Cameroon GCE A Level Food Science and Nutrition syllabus
Cameroon GCE A Level Food Science and Nutrition syllabus
Cameroon GCE A Level 740 Food Science and Nutrition syllabus
740 Food Science and Nutrition
Kamerpower team always have its viewers best interest at heart, so we always make sure we bring to your door step any article that will be of help to you all, especially as all GCE candidates preparing for their registered subjects this year 2022. Cameroon GCE A Level Food Science and Nutrition syllabus.
Cameroon GCE A Level Food Science and Nutrition syllabus
Candidates should be aware that Food Science and Nutrition should be studied in relation to other science subjects as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, etc.
The subject should meet all aspects of Food Science and Nutrition and their application in Food Technology.
The examination may only be taken at centres which have suitable equipment for practical tests and are approved for the purpose.
- Provide informed career choices in Nutrition, Food Technology and the Biological Sciences e.g. Nursing, Medicine.
- Enable acquisition of knowledge in the principles of food safety measures and food security systems that enhance individual, family, community and national health.
- Foster inventiveness, originality, creativity and to conduct research and meet the Changing needs of individuals and families. To emphasize practical skills in Food Science and Nutrition.
- Enable students to adapt to rapid technological changes, the growth of scientific knowledge and the interactions of customs and values in a culturally, socially and economically diverse society.
- Educate students as intelligent consumers and producers of goods in order to ensure good family living.
- General objectives
The curriculum should achieve the following objectives:
- Comprehension of basic knowledge and principles of Food Science and Nutrition.
- Acquisition of knowledge in Consumer Education.
- Acquisition of knowledge in the principles of food processing, conservation of nutrients, and planning of balanced meals that suit different occasions
- Comprehension of kinds of foods that will meet the recommended dietary requirements of the different population age groups: and nutrients that promote health and reduce the incidence of sickness in the population.
- Appraisal of Food Science and Nutrition as applicable in the food manufacturing industry.
- Prepare students for initiatives in job creation, occupational and professional employments.
- Assessment objectives:
The examination will test the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning outcome.
GCE A Level Food Science and Nutrition syllabus
Knowledge (AO1)
- Identify, recall and express knowledge of nutritional facts, terms, principles, concepts, relationship, experimental techniques etc.
- Recognize career choice in Food Science and Nutrition, Food Technology and Biological sciences e.g. Nursing and Medicine.
Comprehension (AO1)
- Develop an understanding of the dietary goals and health of the community.
- Demonstrate knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding of appropriate practical techniques and safety precautions.
Application (AO2)
- Constructing hypothesis, designing experiments, making demonstrations, recording accurate observations and interpreting results.
- Relationship between nutritional needs and health of the society.
Analysis (AO3)
Demonstrate understanding of knowledge of Food Science and Nutrition and use it to solve problems including those of personal, social, economic and the changing technological nature.
Synthesis (AO4)
Select and organize information and skills, relevant to particular ideas and attitudes in Food Science and Nutrition and coherently communicate them.
Evaluation (AO5)
Interpret the socio-economic and technological applications of Food Science and Nutrition in society.
740 Practical Components
The assessment of the practical (experimental and investigative) skills should focus on the ‘POAE` skill areas listed in AO5 below:
AO5: Candidates will be required to show their ability to:
- Devise and plan experimental or investigative procedures –P,
- Obtain evidence or result, recording it methodically and presenting it in a suitable form –O,
- Analyse this evidence, and use it to draw conclusions-A,
- Evaluate evidence –E.
- Cameroon GCE board syllabus O Level Food and Nutrition
- Cameroon GCE A Level Physics syllabus.
- Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) Fellowship Programme