APM terminal recruitment container terminal job vacancies Douala Cameroon


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17 Responses

  • Comments17
  1. Fidelia Fitt says:

    Greetings sir/madam.
    I am Njock Fidelia Fitt, a holder of a bachelor’s degree in management and a master’s degree in logistics and Supply Chain Management.
    Writing this mail to apply for any vacancy in your distinguished establishment. Thanks

  2. Morgan says:

    Good evening madam/Sir,
    I am call chech Morgans. Holder of HND in marketing, also i am a holder of diploma in Maritime in transit.

    My purpose of this mail is to apply for the vacancy available in your prestigious company.

    I will be pleased to receive your reply.

  3. Modika Godlove says:

    Am overwarm with the coming of this verious port terminal it give hope for a positive growth in the Cameroon logistics system

  4. Michael Etim ibok says:

    Dear sir. I’m very interested to tender my application to APM terminal recruitment. I have serve other companies as Mechanical Engineering professionals I will like to submit my application. Like CV. Thanks so much sir God bless you and your family

  5. Api Kah Delis says:

    I am student from the University of Buea graduating in December 2019.I am 21 years old and I read English law.i wish to be employed in your company.
    Thank you for your kind attention. God bless you

  6. Tousse Cendra nouvelle says:

    A Monsieur le directeur de Guinness Cameroun

    Monsieur le directeur,
    J’ai l’honneur de venir auprès de votre haute hiérarchie sollicité un stage de vacance dans votre honorable entreprise.
    Étudiante à l’Université de douala option mathématiques niveau 2, et âgée de 19 ans, je souhaiterais que vous m’accordez un stage dans votre établissement pour une durée de 3 mois à partir de juin.
    Dans l’attente d’une réponse favorable, veillez agréer , Monsieur Le Directeur , l’expression de mon profond respect.

  7. Annie Christianne says:

    À Monsieur le Directeur Général de APM,
    Je viens par la présente note solliciter un emploi dans votre société en qualité d’aide comptable et financier.je suis titulaire d’un licence en Gestion obtenue à l’Université de Douala et d’une année Master 1 option comptabilité finance.
    Je reste à votre entière disposition pour tous les éléments complémentaires.
    Dans l’attente d’une suite favorable ,veuillez accepter Monsieur le Directeur Général l’expression de ma haute considération.

  8. Romuald arnaud says:

    Je suis un jeune camerounais à la recherche d’emploi j me nomme wafeu ngatchuessi Romuald j’ai un niveau bac+3 en génie thermique et énergétique veuillez agréé l’expression de mon profond respect monsieur ou madame


    s’il vous plaît comment faire pour postuler chez vous ?

  10. ngwa ngie nicholas says:

    greetings I’m a graduate from the school of maritime of national polytechnic bamenda and will wish to contribute to the goal of this shipping line

  11. Anja Godlove says:

    Most heartfelt greetings,,
    I wish to participate to attain the goals and objectives of this great company

  12. Nguiffo Alphonse says:

    s’il vous plait comment déposer son CV ici ?

    • JUNKO Vejene Munji says:

      I am interested in APM Terminal recruitment container Terminal job vacancy. I have study customs and transit. How can I forward my application to you.


    Good day Sir/Madam,

    I found interest with your coperation & wish to let you know, i have wide and varied experiences in the area of Building Maintenance, Administration, Logistics & Supply Chain management.

  14. Motale Nebota Mukete says:

    Dear sir, I am very interested to tender my application to APM terminal recruitment in Douala.

    I have serve other companies as safety officer, Roustabout and would like to submit my application .

    Sincerely would to have the right email to forward file.

  15. Tantoh Lawrence Nkuh says:

    The Email cmrpj@apmterminals.com seems not to be correct,.can i get an alternate Email to permit me forward my application for a job at ATM terminals container job.Trusting you for your assistance

  16. Tantoh Lawrence Nkuh says:

    Please how can i forward my application at the APM terminal recruitment container terminal job vacancies in Douala.
    . I have worked as safety officer for Cameroon Shipyard and Industrial Engineering Douala for about ten years and as Roustabout and HSE supervisor with NOBLE Drilling for about three years plus on its off shore deep sea Drilling operations.

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