National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Exam Cameroon 2024-2025 medical training
National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Exam Cameroon.
National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Exam Cameroon 2024-2025 medical training.
ORDER N° 20/00586 /MINESUP/SG/CNFMP/na OF 24 July 2023.
To lay down general conditions for the organization of the National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic examination for medical training in Cameroon for the academic year 2023/2024.
Mindful of
The Constitution.
Law No.2001/005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education.
Law No. 2007/006 of 26 December 2007 to determine the financial regime of the State.
Decree No. 73/796 of 20 December 1973 to reorganise the University Center For Health Sciences.
Decree No. 92/074 of 13 April 1992 to transform the University Centres of Buea and Ngaoundere into Universities.
Decree No. 93/026 of 19 January 1993 to create Universities.
Decree No. 93/027 of 19 January 1993 to lay down general regulations applicable to Universities as amended and supplemented by Decree N°2005/342 of 10 September 2005.
Decree No. 2001/832/PM of 19 September 2001 to lay down general regulations applicable to private institutions of higher Education.
Decree No. 2010/971 of 14 December 2010 to create a State University in Bamenda.
Decree No. 2011/408 of 9 December 2011 to organise the Government.
Decree No. 2011/410 of 9 December 2011 to appoint members of Government.
Decree No.2012/433 of 1 October 2012 to organise the Ministry of Higher Education.
Decree No. 2013/093 of 3 April 2013 to organise the Ministry of Public Health.
Decree No. 2013/ 159 of 15 May 2013 to determine the special regime for the administrative control of public finances.
Order No. 055/PM of 10 June 2013 on the creation, organisation and functioning of the National Commission for medical and pharmaceutical training in Cameroon.
Press release No. 24/00011/ MINESUP/DAUQ/na of 14 February 2024 issued at the end of deliberations of the 6th session of the National Commission for Medical, Pharmaceutical and Odonto-stomatological Training in Cameroon.
Article 1.
- A National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Examination to validate the first six (6) years in of medical, pharmaceutical and odonto-stomatological training in State faculties and authorized private institutions of Higher Education is hereby launched for the academic year 2023/2024, for these subject fields.
- Papers for the above mentioned national examination shall take place on Friday, 09th and 10th October 2023.
Article 2.
- The National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Examination for medical training in institutions of Higher education shall be open to Cameroonians of both sexes and shall be written in one session.
- Eligible candidates for the National Clinical and Therapeutic Comprehensive examination must have validated written papers, clinical papers and practicals at the end of their 6th year.
Article 3.
The National Clinical and Therapeutic Comprehensive Examination shall be organized in a single session per year under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education.
Article 4.
- Each Head of institution shall forward to the Department of University Accreditations and Quality of the Ministry of Higher Education, room 1536, the list of candidates authorized to sit for the examination.
- The comprehensive list of eligible candidates in each institution shall be deposited against signature latest on Wednesday 30th September 2023.
Article 5. (1) Application files shall comprise the following documents:
- An individual information sheet duly fllled-in by the candidate to be (downloaded from the sites www.concours-mé and This form bearing an identification number shall be printed out by the candidate.
(2) Only candidates registered on the official lists signed by competent academic authorities shall be authorized to sit for the examination.
Article 6.
The National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Examination shall comprise papers in the following subjects:
(1) General Medicine
A written paper made up solely of multiple choice questions (MCQ) divided in two parts:
- The first part, which shall last three hours, relating to the following specialties:
General medicine and sub specialties, Pediatrics and Public Health. It shall be marked out of 50.
- The second part, which shall last three hours, shall focus on the following specialties: Surgery and sub-specialties, Gynaecology-Obstetrics and Anesthesia. It shall be marked out of 50.
- A clinical paper (paper on short cases), to last for one hour, shall be a power point presentation of clinical cases covering the main areas of medicine. It shall be marked out of 30.
- A patient paper (paper on long cases), to last for one hour, shall be marked out of 70.
(a) These papers shall be written according to the following indications:
Nature of papers | Examination Centre | Institutions Concerned |
Written paper | Yaounde | Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/UYI. |
Higher Institute of Health Sciences of Bangangte. | ||
Higher Institute of Medical Technologies of Nkolodom. | ||
Douala | Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences/UD | |
Buea. Bamenda. | Faculty of Health Sciences/UB. Faculty of Health Sciences/UBa. | |
Clinical paper (short cases) | Yaounde | Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/UYI |
Higher Institute of Health Sciences of Bangangte. | ||
Higher Institute of Medical Technologies of Nkolodom. | ||
Douala | Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences/UD. | |
Buea Bamenda. | Faculty of Health Sciences/UB. Faculty of Health Sciences/UBa. | |
Patient paper (Long cases) | Yaounde | Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/UYI. |
Higher Institute of Health Sciences of Bangangte. | ||
Bangangte | Higher Institute of Medical Technologies of Nkolodom. | |
Douala | Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences/UD. | |
Buea. Bamenda. | Faculty of Health Sciences/UB. Faculty of Health Sciences/UBa. |
(b) the practical paper would take place from October 19th to October 23rd 2023.
(2) Odontostomatology – National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Exam Cameroon.
The national examination for this field shall be comprise written papers and an oral examination:
Written papers shall comprise the following:
- A written paper (50%) consisting of 200 MCQs on specific oral teachings of Bachelor and Master cycles.
- A paper on general medicine consisting of 100 MCQs on main disciplines relating to oral medicine.
- A paper on general public health and oral public health.
A practical paper shall be made up of
- Long cases on the presentation of a clinical case at the hospital.
- Short cases based on the projection of 20 clinical cases at the amphi which require instant answers.
These papers shall be written according to the following indications:
Nature of papers | Examination Centre | Schools Concerned |
Written paper | Yaounde | Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/UYI. |
Higher Institute of Health Sciences of Bangangte. | ||
Practical paper | Yaounde | Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/UYI. |
Bangangte | Higher Institute of Health Sciences of Bangangte. |
(3) Pharmacy
The national examination in this field shall comprise of written papers and a practical paper:
- The first written paper, to last for 3 hours, shall take into consideration the programme of the preceding 6 years and shall be presented in the form of MCQs, CROQs and written comments in Public Health. It shall comprise 200 questions (coefficient 1).
- The second cross-cutting written paper for all candidates to the assessment shall focus on clinical pharmacy
- The practical paper, to last for one hour shall be left to the free choice of candidates depending on the pre-option. It shall focus on the reading of a prescription, pharmacy preparation, biological analysis, (coefficient 1)
These papers shall be written according to the following indications:
Nature of papers | Examination Centre | Institutions Concerned |
Written paper. | Yaounde | Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/UYI. |
Higher Institute of Health Sciences of Bangangte. | ||
Douala | Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences/UD. | |
Practical paper. | Yaounde | Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/UYI. |
Bangangte | Higher Institute of Health Sciences of Bangangte. | |
Douala | Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences/UD. |
Article 7 .
(1) The programme of the National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic examination shall be a synthesis of the six years of study in medicine, pharmacy or odontostomatology.
Article 8.
At the end of the examination, the jury appointed by the Minister of Higher Education shall draw a list of successful candidates in the national competitive examination by order of merit.
Article 9 .
The final results are published through a press release by the Minister of Higher Education.
Article 10 .
Heads of State University Institutions, Heads of Institutions authorised to offer medical trainings and the Director of University Accreditations and Quality of the Ministry of Higher Education are responsible, each in his own sphere, for the implementation of this Order which shall be registered and published everywhere need arises.
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National Comprehensive Clinical and Therapeutic Exam Cameroon medical training.