Cameroon GCE board syllabus O Level Food and Nutrition
Cameroon GCE board syllabus O Level Food and Nutrition syllabus.
540 Food and Nutrition
Cameroon GCE board syllabus O Level Food and Nutrition.
Kamerpower team always have its viewers best interest at heart, so we always make sure we bring to your door step any article that will be of help to you all, especially as all GCE candidates preparing for their registered subjects this year. Cameroon GCE board syllabus O Level Food and Nutrition O Level Food and Nutrition syllabus.
Food and Nutrition is an applied science and is cuts across both arts and science disciplines. The discipline is suitable for both the needs of boys and girls for future development. The syllabus includes a study of food in relation to current dietary theories and the effects of modern technology on food preparation. It allows students to acquire knowledge, skills and competence to support a life-long living in a culturally diverse society.Ordinary Level 540 Food and Nutrition is a scientific and social discipline combining theory with practice, designed to equip the students with knowledge, comprehension and application with the basic principles of food and nutrition practices. The skills acquired will enable them to be productive in nutrition practices as well as develop their career profile.
Examination on the syllabus may only be taken at centres which have suitable equipment for practical tests and are approved for the purpose.
- To foster an appreciation of Food and Nutrition as a scientific discipline relevant to:
- Health, physical, social, psychological and aesthetic well- being of people at different stages of life and different circumstances.
- The production, processing, distribution and retailing trades.
- Develop an understanding of inter-dependence within the family and community.
- Enable candidates to become adaptable to rapid technological changes, the growth of scientific knowledge and the interactions of customs and values in a culturally, socially and economically diverse society.
- Stimulate and sustain an interest in the psychological function of nutrition, understand and follow up professions which involve the study of Food and Nutrition and to educate the individual for the family.
- Develop the ability to make informed judgment and choices about the use of food available to the family in everyday life.
- Develop interest in creativity and skills,necessary for food preparation, storage and preservation.
Assessment Objectives (AO) and Weightings
The candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
AO1:(Knowledge and Understanding).
- Recall, select and communicate their knowledge and understanding of Food and Nutritionconcepts, issues and terminology.
- Demonstrate knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding of appropriate practical techniques and safety precautions.
AO2: (Application)
- Apply knowledge and understanding of dietary goals and demonstrate understanding of the appropriate choices of foods which provide enjoyment and show efficient use of time and skills in their production.
- Apply skills and knowledge to provide evidence on which choices and decisions are made in a variety of contexts.
- Apply knowledge and understanding of the planning of balanced meals that suit different occasions
- Analyse and assessrelevant resources and equipment for use in a variety of circumstances.
- Assess and evaluate concepts of Food and Nutrition and use them to solve health and nutritional problems
In planning and carrying out the practical component (paper 3), candidates shall be.
Assess on their ability to POAE: i.e.
- Devise and plan the cooking of relevant meals. i.e. -P
- Obtain evidence, recording it methodically and presenting it in a suitable form -O
- Analyse this evidence and use it to carry out the task requested. to -A
- Evaluate evidence and draw conclusions –E
The examination comprises of three parts:
Paper 1
The paper shall consist of 50 compulsory Multiple Choice Questionsfor duration of1hour 30 minutes. Questions will be drawn from the entire syllabus.There are 50 marks available for this paper and it is weighted40 % of the total marks for the GCE examination in this subject.
Paper 2
Essay and problem solving papercomprising six questions. Candidates shall answer four of the six questions for100 marks; and for duration of 2 hours.Questions shall be drawn from the entire syllabus. Weighting: 30 %
Paper 3
The candidates shall beinternally-assessed (at school level and supervised by both internal
and external supervisors ). This shall be done intwo parts:
Part A:Drawn- up Test (Written Preparation):
This shall involve the drawing up and interpretation of the examination question. It shall take2 hours and must be donewith at least one day in-between the actual practical test of hours.This section shall carry 20 marks.
Part B: Cookery (practical test):
hours practical preparation based on the task drawn up in part A. This paper shall carry 40 marks and weighted 30 % of the total marks of the Food and Nutrition examination.
Recipe books may be used in the practical preparation and the practical test. Textbooks shall not allow in the examination hall.
Cameroonian foods and their methods of preparation should be taken care of in the course of preparing candidates for this paper. It should also involve:
- Local kitchen improvement and conversion to modern kitchens.
- Equipment and appliances, local and modern, their use, scientific principles etc.
- “Convenience”food imported and local e.g.garri, water fufu, flours from yam, corn, plantains, cassava, potatoes, dried vegetables.
more details can be found here.
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