Postgraduate University of Yaounde I online registration procedures 2024-2025 (Master II and PhD programmes)


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15 Responses

  • Comments15
  1. PETER ANJECK Jacob says:

    Bonjour svp l’inscription en thèse est-elle encore possible ? Si oui comment m’y prendre vu que le site d’inscription ne s’ouvre plus?

  2. Yufenyuy Berinyuy Frankline says:

    I cannot see my documents for registration. what do i do to get the online form which i have registered already. thanks


    I wish to apply for a Masters degree program in Creative Writing. I hold a Post Graduade Diploma in Education, have been teaching for the past 18 years and an author of many literary pieces in drama, prose and poetry.

  4. Asongaya cyntia says:

    Please is registration still open for masters 1?

  5. Ewang says:

    When is the deadline for masters 1 in biochemistry 2018-2019 please

  6. Ewang says:

    How do we apply for masters 1 in biochemistry 2018/2019 and what’s the deadline for registration

  7. Hai says:

    If you need help in getting admitted, registered into any institution, contact me via whatsapp 657198007

  8. Mosaka Rosa says:

    hello please i need directives on how to apply for masters 1 in project management and the latest date


  9. ngwayu gideon says:

    please i have not seen the platform to apply for masters 1 in univ of yaounde 1. please i need directives on requirements needed and the latest date. wish to apply for curriculum studies and teaching or educational foundations and administration under faulty of education.


    registration for master2 ogramer

  11. Sarjo Bayo says:

    My name is Sarjo Bayo a Gambian . I have not seen on line registration for Masters’ program.Please kindly help me out

  12. Forby says:

    I am not able to get application/registration procedure info on uy2 for freshmen masters 1. I have Bsc in ecn from ub and wish to take up Msc studies in SOA.

  13. Mbi Alice Enekegbe says:

    I have not seen admission into the post graduate schools for 2016/2017

  14. Foncha Felix says:

    i have difficulties to do the online preregistration for yaounde1 PhD

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