Job offer Diageo – Guinness Cameroon S.A : Finance Director Partner and Emerging Market


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9 Responses

  • Comments9
  1. Koi Sebastian says:

    Am called Koi Sebastian, a holder of a Bachelor Degree of Technology in Banking and Finance, will be much delighted if Guiness can fit me in. Am 24 of age….

  2. Gahmuti Betrand says:

    master degree in water supply and sanitation in FASA university of Dschang ,how can i have internship with CAMWATER

  3. Mponge says:

    Hello!am a young graduate of MBA.i wish to deposite my infos.if i can work in your Institution. Thanks

  4. Ngala Dudu Ernestine says:

    I wish to seek a job in your institution, I am holder of baccalaureate technique obtained in secretariat studies, I am 30 years of age and a Cameroonian by birth, I will be very happy if my application is taken in to consideration

  5. Hilda Enanga Tseyah Ndze-eh says:

    I wish to apply for a job. I am a cameroonian and a holder of the Advance level certificate. I am aged 21 and will will be happy to use my youthfulness to develop any organisation. Thanks. Contact: 653478662

  6. Asunyu Odette says: a young graduate from a professional school studied agricultural sciences..wish to deposite my info here if i can work in ur institutions thanks.

  7. anuka van breakelen forpenah says:

    please i wish to apply for a job in douala ndokoti

    please i wish to apply for a job.

  8. anuka van breakelen forpenah says:

    am breakelen i live in douala.i wish to be partner with guinness me +237671098620.+237651599558

  9. ekokobe maxcelous says:

    Please I wish to apply for a job.

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