CEFAM Buea Local Government Training Centre


Kamerpower is dedicated to producing the best educational resources, orientation to students, insightful career advice including guides and how-tos. Our team also help students apply to foreign universities, counsels students towards their higher education dream while ensuring they get the best employment guide and career advice to help them after studies.Connect : Facebook, X, Pinterest, LinkedIn

9 Responses

  • Comments9
  1. Mande paul says:

    Good evening, please when will the competitive entrance be launch this year 2020

  2. NENBA says:

    Good evening to all of you, I am nenba noumbele , please I beg you to give me the moment effectivily for this competitive . thank you

  3. Abeche blessing nasah says:

    Am interested Please when will it be launched this year

  4. Abeche blessing nasah says:

    Please when will the one for this year be launched

  5. ACHIRI PRIDE says:

    I am Pride Achiri, i really like this school but what i don’t know is how many years does it take to launch the entrance examination. in short when will this entrance examination be launched again

  6. charles says:

    bonjour a tous j’aimerai faire le concours du CEFAM je voudrai savoir comment sa se deroule et comment établir mon dossier merci

  7. Galdala David says:

    Bonsoir Monsieur. Je Suis Un Camerounais Qui Cherche À Se Presenter Comme Candidat À Ce Concours. Mon Soucis Est De Savoir Quand Est Ce Que Je Peux Constituer Mon Dossier?

  8. betty peace says:

    am 24yrs can I take the exam. I really like the school

  9. Entrance in to cefam buea for this year

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