MINEPIA Cameroon Entrance into CNFZV 2024-2025 Maroua, Jakiri
MINEPIA Cameroon Entrance into CNFZV 2024-2025 Maroua, Jakiri
MINEPIA Cameroon
N° 00017 /C/ MINEPIA /SG/CEFZVH OF 06 JUIL 2023
MINEPIA Cameroon Entrance into CNFZV 2024-2025 Maroua, Jakiri. The Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries as hereby, informs the public that the competitive entrance examination into the Nationnal Zootechnical and Veterinary Training Centre for the first year of the cycles I, II and III is open for the academic year 2024/2025.
The following options are available:
For the cycle I (GCE.O. L)
- Assistant Veterinary Nurse ;
- Assistant Livestock Technician.
- Assistant Aquaculture Technician.
For cycle II (1 A-Level + 2 papers in O Levels without religion)
- Veterinary Nurse;
- Livestock Technician ;
- Aquaculture Technician .
- Fisheries Technician.
For cycle III (G.C.E – Levels)
- Agropastoral Adviser (CAP), in the Nationnal Zootechnical and Veterinary Training Centre of Maroua and Jakiri.
- Agropastoral Entrepreneurship (EAP) in the Nationnal Zootechnical and Veterinary Training ing Centre of Foumban.
Applications can be submitted no later than August 21, 2023 in the MINEPIA Regional Delegations. The competitive entrance examination will take place in the ten Headquaters of Regions, from the 05 and 06 September 2023.
Persons concerned are invited to contact the decentralized services of the said Ministry or contact the following phone numbers 6 971 77 103/222 23 11 72 for more informations.
- Concours 70 Livestock and Maritime Fishing MINFOPRA Cameroon direct recruitment.
- Animal Industries Entrance MINFOPRA Cameroon to recruit personnel.
3 Responses