18 Essential Social Work Skills You Need To Be A Social Worker
18 Essential Social Work Skills You Need To Be A Social Worker. Professionals in the Social work field need to develop a unique skill set in order to excel in the workplace. Social work is a dynamic and demanding profession that requires a variety of skills and qualities. Employment within the field is growing fast.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were approximately 715,600 social workers employed in the U.S. in 2020, and it projects overall employment in the field to grow by 12% between 2020 and 2030, much faster than projected for the labor market as a whole. It’s important for these professionals to continually practice and develop a unique skill set in order to remain current and keep up with the demands of the job.
What are social work skills?
Social work skills include a variety of soft skills, such as organization and communication, and skills directly related to the job, like client evaluation. Social workers can develop these skills through education, training and experience.
What Are The Essential Skills You Need To Become A Social Worker
1. Organization
People who work in social care often have busy schedules and a wide range of responsibilities in addition to managing and supporting their clients, including documentation, reporting, billing and collaboration. Therefore, social workers need to be extremely organized and able to prioritize clients’ needs in order to effectively manage cases.
2. Time management
Flexibility and dependability are the chief objectives of maintaining impeccable time management skills. With a little bit of organization and abandoning any procrastination, you can ensure you can manage your time more efficiently. Time management is critical to your position, but this can be challenging when you have multiple individuals to work with as part of your job.
3. Multitasking
It’s important to be able to compartmentalize cases. Being able to work on more than one thing at a time is a great skill to have, but you’ll need to make sure you don’t get information confused. You could be on the phone with one client while writing a report about another.
4. Intervention
You connect patients with medical professionals. You find employment opportunities for the unemployed. You get clients in touch with family members who have decided to no longer keep in touch with them.
5. Leadership
As a social worker, you’re advocating for your clients, a pursuit that requires leadership skills. As a leader, you’re obtaining the necessary resources for clients, getting services that communities require and exacting change to empower your clients’ lives. With your leadership, you’re creating new initiatives, eliminating outdated programs, and proposing policies to help everyone.
6. Communication
In social work, communication is your primary task day in and day out. One of the key requirements for any social worker is having the ability to communicate effectively, regularly and in various ways, verbally and in writing. Communicating with your colleagues and supervisor is also essential.
7. Emotional intelligence
Many people talk of having a high IQ, but have you heard of having a high EQ, otherwise known as emotional intelligence? This is something that a lot of social workers inherently have, which is often the reason why they want to enter this field. By maintaining a commendable EQ level, you’re typically self-aware and sensitive to your clients’ wellbeing.
8. Problem solving
Every day, someone comes to you to help solve their problems, whether it’s trying to stay under a roof after missing rent payments or staying away from alcohol after a rough day at the office. It can be difficult to try and come up with reasonable and relevant solutions to ensure they do not break down, lose their jobs or return to drugs.
9. Engagement
The most effective social worker is one who has this one key trait: engagement. Whether it’s showing interest in a case or being excited about working with someone, being an engaging social worker is a soft skill that is essentially a prerequisite for these professionals.
10. Observation
Being observational is one of the many critical skills required of a social worker since you are combing through details and quantifying things as you notice them. This is done by maintaining an observational journal and having great active listening skills to ensure you are making notes in your mind about the individual.
11. Empathy
Empathy is the ability to identify with and understand another person’s experience and point of view. NASW defines it as the act of perceiving, understanding, experiencing and responding to the emotional state and ideas of another person. Stepping into someone else’s shoes and recognizing that experiences, perceptions and worldviews are unique to each individual enables social workers to better understand and build stronger relationships with clients.
12. Active listening
Active listening is a key skill in much of a social worker’s daily role. By engaging with the other person, reflecting on what they say and following along the conversation are elements of active listening. This is an essential skill because it builds trust, establishes a cordial relationship, and conveys respect.
13. Cultural Awareness
Among the most important skills of a social worker is a refined sense of cultural awareness. Working with clients from different socioeconomic, ethnic and racial backgrounds requires a great deal of openness and respect. Social workers use their sense of cultural awareness to help inform their interpersonal relationships and communicate effectively with a diverse range of individuals.
14. Self-care
Social work can be demanding and emotionally stressful, so it is important to engage in activities that help you to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Self-care refers to practices that help to reduce stress and improve health and well-being – engaging in these practices helps to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue and is crucial to having a sustainable career.
15. Respect
Treating individuals with respect is one of the more important skills you’ll need to have to become a social worker. You’ll be working with people from many diverse backgrounds with different beliefs than those you hold. Being respectful of these beliefs and treating people with dignity, no matter their background, is essential.
16. Professional commitment
Being successful in social work requires lifelong learning. Social workers must have a professional commitment to social work values and ethics, and to continuously developing professional competence. This commitment is necessary for fulfilling the mission of social workers.
17. Patience
Social workers encounter an array of circumstances and individuals in their work. It is important to have patience to work through complex cases and with clients who need longer periods of time to make progress. This empowers social workers to understand the client’s situation and avoid hasty decision-making and frustration that can lead to costly errors and poor outcomes for the client.
18. Collaboration
Social workers don’t work alone; they collaborate with other agencies for the best possible outcome. Mental health social workers, for example, work with community mental health nurses, psychiatrists, and psychologists to provide the best level of care they can for their client. If you work better within a team that’s working towards a common goal, that’s great.
4 Best Ways to improve social work skills
- Make a list of your current skill set: Evaluate your current skills to learn more about how comfortable you feel, and to identify abilities you want to develop. Take notes or make a list of how you work and what skills you might need to improve.
- Ask for feedback: Ask trusted friends, colleagues and managers for feedback about your current skills. They should be able to provide a different perspective that can help you determine where you excel and where you can improve.
- Practice: You can improve many skills, such as organization and time management, with practice. Take every opportunity you have to practice, and continue to ask for feedback periodically to measure your progress.
- Take courses online: There are many courses you can complete online that can help you improve certain soft skills. You can often find free courses that you can finish on your own time.