Cameroon GCE board O Level Mathematics syllabus
Cameroon GCE board O Level Mathematics syllabus.
570 Mathematics
Cameroon GCE board O Level Mathematics syllabus.
Kamerpower team always have its viewers best interest at heart, so we always make sure we bring to your door step any article that will be of help to you all, especially as all GCE candidates preparing for their registered subjects this year . Cameroon GCE board O Level Mathematics syllabus.
The subject Mathematics is designed to introduce to students certain fundamental concepts and notions in Mathematics. This exemplifies all units of Mathematics emphasised through a blending of ‘Traditional’ and ‘Modern’ approaches to the subject.
It is observed that, Additional Mathematics broaden students’ knowledge by treating more topics in addition to those in Mathematics. The two syllabuses, when successfully offered by students, should place him/her in a favourable position to further studies.
The aims of the course Mathematics should enable the students to:
i acquire knowledge and understanding of the nature, reasoning and purpose of learning Mathematics.
ii put mathematical knowledge and skills acquired into use in other disciplines, real-life situations, employment opportunities and further studies.
iii stimulate and sustain interests in observations, inquiry, investigations and make logical conclusions.
iv meet up with the demands of mathematical knowledge in competitive examinations in the Republic of Cameroon and elsewhere.
Complete coverage of the syllabus should provide students with the ability to:
i. apply mathematical knowledge and skills in arts, design and projects etc.
ii. read, write and talk about Mathematics in a variety of ways.
iii. evaluate information in different forms and establish relationships among different physical quantities in Mathematics.
iv. extract, select, order and present facts, ideas and opinions.
v. demonstrate the various mathematical approach to solve problems of all types (e.g. problem solving, creative work, select an appropriate mathematical method etc).
Assessment items based on (2) above and (6) content below will test candidates’ ability
a. to recall, apply and interpret mathematical knowledge in context and everyday situation.
b. to do calculation by applying a combination of mathematical skills and techniques and setting out mathematical work in a logical and clear form.
c. to organise, interpret and present information accurately in written, tabulated, graphical and diagrammatical forms using mathematical notations and terminology.
d. to transform and make appropriate use of mathematical statements expressed in words or symbols.
e. to recognise patterns and structures in a variety of situations, form generalizations and make logical deductions from mathematical data.
Candidates should be familiar with the following formulae:
click here for more info
- Cameroon GCE board O Level Additional Mathematics syllabus
- Cameroon GCE A Level Further Math syllabus
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