Recruitment at British American Tobacco – BAT : Merchandiser


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10 Responses

  • Comments10
  1. Bertrand Vunyoh V says:

    Interested sir and will put in the best of my knowledge and ready to learn at all times towards the success of the company if given the opportunity.

  2. Bertrand Vunyoh V says:

    Interested sir and will put in the best of my know how if given the opportunity. No experience in that field but 5 years experience in the field of 679167190

  3. Njang Simon Enow says:

    Sir,am willing and able to work for the realisation of your company objectives.
    Am a cameroonian and a lawyer with the Rwanda Bar Association.
    Before becomming an advocate,i worked with Atemec Publishers as commercial director for the south west .

  4. essambe cyrille says:

    interested in the job offer have no experience yet and hoping to acquire the necessary experience in your organization as a team

  5. MUNEER M.T says:

    Having a two years and three months working experience of (ITC) indian tubaco combany merchandiser

  6. Baligna Thomas says:

    Baligna Thomas

  7. Taku Franklin Tabot says:

    Greetings sir/madame, I wish to declare my interest for this job opportunity,as a person am very much delighted to work as a team, be time concious, and respect of senior staff for the better functioning and attaimentertainment of company goals
    Contact :675615002/668999005

  8. Tehlog ebami candide says:

    Am interested to work and make the company grow further in the near future

  9. Bisong Simon Egoh says:

    I am interested in the job and I believe to bring out my best being sincere and pure at heart to send the company far and also to achieve it’s aims.

  10. Tchotcha Mbiawa Hugues martial says:

    Tchotcha Mbiawa
    Hugues Martial

    J’ai l’honneur de venir très respectueusement auprès de votre haute personnalité sollicité un poste dans votre société.
    En effet je suis âgé de 30 ans et j’ai une licence en gestion d’entreprise et je souhaiterai pouvoir travailler dans votre société et accepter tout poste pouvant correspondre à ma qualification.
    Le dynamisme, le respect, la ponctualité et la persévérance sont mes plus grand atout.
    Restant à votre disposition pour convenir d’un dialogue, et compléter toutes autres informations, veuillez agrée Monsieur l’expression de mes sincères salutations.

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