Cameroon GCE Results 2023


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368 Responses

  • Comments368
  1. Ndum Vanissa Aku says:

    Pls I need to see my gce AL results. WhatsApp me on 670360157

  2. Boya romaric says:

    O/level 1123 je suis pas dans la ville donc j’ai pas ça en tête 1123 nom boya romaric

  3. ange arsene says:

    Please check rresult for the name matricule NKEN MANDENG ANGE ARSENE and matricule 114337089

  4. Yasser Arafat says:

    Please need A-level results 2021 for GBHS BERTOUA. My whatsap 237656664496.

  5. Mrs carollina says:


    MR. DAVID. +2347058236867.

  6. Zoupombi Basile says:

    Result for center number 22084 Douala external
    Candidate number 220847214 zoupombi Basile
    My WhatsApp number is 650383171

  7. Zoupombi Basile says:

    Pls i wish to know my result. Center number 22084 Douala external.
    Candidate number 220847214. On my WhatsApp number 650383171

  8. Mbanwe njibir says:

    Hi, how
    can I do to get my advan
    ce level slip from gbhs molyko 2016 , I am very far please some want help me to have the email address of gce bord sauth west Region CAMEROON

  9. Ako levis says:

    Please I need help

  10. Ace says:

    Why can’t you guys consider 3 papers a pass??😢😢There are people with 3 papers and 10 points and are asked to repeat mean while those in the general section with 2 papers and 2 points go…Is this fair ?? Please consider our parents, some of us have sponsors and have said we won’t go to school again cause of this injustice😢😢😢

  11. Nolack feugou Yann mike says:

    Pls can i have my results center number 12198 candidates number 121987030 pls send on my WhatsApp number 659178877

  12. Calvin Klein Ndille says:

    Results of center number 11358

  13. Calvin Klein Ndille says:

    Results of center number 11358

  14. Tata forcham says:

    Pls with my GCE result with center 12260 and candidate number 5259. To my whatsapp at 670007985

  15. Angafor says:

    Please can I have my results center nmbr 11291 candidate number 112915426

  16. Sipigo says:

    Centre num: 11701

  17. Kenfack fouelefak Maurice Olivier says:

    Please can i have my result for 110485001

  18. Ngong Ringo Tem says:

    Please I need the results for Center no 12251 Beedi-Douala External

  19. BIBI KARI martin says:

    Please for my result 119165019

  20. Atagah Bright Mbulle says:

    Candidate number 124337248
    Centre number 12433

  21. Tetsop Nkangdof Frankbell says:

    Please for results O/L centre number 22147
    CIN 221475309

  22. Ebot ojong mboh Lizette ayuk says:

    Candidate number:112437007 center name 11243

  23. Itoe Hilary says:

    Please I wish to know my result center number:22219

  24. essomba andre pascal says:


  25. essomba essomba andre pascal says:


  26. Woulandjie Desmond says:

    Pls for the results of center number 22113 candidate number 5124

  27. Brandy says:

    I wish to know my O level result center 11010 candidate 110105792

  28. Nameni kouemo caroline says:

    Svp je voudrais avoir les résultats du Gce 2020 du centre 12037 sur mon wattshap au 672678903

  29. Mahrez says:

    Pls for Gce results of this center number 11907 to this phone number 674596957

  30. Yukeng annisette berinyuy says:

    Please for the results of this center number
    22023 and candidate number 5034

  31. Usmanu Ali nana says:

    Examination centre:12072
    C I N:120725096
    Name:Usmanu Ali Nana

  32. Tangong susset Akwe says:

    i wish to know my O level results center 11041

  33. Tangong susset Akwe says:

    i wish to know my O level results center 11041 candidate 110415145

  34. Samuel duna says:

    Please for o/level center number 11940 and 11237

  35. Shei Owen says:

    Pls can you send the results of the o level technical
    Center number 22183
    Candidate number 221835368
    This is my WhatsApp number 680619255

  36. Doh madel Yeluma says:

    I wish to check for Doh madel Yeluma in Sancho center number 11249 and candidate number 112495058

  37. Ayuk Alice says:

    Please for GCE advance level result for this center 11461, complexe polytechnique bilingue prive, laic Tama to 679669870

  38. Zenishi varoline nkuinne says:

    Please how can I know my result

  39. Tikum mercy says:

    Please for results of center number 11448

  40. Eric Nkengayih Atembe says:

    Bafoussam external
    Center number 11054 then identification number 110547094
    Akateh Josephine Fonkeng

  41. Gingo Benrudene Oslma says:

    Pls I need the results 2020 GCE A/L general
    Centre number 11291

  42. Tanyiko Stalon says:

    Please for result for centre number 11075

  43. Bisong Bridget belie says:

    Pls I need the GCE result of center number 11048

  44. James neilen zegum che says:

    Good day. Please for the results of this center 11115 big mankon external

  45. Mohnkong carimou nsangou says:

    Please with the whole results for Cameroon GCE Ordinary and Advanced level, for 2020🙏🙏🙏


  46. Mohnkong Carimou Nsangou says:

    Please send me the results for Ordinary level and advanced level through my WhatsApp or email please. 674481908

  47. Takafo Dieu beni says:

    Please how can I have my results

  48. Takafo Dieu beni says:

    Please how can I have my result

  49. Kenembeni nkoumou oscarine klara says:

    Please for gce results center number 11291 etougebe external To this number 670312933

  50. Salah says:

    Pls for the result of this center 11361

  51. bakade infinity says:


  52. Ako Chris besong says:

    Please I wish to know my results center number 22026 GTHS molyko candidate number 5174 and also my brother same center candidate number 5001 Ako Chris besong and Ako Richmond ojong

  53. Mokili cedella says:

    Please for the GCE results for this center 22248 to do this number 651420495

  54. Nicky Della says:

    Please for the GCE results of this center 22248

  55. Kwala Glory Nchia says:

    Wish to find out the results oh my sister 110545074

  56. Ayuk Thomas Agbor says:

    Greetings grateful for the opportunity to check the GCE. I wish to check the results of center number 22184 Likumba external and center number 12433 Ngwele external.

  57. Tandi says:

    please for GCE results centre 11240 nkongsaba external

  58. Rivaldo says:

    Please for the results of this center 12114 to this number 676072155

  59. EWANG VALERIE says:

    Results in PDF please

  60. EWANG VALERIE says:

    Please for the gce results both o and a levels

  61. obi brandon assikwo tiku says:

    please for my result
    center number: 11921
    candidate number: 119217045
    number of telephone; 676592960

  62. Bouben brandon lele says:

    Please for de result for center number 12321 candidate number 5256

  63. Takem Alex says:

    Please my result, center 11888 and my coordinate number 118885092

  64. Sasse says:

    Please what the result of center 110035

  65. Menengha fabiola says:

    Pls for gce results centre number 11795

  66. Tamba EdwinToke says:

    I wish to know the results of center number 11915

  67. bella essougou ariane Claire says:

    Please for of centre number 11036


    Pls for my result MONIE RONKELLY AFANYU Center number 12299

  69. Christian says:

    Pleases results of center number 11259

  70. Ngu elijah says:

    A level results of 117777036

  71. Ngu elijah says:

    Pls i wish to know the A level results of 117777036

  72. Anick Sandra says:

    Please my name is ANICK SANDRA, so many people have been massaging me that they saw my post here saying I want to buy the results, but I was never the one who wrote that thing, please I hope u see this one don’t massaged again I don’t know anything about buying results please,..

  73. franka fonkem asongu says:

    pls for result of center number 12400

  74. Limpopo Prince says:

    Pls help with the result of center number 11239

  75. Lukong Basirou Tirla says:

    Please for the results this 117937095 external

  76. Lukong Basirou Tirla says:

    Please for the results this 117937095

  77. Sherif Fadine says:

    Please can I have my results via this number

  78. Ntafe ntoh says:

    Good morning sir/madam, please am in need of the result center number 12019

  79. Gonga serine fanwi says:

    Pls for my result ordinary level center number 11291 candidate number 5082 WhatsApp 653228215

  80. Pokam soh braina says:

    Wish to know my result center number 22232

  81. Mbah says:

    Pls for the results of the center 12202

  82. Fibel says:

    Pls for center number 11385

  83. Lola Basil Brandon nsoyeni says:

    Please for my results o level please

  84. Some one says:

    Are the results coming out today

  85. Ngouanfo Alicia says:

    Please i need results for this center 11284

  86. Ngong Ringo Tem says:

    Please for the Olevel results for center no 12251 Beedi-Douala External

  87. Queenta says:

    Pls i which to find out when GCE will be read

  88. Fogoua Marius donatien says:

    I which to know my GCE results

  89. Nanje Smith junior says:

    I wish to know my result :11041

  90. Cassandra says:

    which to find the results for this centre 11170

  91. Fai Adora says:

    Please for the o/l results for center number:12159
    Center name:ekounou external

  92. Eyambe Maxwell Abilifa says:

    Please for the result of the center number; 12069

  93. Berry Noela says:

    Please for results of center number 22240

  94. Mesape Kelly says:

    Please for the results for center number 11010

  95. Asick Peckins says:

    hello which to find out if the results are out already?

  96. Divine says:

    Please how can i download the results in pdf

  97. Lipacha Sedrick says:

    Please for the result of this center number 11603 when the result is out

  98. Moukoko Tchamba Guy-Joseph says:

    I wish to have my results and the results of my sister if that’s possible of course.
    118235016 and 118235005

  99. Fobah Bayere Moses says:

    Please I really need a confirmation about the results center num 112035214

  100. Bayere Manedong Olvanie Cyrille says:

    Please I really need a confirmation about the results center num 112035214

  101. Akwese loveline Talo says:

    Pls I wish to know my GCE advance level result
    Centre no. 22209
    Candidate no. 222097002. thank u

  102. Neh ruth nji says:

    I wish to know ma results centre number 115145093

  103. Neh ruth nji says:


  104. Messina Nkouma says:

    Please for the results if Center 11449 A/L 2020.

  105. Habiba seini says:

    GCE result

  106. Tracy says:

    I wish to know my GCE O level results

  107. Gabrielle says:

    Results of the center 11290 to this number: 666557265

  108. Ekani rene stephane says:


  109. Mike says:

    Please post for this center 22228

  110. Sita Sitavo says:

    Pls for GCE results on centre number 11098
    My number is 110985397

  111. Stella Esoh says:

    Please for the results of center number 12355

  112. Tsakeu Kenfack Ismaël pires says:

    Pleas for the results of this center number. 11652

  113. Marie Kelly says:

    Gce results 2020 22155

  114. Kang Roger says:

    Please for o level result for this center number 220305190


    Exam: O/L
    SCHOOL ID:11508
    ID OF STUDENT:115085185

  116. Nkanghaperre lurkman says:

    Please i wish to know my result gce advance level center number 2209 identification num 7622 whatapp num 673773619

  117. Brenda says:

    Please I wish to know my results center number.11308 GCE O levels 2020 to 675988756. Thanks


    ID OF THE STUDENT:11058586

  119. Dylan says:

    please for my results or pdf

  120. Franck says:

    Pls for résult 11308

  121. Kanjo Godwill says:

    Please with the GCE result. Center number is 112385

  122. Kema Johnpaul abala says:

    Centre number 114207009

  123. Alane kamdem says:

    Please for the result of O level center number 12036

  124. Gaetankamdem says:

    Please for the result of O level center number 12036

  125. Hetemeh Aurelien says:


  126. Gaetankamdem says:

    Please for the result of O level center number 12036

  127. Samuel says:

    Pls for GCE result 2020 center : 12321 on whatsapp 653296677

  128. Precious says:

    Please for center number 22147

  129. Azema Ghogue says:

    Please résults for 118787207 A level

  130. Ahmat mohamadou soudi says:

    121045012 send to this number 683571329

  131. Brian says:

    At what time

  132. Florine Ekango says:

    I wish to know my GCE O Level results
    Examination Centre: 12318
    Candidate center number: 123185003

  133. Binds Silas Aneh says:

    Please can I have my result Technical high school bamenda center number 22030 candidate number 220305257

  134. Florine Ekango says:

    please for GCE O Level results for the center 12318

  135. kimbi Deborah says:

    please for results for this centre 22175

  136. Fung Thomas says:

    11651 centre number spbc please 680867522

  137. mouhamed says:

    ce même quoi avec cette histoire depuis que on attend.

  138. Damaris Akembum says:

    Please can i no my GCE result commercial center number 22084

  139. Bertrand Billa says:

    Please for Gce A level centre number 11298 penja

  140. Festus kem says:

    Gwarkop blessing mukar
    I wish to know my ordinary level results.
    Candidate number:112285055
    Center number:11228

  141. Tchamande Wilfred says:

    I wish to Knox my gce A level result
    Centre number:11995
    Candidate identification number: 119957035
    On my whatsapp number please. 691418909

  142. Banlanjo Emelien Berinyuy says:

    Please for the results of center number 12249 ordinary level

  143. Kichah Faithful says:

    Pls for the result of A level center number 11448

  144. lydielekene says:

    Pleace for ol an Al center :11823

  145. Shuaibu salifu says:

    Please can I have my result 2020 ordinary level. here is my center number 12066

  146. Shuaibu salifu says:

    Please can I have my result 2020. here is my center number 12066

  147. Tamen sunny says:

    Please for the result of center number 11048. Thanks

  148. vincent shey njamnsi says:


  149. Aden Miriam lajoh says:

    I wish to know my results gce o/level
    Center no:12031
    Candidate no:5965
    Mout koupe


    Please summit for the result Gce A level for the
    center number 11748

  151. Ndiforche Emmanuel says:

    Please send me the results of the c ental number 11170 GBHS Ateila external send it to my WhatsApp number 653257564

  152. Ndiforche Emmanuel says:

    Please send me the results of the c ental number 11170 GBHS Ateila external


    Please summit my résultats for Gce A level on 117487201

  154. NDOKE AGES ETANE says:

    Please for GCE results O level candidate number 110145237

  155. Mboglen Diane says:

    Please for the results of centre number 11010 advance level

  156. verla kinyuy machrina says:

    Please I which to know the GCE RESULT 2020 AL CENTRE NMB 116465121

  157. Dave morena Nzima says:

    I wish to know my GCE result ordinary Level


    Please for the results of centre number 12201

  159. Ndiforche Emmanuel says:

    Please send me the oleve results of 11170 extenal GBHS Ateila on this Whatsapp 653257564

  160. Mouzack Relindis Nwentchop says:

    Please for the results of this center number 11447 ordinary level

  161. Nyuydini Franklin says:

    I wish to know my results
    Center number 11143
    Ordinary levey

  162. Ngwe elodie debora says:

    Please for my gce result by this my candidate number 111127010

  163. Fointama Clinton Mundi says:

    Please can I get my result
    Canidat number 111595170
    Phone number 676342925

  164. Jones says:

    Please I need GCE ordinary level results for center 11771,
    Candidate number 5150
    And center number 11852
    Candidate number 5037

  165. Sita Sitavo says:

    Pls for my GCE O level results 2020/2021 on centre number 11603. Candidate number 116035027 and my name is DEBA BELDWIN ANYE

  166. Sita Sitavo says:


  167. Nguissi tsobeng branco del wilson says:

    Please for the GCE ITC result 2020 centre number 220845131 Douala external

  168. Zemeh Esther ngwing amenjo says:

    Result for center 22134

  169. Makia macmillan says:

    Please can l have the reasult PCHS kumba exams. No 12274

  170. Beh Thierry Ashu says:

    Please for the result of center number 22219

  171. Beh Thierry Ashu says:

    I wish to know the result of center number 22291

  172. nguia andre anicet says:

    pls, my result. center number 11335

  173. Beh Thierry Ashu says:

    I will wish to know the result of center number 22291

  174. Nelson buh says:

    Please for results of this center 12400

  175. Tako wano brandon says:

    Please for result center number 11094

  176. Alexander Etuge says:

    I need my Advanced level GCE result my candidate number is 110947040 and center number is 11094 please sent through my email

  177. Majo says:

    Please i wish to know m’y results via my WhatsApp number 656865073. Centre number 11059 candidate number 7022

  178. Habiba Beatrice says:

    Please for A/level results for center number 11603 GHS Motombolombo-Tiko.
    Phone number 653035876

  179. Enjoh Naura Nash says:

    Please i need the Cameroon GCE ordinary level results for 2020

  180. Habiba Phembe Beatrice says:

    Please for A/level results for center number 11603 GHS Motombolombo-Tiko

  181. Ebaieyong Arnold Takangkande says:

    I wish to know my gce results
    Centre number 11420
    Candidate centre number 114205132

  182. Ebaieyong Arnold Takangkande says:

    Please can I have my results o/level centre number 11420
    Candidate centre number 114205132

  183. Kajeu william says:

    Please for gce A level results for the center 12385

  184. Thessa'a Djiakeng Maxim Vladimir says:

    S’il vous plaît pour les résultats du numéro de centre 12413. Sur ce numéro 693528480

  185. Ndi clinton says:

    In which to no my GCE results 11408502

    • Kenmogne wafeu stacy joyce says:

      Result gce 2020 on o level on my watsapp number on 656131186 on this centre number 118265152

  186. Ebob Collins Arrey says:

    Please for Cameroon GCE result pdf for both Advance level and ordinary level

  187. Ebob Collins Arrey says:

    Please for Cameroon GCE result for both Advance level and ordinary level

  188. Mua Brandon Beng says:

    I need the result of government technical high School Tiko Southwest

  189. Nouta fosot lea danielle says:

    Please my result 115517065

  190. Musi Rachel Nchang says:

    Please for the results of Bepanda external 11995

  191. Junior Priso says:

    Please for the result of 11329 Douala

  192. Alinho says:

    Waiting for the 29

  193. Dzelamonyuy Irène says:

    Please I wish to know the results for this centre number 121177008 , centre name is Marcellin bilingual academy Yaounde

  194. Besong Henrietta says:

    Please for the result of this center 11919

  195. Wulghiwimbom Karl-hens Akungha says:

    Please can I have the result for A’levels 2020? Center no-11424

  196. che lena lum says:

    Please for the results of o/l gce 2020 for center 11014

  197. marela says:

    Please gce result advance technical

    Center number 22186

    Bepanda external

  198. Favour AMABO Djieukam says:

    Pls I wish to know my GCE o level results. Center number 11514, candidate number 5038

  199. Favour AMABO Djieukam says:

    Pls, I wish to know my results

  200. Fotoh Titus says:

    Good evening sir. Please for gce results. 22232

  201. GBHS says:

    Pls for the results of this centre number 11991 when it’s out

  202. Oyono says:

    Hi please for the results of this centre number 12101 thanks in advance

  203. Kongwa Emmerander says:

    Please can I get ONE/L results

  204. Deba Beldwin Anye says:

    Pls I would like to see my o level results on centre no 11603

  205. Deba Golda Arrey says:

    Pls can I see my GCE A level results 2020

  206. Don Beco says:

    Please give me ordinary level result please 681721303 WhatsApp thanks

  207. Francis says:

    pls for the results of center number 11752

  208. Bertrand says:

    Please I need o level results 2020

  209. Acha Javis Njei says:

    Please am waiting too oo

  210. Abwe says:

    Not yet published

  211. Ejumngang says:

    Please for A/L results, center number 11036,

  212. Kennache Michael chi says:

    Please I wich to no my gce results

  213. Mukong colins Dingha says:

    C.I.N -221485078 I.T.C

  214. Berline Kenko says:

    Please for thé GCE results 2020 O.level for centre number 11792 for Douala town external

  215. Berline Kenko says:

    Please for thé GCE results 2020 O.level

  216. Aseh Francis says:

    Please for the results of Ordinary Levels center number 12117 CBCC Carrier

  217. Mondong jareh says:

    Please I would like to know my GCE results 2020. My centre No is 112705118

  218. Matho Ziegam Maeva Line says:

    Please for the results of the O level of this centre 11537

  219. Matho Ziegam Maeva Line says:

    Please for the résultas of O level of this venter 11537

  220. Tenkeu folifack Marck loic says:

    Pleas fort thé résultats of this candidate number 12238

  221. Bobga princely tita says:

    Please can I have my result have ordinary level 2020 center number 11054 candidate number 110545072

  222. Tita Samuel says:

    The Gce is not yet out guys

  223. Saata says:

    Please for my result 2020 CIN 124245226

  224. Heunga fampou laura manuella says:

    Please i need to know my gce results Alevel

  225. Ndematele julius says:

    Candidate number:113947036
    Center number:11394

  226. Ndematele julius says:

    Please for the results of 11447

  227. yelva eliane ebolo ekodi says:

    Please i bref The O Level result
    Center number 11284
    Candidate number 112845081

  228. Ngoungni wabo jordane says:

    Please can i have the result of this centre 11329

  229. GH S misaje says:

    Please for the gce of center number 11273 ordinary level


    HELLO DEAR please i need the O /L results for centre number 12351 and
    candidate number:123515105
    Examination centre: 12351 BOKO-DOUALA

  231. Ekinde bless ajang says:

    Please this is my center numbe 11046 please update me on the gce oleve results 2020

  232. Buhnyuy Ronald says:

    Please I need the results for A/L and O/L for all Cameroon schools

  233. Buhnyuy Ronald says:

    Please I need the results for A/L and O/L for center number 12248

  234. Harry says:

    please when will the results be posted and if possible send it through this Email Address

  235. Harry says:

    Please I need the Results for O/L
    Center Number : 12115
    Candidate Number : 121155200

  236. Harry says:

    please i need the O/L results
    center code:12115
    CIN :121155200

  237. Ngala Kelly Mangwang says:

    Please for the a/l technical result center number 22233/candidate number 222337056

  238. Boris says:

    Please for pdf results ordinary level

  239. Hassan Moussa says:

    Please gce A/L results
    Candidate number 120697254
    Center number 12069

  240. Hassan Moussa Hassa says:

    Please results for gce A/L
    Center number 12069
    Candidate number 120697254

  241. Joerripro says:

    Please i need the A level’s and O level result of centre number 12248 COL. CAT. BIL MGR ANDRE WOUKING-BAFOUSSAM

  242. Dino says:

    Pls for the result of this center number 11940

  243. Che Macnelvis says:

    Please send me my results, o/leave centre number 22257

  244. Alexander Etuge says:

    Please u people should sent my result center number 110947040

  245. Ngemakeh Jennifer says:

    Please for the results of this center number 11427 when its out

  246. Alexander Etuge says:

    Please u people should sent my result

  247. Alexander Etuge says:

    Please when the result will be out u people should help me forward to my email

  248. Alexander Etuge says:

    Please when the result will be out u people should help me forward to my email address thanks

  249. Sonia ndifoin says:

    Please iui s the results out for the session 2020

  250. Mvo Mua Stanley says:

    Please can I have my result ordinary level 117495105

  251. Boris says:

    Please kindly alert me when the results are out

  252. Kwedi Nseke Emmanuel Guy Marceau says:

    Pleace can i have my o/l gce results 110085371 phone nomber 698975111…

  253. Ay Leo says:

    Please send the A/Level results to my email when it’s been released

  254. Telsly says:

    Pls for the result of 112735022

  255. ngoh jessica says:

    Please for the results of center number 11381 both And
    O level 2020 when it is out.

  256. Tchaptchet Jordan says:

    Pleas for the completed results of GCE O/level and A/level 2020

  257. Nchini says:

    Please send the results of this night 11075

  258. Nditoh Alice mbuyil says:

    Please for my GCE results of 2020 center number 12073 candidate number 120735181 O level external

  259. Ra'id Nazih ngan says:

    Please for ordinary level results PDF center number 12179 2020

  260. NMS says:

    Please for the results of this center number: 12115

  261. Mbah borise says:

    If results are out pls send for this center number…. 11360

  262. Talla brandon says:

    Pls for the gceresults 2020 of this center 11919

  263. Adza Azii PeRez says:

    Please for the results of this center number 12309 and this Candidate number 123095003

  264. Adza Azii PeRez says:

    Please for the results of this center number

  265. Gracie Fabiola Lavigne says:

    Please send the result for center 11231

  266. Ntumvi Miriam says:

    Please can someone send me a notification immediately the results are out.

  267. Wesley Gaspard Ndah Bah says:

    Pls can I have my result ordinary Level cin.115145094

  268. Wesley Gaspard Ndah Bah says:

    Pls can I have my result ordinary Level

  269. Jazy B bertinho says:

    Please for the result GCE ITC for;
    Center number:22026
    Center name:GTHS BUEA

  270. Manjong sheron says:

    Please for the result of A/L center 12253 douala

  271. Empoh brandy manya says:

    Please for A/L results 2020
    Center number is 11048

  272. Doris Aime says:

    Pls I want results for this center 11412

  273. joan says:

    Please for the results of CCSS nkolmbong center number 11385 to email joannesazhinwi60 or 681752313 for o level

  274. joan says:

    Please for the results of CCSS nkolmbong center number 11385 to email joannesazhinwi60 or 681752313

  275. tembi steve says:

    Please for the result of this center 12036

  276. Navida says:

    Result for center number 11010

  277. Bertrand says:

    please for the a/level results for centre number 11503 down town bamenda external

  278. Rene says:

    Please for the results of GCE o/l of center number 11996 to 650358511

  279. Ndam Caleb says:

    Please send me the result of my school center number 22155 ABCHS Douala. specialty civil engineering building and construction.

  280. Tueam simo says:

    Please resuls for this Center 11332

  281. Tueam simo says:

    Please i want results for this Center 11332

  282. yanick Ramadan sama says:

    Please sent me my o level result my center number I 222075017

  283. ngale rex says:

    please send me the gce result on this number 657966862 on my watapp number


    Send me the result of gce 2020 ordinary level my center number is 11228

  285. Dede okai otu Jemima says:

    Can i have résulte of these center 11298 GBHS penja

  286. Favour kuku fotabong says:

    Please I am eager to know my results. Please can you send it. Centre number is 12274 and candidate number 122745045

  287. Alain ce says:

    Please can I have the results of this centre 11485 of level

  288. Ngwe sendy Akor says:

    When will the results of ordinary level 2020 be published, my center is 11728

  289. Ngwe sendy Akor says:

    When will the results of ordinary level 2020 be published , my center is 11728

  290. Godje Djoda Abdou says:

    Please can I get the result of this center 11170


    Can i get the result of this center 11467 please

  292. Asg kelvine says:

    Please sr i need the results of the center number 11288

  293. Godje Djoda Abdou says:

    Please can I get the results of this center 11170

  294. Ndzi Naphtali anchang says:

    Pleas help with the advance level resuls

  295. Mike says:

    Contact me on 683521248 and get your results

  296. Besong Dimitri besong says:

    Please i need ordinary level result on the technical education industrial section trade: ELEQ center number 22219

  297. Besong Dimitri besong says:

    Please i need ordinary level result on the technical education industrial section trade: ELEQ

  298. Joshua Ziyech says:

    Are the result out

  299. Taguelem Aka Vanessa Nelly says:

    I want to see my result

  300. bertrand says:

    please for the pdf gce advanced level

  301. kom joyce says:

    please for the GCE result 2020

  302. Folefock ngefack Zidane says:

    Please for a PDF for both A and O level please

  303. Bilnky says:

    Pls for the results for GCE 2020

  304. Nkume Vanessa says:


  305. Bbbb says:

    Please how many students had 25 points in the gce A levels thus year??

  306. Amah Rosita Ngum says:



    please my ALevel results for 2019. CIN: 115057037

  308. Esther kimbi says:

    Pls I need results for center number 22160 of Cho cinthia Bei and for center number 22005 o/l results for severine besi for 2019

  309. Kufor Adrian says:

    I need my results plsssss. Here is my center number 11116

  310. tekom Suzanne says:

    Please for Gce results o level. Center number 11296. lycee bilingue de mbounda external

  311. Claire fri says:

    Please I need the PDF for both A and O level gce 2019

  312. Emmanuel A. FONYA says:

    Get me on WhatsApp 650091580 for those successful candidates GCE Advanced Level General and Ordinary Level General results 2019.

  313. Claire says:

    Please I need the PDF for both A and O level gce 2019

  314. titabryan says:

    please can I get GCE results for center number 22202 technical

  315. Nangha Nelson says:

    please when will the results be out

  316. romarick bongba-ar says:

    Redult for 2019 gce result are important

  317. FONGANG Gédéon says:

    Pls gceA/L result 2019 in pdf center number 11748

  318. Yenkong Ernest says:

    please for the Gce results 2019

  319. Essage Vanela teyang says:

    Please send my result 122285016 ordinary level

  320. Wandji Njeutchou Falone Lafortune says:

    Gce results for center number 11441

  321. Angela Ngela says:

    Good morning, ,i need to lnow if the GCE results are out and if not then when. please can i have GCE results pdf formate if it out through my email. Thanks

  322. Nkaissicollins says:

    Result for ol no 11035

  323. Nkenganyi steadfast says:

    I need the GCE result ,so once it’s our me please
    For menua decision.

  324. Kufor Adrian says:

    Pls can i hv gce results?

  325. Agbor maroline says:

    Please for GCE results 2019 ordinary level centre number 11694

  326. Lethusy Geraldine says:

    Please can I have GCE result PDF format

  327. Tanwie natasha says:

    Link for gce results 2019

  328. Kufor Adrian says:

    Please can I have GCE results external number 221135082

  329. Muna Tayong Alfred says:

    HND 2019 Results release please make available.

  330. Kufor Adrian says:

    Please I need the PDF format for the Advanced level grammar June 2019

  331. Tiani Tchakoue Rostand Desire says:

    Please for GCE result 2019

  332. Tiani Tchakoue Rostand Desire says:

    Please for GCE result June 2019
    O level

  333. Ang says:

    when will the results be out,please?

  334. Daniel says:

    Can i have my results my name is Djoumbissie jean daniel and my CID:114675217 THANKS

  335. Kana Ngougne Tatiana L says:

    GCE results Advance level 2019

  336. Lois kate says:

    I need the result for centre 11167 for internal students

  337. Ali Liane says:

    Please can I have GCE results PDF format

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