BSc Biomedical Sciences FHS Buea Entrance Professional programme 2024-2025 University of Buea
BSc Biomedical Sciences FHS Buea Entrance Professional
BSc Biomedical Sciences FHS Buea Entrance Professional programme 2024-2025 University of Buea (written and Study of files – First year).
DECISION No. 17/00543 / MINESUP / SG / DAUQ / of 04 SEPT 2023.
To launch the competitive entrance examination for admission into the B.Sc. Professional programme in Biomedical Sciences in the FHS – Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea and to fix the number of places available for the 2023-2024 academic year.
of the constitution.
of law no 005 of 16th April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education.
of decree n° 2004/3 20 of 08th December 2004 to organize the government.
of decree n° 2004/322 of 08th December 2004 to appoint the members of government.
of decree n° 2005/ 142 of 29th April 2005 to organize the Ministry of Higher Education.
of decree n° 92/074 of 13th April 1992 to transform the Buea and Ngaoundere University Centres into Universities.
of decree n° 93/034 of 19 January 1993 to organize the University of Buea.
of decree n° 2012/333 of 29th June 2012 to appoint the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea.
of decree n° 93/027 of 19th January 1993 to lay down provisions common to all Universities, modified and completed by decree no 2005/342 of 10th September 2005.
of order n° 24/0045/ MINESUP /SG/ DAUQ /SDEAC/ SE of 14 February 2024 stipulating the calendar of activities for competitive entrance examinations into State Universities in Cameroon for the 2024/2025 academic year.
On the Proposal of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea.
Article 1:
The Entrance Examination for the admission of 40 (forty) students into the first year, of the Professional Bachelor of Science degree programme in Biomedical Sciences in the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2023/2024 academic year will take place on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th September 2023 at the Faculty of Health Sciences campus of the University of Buea.
Article 2:
The entrance examination into the Bachelor of Science Professional degree programme in Biomedical Sciences is open to all Cameroonian and foreign candidates who are holders of
- The G.C.E. Advanced Level in at least two relevant subjects(Biology and Chemistry) and the G.C.E. Ordinary Level in at least five subjects in one session including English Language and Mathematics.
- The Baccalaureat series C or D.
- Holders of equivalent qualifications as determined by the Minister of Higher Education are eligible to apply.
Article 3:
The completed application files which must be received at the Registrar’s Office, University of Buea, PO. Box 63 Buea by Friday 08th September 2023 should comprise the following documents:
- A completed application form obtainable from the office of the Registrar, University of Buea, upon presentation of a bank receipt of 10,000 FCFA addressed to the “The Accounting Officer, University of Buea.” This sum of money is payable to the following University of Buea bank account: BICEC Buea Account No. 100010 6842 98394742001-23.
- Registration fees are not refundable.
The documents should comprise the following:
- A certified-true copy of their birth certificate dated no more than six months.
- Two (2) recent passport size photographs.
- Certified-true copies of certificates/diplomas.
- Copies of transcripts (for candidates with the Baccalaureat certificate).
Incomplete files will not be considered.
Article 4:
The entrance examination will cover topics treated at the G.C.E. Ordinary, G.C.E. Advance Level and the Baccalaureat in the following areas:
- Biology Coef 3
- Chemistry Coef 2
- Physics Coef 2
- Use of English Coef2
- Oral Examination Coef 1
A study of the candidate’s academic background (quality of certificates and transcripts presented) shall constitute 40% (forty per cent) of the total marks of the entrance examination. The written and oral examinations shall carry the remaining 60% (sixty per cent).
Article 5:
Candidates writing the entrance examination for Biomedical Science degree programme should be at the Faculty of Health Sciences Campus of the University of Buea at least one hour before the start of the first subject, with their National identity cards or valid passports. No other form of identification will be accepted.
Article 6:
The expenditure resulting from this decision will be charged to the budget of the University of Buea, budgetary charge 620903 for the 2023 financial year.
Article 7:
The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea, the Director of Higher Education Development and the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences are each entrusted with the implementation of this decision which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever necessary.
- Biomedical Sciences program Entrance : Dschang University Level 1 Training Professional Program
- Biomedical Techniques Public Health Entrance MINFOPRA.
- Concours Faculty of Science University of Ngaoundere : FS first year Biomedical and Health Science
Greetings sir/madam
After having my biomedical science degree can I still write another concour to get into FHS medicine?
Plss can the. Not write the entrance to Biomedical science else where than in FSH Buea alone??
Please I will like to know more about the department of biomedical science.. And want to also know about the entrance exam
Please can submission of files be possible again??
Please can submission of files be possible again??
I have paid the Expression Union fee;
But I can’t find the online registration form for the Entrance into the Faculty of Health Sciences,University of Buea;speciality,Medicine.
Pls I wish to know how much is it for the entrance.And also when do preparation classes start for this 2019/2020 entrance
Pls I wish to know how much is it for the entrance