ASTI Buea Division II University of Buea Entrance 2024-2025 first year Master Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters
ASTI Buea Division II University of Buea
Peace- Work-Fatherland
To launch the competitive entrance examination into the first year of the Master of Arts in Translation (Division II) of the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters ( ASTI Buea University of Buea Entrance 2024 ), University of Buea. for the 2024/2025 academic year.
of the Constitution.
of Decree No. 005 of 16 Apri 1 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education.
of Decree No. 20 II /-l1 0 of 09 December 20 II to organize the Government.
of Decrce No. 2011/410 of 09 December to appoint members of the Government.
of Decree No. 2005/142 of 29 April 2009 to organize the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decree No. 92/074 of 13 April 1992 to transform the Buea and Ngaoundere University centres into Universities.
of Decree No. 93/034 of 19 January 1993 to organize the University of Buea.
of Decree No. 93/027 of 19 January 1993 to fix the financial regime applicable to Universities.
of Decree No. 2005/342 of 10 September 2005 to modify and complete certain dispositions of Decree No. 93/027 of 19 January 1993 to lay down regulations for ail Universities.
of Decree No. 93/034 of 19 January 1993 to organize the University of Buea.
of Decree No. 99/003 of 19 January 1993 to modify certain dispositions of Decree No. 79/186 of 17 May 1979 to fix University fees.
of Decree No. 2005/383 of 17 October 2005 to fix financial procedures applicable to Universities.
of Decree No. 2005/344 of 10 September 2005 to appoint Rectors of State Universities.
of Decree No. 2012/333 of29 June 2012 to appoint the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea.
of Order No. 551/CABIPR of 7 August 1985 to create and organize the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters of the Buea University Centre.
of Order No. 24/0045/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 14 February 2024 to organize the calendar of competitive examinations into Faculties, Schools and Institutes of State Universities for the 2024/2025 academic year.
the proposal of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea.
ASTI Buea Division II University of Buea Entrance 2024-2025
Article 1:
An oral competitive entrance examination for the selection of twenty (20) students for admission into the first year of the Master of Arts in Interpretation (Division II) of the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI Buea Division II University of Buea), University of Buea, for the 2024/2025 academic year, shall take place on 16 and 17 September 2023 in the sole Centre of Buea.
Article 2:
The competitive entrance examination shall be open to male and female Cameroonians who hold a bachelor’s degree in any academic discipline or an equivalent qualification recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Cameroon. (Foreign candidates shall be selected after an examination oftheir application files).
Article 3: Complete application files
Complete application files shall be submitted to the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI Buea), University of Buea, P.O. Box 63 Buea, or to the Ministry of Higher Education (Room 917) Yaounde, not later than Friday, 11 September 2023 at 3.00 p.m. They must comprise the following documents: kamerpower.coom
- A handwritten application bearing a CFAF 1,000 (one thousand francs) fiscal stamp and clearly showing the candidate’s working languages. The language combinations offered for the 2023/2024 academic year are as follows:
- French A, English B.
- English A, French B.
- a certified true copy of the candidate’s birth certificate issued not more than 6 months ago.
- a certificate of non-conviction issued not more than 3 months ago.
- four (4) recent passport-size photographs (4cm x 4cm).
- a certified true copy of the bachelor’s degree or its recognised equivalent.
- transcripts of the bachelor’ s degree.
- an attestation of presentation of the original of the said diploma.
- a reeeipt of CFAF 20,000 (twenty thousand francs) for the examination, payable to ASTI (Advanced Sehool of Translators and Interpreters), University of Buea, in the following aecount:– BICEC Buea, account No. 98394442001-57.
- a written authorisation from the Public Service to sit for the examination for candidates who are civil servants.
- where applicable, an authorisation from the candidate’s employer.
- a large self-addressed envelope, bearing a CFAF 250 (two hundred and fifty francs) postage stamp.
Article 4: The competitive entrance examination shall comprise the following papers.
- Paper 1 (Coefficient 1): 1 hr.
Oral Examination
- Paper 2 (Coefficient 1): 1 hr.
Sight Translation from Language B into Language A and from Language A into Language B.
- Paper 3 (Coefficient 2): 2 hrs.
Consecutive Interpretation from Language B into Language A and from Language A into Language B.
- Paper 4 (Coefficient 2): 2 hrs.
Simultaneous Interpretation from Language B into Language A and Language A into Language B.
Article 5:
Candidates shall be assessed as follows:
- The candidate’s performance in the competitive examination shall account for 80% of the final mark.
- The candidate’s academic record shall represent 20% of the final mark.
Article 6: ASTI Buea Division II University of Buea.
Candidates are requested to report to the examination hall at least one hour before the beginning of examinations. A valid national identity card or passport will be required for admission into the examination hall.
Article 7:
Expenses partaining to this decision shall be covered by the budget of the University of Buea for the 2022 financial year.
Article 8:
The Vice-Chancellor of the University Buea and the Director of University Accreditation and Quality of Higher Education shall be responsible, each in his/her own sphere, for the implementation of this decision, which shall be registered and published in English and French.
- ASTI University of Buea Entrance Division I: selection of 70 students admission first year Master of Arts in Translation (Division I) ASTI
- Result of ASTI Buea University of Buea Division I, II 1st Year
- Calendar for entrance examination Cameroon institutions of State Universities.
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