Incentives for private investment Cameroon: Small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon
Incentives for private investment Cameroon APME : Agence de promotion des PME cameroun.
APME legal framework: Incentives for private investment Cameroon APME : Agence de promotion des PME cameroun. This comprises a law and decrees relating to the creation, organisation and functioning of the Small and Medium-Sized Promotion Agency (APME). Loi n° 2010/001 du 13 avril 2010 portant promotion des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises au Cameroun. Law No 2010/001 of 13 April 2010 to promote small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon.
- Law No 2010/001 of 13 April 2010 to promote small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon which lays down the general framework for the promotion of SMEs.
- Decree No 2013 / 092 of 3 April 2013 on the organization and functioning of the Small and Medium-Sized Promotion Agency, as amended and supplemented by decree No 2013/297 of 9 September 2013, reflects the will of Cameroon’s authorities to improve upon the mechanism to implement the National Policy on the promotion of SMEs.
APME vision
« Become a reference support tool to SMEs »
APME missions
The decree on the organisation and functioning of APME confers on it five (5) major categories of missions:
- Contributing to the implementation of the SMEs promotion strategy;
- Promoting and building managerial capacities.
- Improving the competitiveness of Cameroonian SMEs by offering assistance, facilitation and support services.
- Being a lever of emergence.
- Contributing to the increase in GDP and massive creation of decent jobs.
Objectives: small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon
General objective
The general objective is to offer services and products that contribute to the creation and development of Cameroon’s SMEs thus rendering them more:
- efficient
- innovative
- competitive.
- responsible.
Specific objectives
- facilitate the creation of new SMEs.
- support and follow up the development of existing SMEs;
- develop a partnership network around the SMEs with a view to creating an enabling and efficient eco-system for performance.
- put in place a dynamic and efficient information system on and for SMEs;
- insure the eligibility of SMEs to the investment incentives systems.
APME targets and partners
The Agency’s core target consists of:
Active SMEs
Projects promoters across the country.
They include national and international organizations with common goals (conduct of statutory missions).
Implementation strategy
- Support to business creation;
- Assistance to the development of existing enterprises;
- Assistance to SMEs to attain eligibility to the investment incentives system;
- Implementation of the SMEs information system;
- Development of partnership network for efficient SMEs;
- Establishment of inter-enterprise partnerships;
- Implementation of a sustainable development process for the Agency.
In general, for enterprises under creation, it is important to:
- establish and organize a national mechanism for the promotion of the spirit and culture of entrepreneurship;
- identify and support a national integrated system of business incubators and nurseries.
- establish and organize a mechanism of support to the enterprises created.