15 Most Useless Degrees In 2024 | useless University and college degrees
15 Most Useless Degrees | useless University and college degrees. Choosing the right degree to go after is nowhere near easy. If anything, it’s extremely stressful and unpredictable, because demands are changing. For students entering college, there are a variety of degrees and career paths they can choose from.
With dozens or even hundreds of different options, the choice quickly becomes overwhelming. Even if you have a degree that is currently considered useless, there are many alternative courses that you can attend and get a specialization within a few months.
Most Useless college and University Degrees
- Creative Writing.
- Criminal Justice.
- Culinary arts.
- Advertising.
- Anthropology And Archeology.
- Art history.
- Communications.
- Computer Science.
15 Most Useless Degrees
1. Art history.
Students who study art history love art and design. Those who pursue a degree in art history typically take classes in art composition as well as multiple classes on the history of art through every time period. They may study important artists like Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet.
2. Anthropology And Archeology.
If you love history, travel, and being outside, a degree in anthropology and archeology may sound appealing. However, unless you’re ready to spend your time and money receiving a Ph.D. in the field, plus spend years as an underpaid intern or research assistant, this career path probably isn’t for you.
3. Communications.
Communications majors study the science behind communication. They learn how to make communication more accessible to all while promoting good communication methods. If you’re interested in communications, you may take classes related to oral and visual rhetoric, as well as classes that help you learn how to best promote your message.
4. Advertising
If you’re an advertising major, you may hope to get into digital marketing, e-commerce, or sports marketing. What many advertising majors don’t realize, however, is that in order to land a highly competitive job in one of these areas, their degree should be directly in that field.
5. Creative Writing.
Creative writers truly have skills that are desirable for those who go on to publish stories and novels. However, their education is narrow and specific. During their education, students in a creative writing major learn how to tell a story with colorful words and create poetry while also learning about the professional writing process. Their writing is flowing and descriptive.
6. Computer Science
A degree in computer science may sound like you’re on the right track for a successful career after graduation. However, like many of the most useless college degrees, computer science is a difficult degree to use after you graduate.
7. Criminal Justice
A lot of students get ideas from TV shows and movies like NCIS or Criminal Minds that they want to study the field of criminal justice. Actors make jobs like detectives and special agents seem attractive and fun. However, the reality of jobs such as these is that they are not only dangerous but also few and far between.
8. Entrepreneurship.
A degree in entrepreneurship may sound great for those who look to start a business someday. However, the degree by itself is one of the most useless degrees. This is because students can get all the education they want, but without hands-on business experience, their learning will hardly mean a thing.
9. Culinary arts
Culinary arts may teach students how to cook and make their food look presentable, but it doesn’t teach students many skills beyond this. If you’re interested in pursuing a job as a cook or chef after college, then a degree may look good on a resume, but any other career will consider your training useless.
10. Education.
At first, this may seem like a highly useful degree. Teaching children is useful, right? However, many who enter the field quickly find that this isn’t as useful as it sounds.
11. Fashion design
A person who chooses to major in fashion design may have big dreams of beginning their own clothing brand, working as a designer for a major company or becoming a fashion marketer.
12. Ethnic and civilization studies.
Ethnic and civilization studies is a culturally relevant field that may seem to be a great choice at first glance. Given the current state of our nation, ethnic and civilization learners are not only important but essential to the progress of our country.
13. Languages
Studying languages is a great way to learn about other cultures and prepare for travel to other countries. While there are undoubtedly many benefits to learning multiple languages, the study of languages as a college degree is useless. Those who invest years of their education into perfecting a language may feel accomplished. But when they graduate, there is one important question burning in their minds: now what?
14. Philosophy
Philosophy majors study the nature of knowledge. It often seems like a paradoxical field, as students learn about learning and think about thinking. Although philosophers like Plato and Aristotle are household names and have truly made an impact on the world, philosophy is a hard field to break into.
15. Music
A music major may spend their time singing in the choir, playing in the band, or participating in extracurricular activities like a jazz band or a marching band. They also spend a significant amount of time in classes that study music history and composition. Music majors may even focus on a certain area like composition or conducting.
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