Penn Foster Cheating & How Does Penn Foster Track Cheating For Student
Penn Foster Cheating & How Does Penn Foster Track Cheating For Student
Penn Foster Cheating & How Does Penn Foster Track Cheating For Student. Penn foster is an online school that has the clearance or accreditation to teach various courses and administer exams to students online. Its college offers bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, and undergraduate certificates, a system called “Asynchronous online courses and instruction.”
Several methods exist for tracking the methods students use to cheat while taking online classes. Online proctoring and plagiarism trackers may not always be sufficient for detecting how students cheat on examinations and assignments. Penn Foster also uses other methods to reduce instances of online cheating.
What is cheating according to Penn Foster?
The Penn Foster student handbook defines cheating as follows:
Any effort at inappropriate collaborative activity where the work submitted to the school does not represent the work of the enrolled student. Cheating may also include the following behaviors:
- Misrepresentation.
- Conspiracy.
- Bribery
- Duplicating submissions.
- Fabrication.
- Collusion
- Cheating.
How Can Penn Foster know if you were cheating?
If you get your answers from sites that other people have used to also use on their tests then a strong maybe, think about this if 500 students take that same test and 200 are cheating and all missed the same questions then that would raise an eye brow so to speak at you cheating,
You may also be cheating if you have 30 tests to take and have a year to do all of them but you happen to finish in 3 days then what do you think? You might have cheated.
How can academic dishonesty be detected?
The following are a few examples of academic dishonesty:
- Doing class assignments for someone else.
- Plagiarizing published material or class assignments.
- Padding items on a bibliography.
- Stealing class assignments and submitting them as one’s own, particularly computer programs.
- Fabricating data.
- Destroying or stealing the work of other students.
- Obtaining a copy of a test in advance of its scheduled administration.
- Using unauthorized notes during an exam.
- Substituting on an exam for another student.
- Substituting in a course for another student.
- Obtaining a paper from the Internet and submitting it as one’s own work.
- Arranging to give or receive answers by use of signals during an exam.
- Copying with or without the other person’s knowledge during an exam.
- Collaborating with other students on assignments when it is not allowed.
- Obtaining a test from the exam site, completing and submitting it later.
- Altering answers on a scored test and submitting it for a regrade.
Is Penn Foster Accredited?
Yes. Penn Foster College is nationally accredited for the college programs by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), which is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Importance of tracking where, when, and how students cheat
Penn Foster upholds its academic integrity by focusing on tracking students who cheat. The various methods have positive and negative characteristics, but each method provides Penn Foster with a toll to maintain academic integrity. Online educational institutions must focus on making sure that students can grow by completing their coursework and earning academic credit. Instances of cheating are tracked and documented to foster an environment of equality and integrity for present and future students.
How Does Penn Foster Track Cheating?
1. Using Keystroke verification software applications
Students have a difficult time bypassing keystroke verification software. These software applications document, analyze, and record how an individual student uses a keyboard to type. Keystroke verification software applications document the speed, patterns, and other characteristics that make that individual student’s typing style unique. A student will submit a document and its contents are analyzed with reference to the typing sample stored by the keystroke verification software application. This is an effective method of tracking individuals who attempt to cheat.
2. Websites designed to detect plagiarism
Penn Foster and other universities may use plagiarism detection software that analyzes the documents a student submits over the course of multiple semesters.,, and are tools used by professors, lecturers, and instructors to detect and track instances of plagiarism. Entire documents, individual passages, and sentences can all be submitted and analyzed using plagiarism websites. These websites maintain databases of essays and other forms of content that students may use when plagiarizing. Also, plagiarism websites search for matches with essays and documents that are posted online.
3. Honor code violations
Honor code violations are an effective method to deter cheating among the Penn Foster student body. Students are responsible for adhering to the provisions outlined in the honor code and the student handbook. Students often sign an honor code statement indicating that they will not engage in any form of academic misconduct.
4. Limiting IP addresses
Universities and colleges can guarantee that a particular student is taking an examination in a specific location if they focus on IP addresses. Most examinations need to be taken in a student’s home, a school classroom, or in a library. Restricting IP addresses permits universities and colleges to make sure students are not taking an examination together, or taking an examination in a place where students have cheated in the past.
5. Social media applications
Universities and colleges such as Penn Foster may also check a student’s social media application pages to determine if the student committed academic misconduct. For example, a professor may prohibit group studying under any circumstances. If the professor discovers that a student created a Facebook study group, they may suffer severe consequences.
6. Variable testing methods and devices
Penn Foster students may attempt to cheat by using old copies of examinations and assignments. Students may be tempted to cheat if they realize the same examinations and assignments have been used during past semesters. Studying with old examinations and assignments may cause students to simply memorize the correct answers to the examination or assignment questions. Professors can create different versions of the examination or assignment to deter Penn Foster students from cheating.
7. Search engine analysis
Instructors, lecturers, and Professors, use search engines to analyze documents submitted by students for academic credit. Students may attempt to plagiarize specific passages from documents found on the internet, and search engines are great tools for tracking acts of plagiarism among students. A search engine analysis can use a student’s submission to find matches on different webpages. Students may plagiarize entire passages from online sources without properly citing the sources in their academic essays.
8. Utilizing group learning techniques
Lecturers, Professors, and graduate assistants may use collaborative learning assignments to deter students from cheating on an examination or an assignment. Students who are working on assignments and examinations together must submit their work as a group, and this reduces the likelihood that students will submit plagiarized documents. Students are less likely to cheat if their assignment must be completed as a group.
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