaluates symptoms associated with psychosis. It ascertains if an individual has: extreme suspicion of other people, grandiose thinking, rigid black-and-white thinking, and feelings of being persecuted by society.
Scale 7: Psychasthenia
This 48-item scale measures: anxiety, depression, compulsive behaviors, symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Scale 8: Schizophrenia
Scale 8 of the MMPI-2 test online consists of 7 items. The scale’s sole intention is to show whether you have, or are likely to develop, a schizophrenia disorder.
Scale 9: Hypomania
The purpose of this 46-item scale is to evaluate the symptoms associated with hypomania, including: excessive undirected energy, rapid speech, impulsivity, delusions of grandeur, racing thoughts, hallucinations.
Scale 10: Social Introversion
This item comprises of 69 items that measures extroversion or introversion. This scale considers, among other things, your: timidity, dependability, competitiveness, compliance.
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