Special Bilingual Education French Syllabus GCE A Level Cameroon
Special Bilingual Education French Syllabus GCE A Level Cameroon 746
Special Bilingual Education French Syllabus GCE A Level: To define the format and syllabus of the Special Bilingual Education French subject (code 746) of the Bilingual Specialty at the Cameroon GCE Advanced Level Examination. kamerpower.com
Article 1: The format and syllabus of the Special Bilingual Education French at the General Certificate of Education GCE Advanced Level Examination shall be as follows:
The Special Bilingual Education French shall be made up of three components: “Francais Intensif”, “Education a la Citoyenneté et a la Morale” and “Education Physique et Sportive”.
This subject at the Advanced level evaluates the linguistic proficiency of learners at the end of seven (7) years of secondary school education as prescribed by the Cameroon Government through its policy of official bilingualism (English and French). It is expected that successful candidates in this subject shall be able to:
- Communicate with ease using the skills acquired through these languages;
- Apply knowledge, skills and understanding of social norms, moral values to face ordinary and complex life challenges, and
- Acquire a physical, sporting and artistic culture through critical and responsible behaviour.
The Special Bilingual Education French aims at:
- Assessing the candidate’s ability to use the four main language skills (listening, speaking. reading and writing) creatively to address specific life situations;
- Encouraging the development of linguistic and general study skills for personal, vocational and higher education;
- Integrating and participating actively in the administrative, institutional and economic machinery of the country i.e. nation building;
- Evaluating:
- The candidate’s communicative and thinking skills (critical analysis, induction education. synthesis, inference);
- The candidate’s extensive reading capacity in various ways;
- The candidate’s capacity to manage his/her physical well-being;
- The candidate’s ability to speak French fluently and write it with accuracy;
- The candidate’s ability to interpret and translate in the two official languages.
V.1 Weighting of Assessment Objectives
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As far as literature in French is concerned. candidates are expected to show proof by answering questions set on prescribed texts that they have read and understood with emphasis on aspects like plot, characters, setting and themes. kamerpower.com
The texts prescribed for study by the candidates of the Special Bilingual Education French at the Advanced Level shall be representative of the three (3) literary genres as follows:
- For poetry. specified African and French poems;
- For drama, one(1) comic or and one (1) tragic or tragic-comic;
- Finally, for prose, two African novels (one must be Cameroonian).
N.B: On the whole, candidates shall be assessed on their ability to communicate accurately and fluently in the French language in true life situation in order to adequately play their social roles in various domains of life including the environment, social integration, jobs and professions, health, media, rights and obligations of the
citizen, family life, sports and leisure, shopping, customs and traditions, transport and travelling, tourism, urban and country life, etc.
It is intended that knowledge of the linguistic items mentioned in this syllabus and the ability to use them shall be tested in any given language area within the scope of the candidates who shall have been exposed to the requirements of the course work envisaged for that purpose. Candidates shall show proof of confidence through the
appropriate use of simple as well as relatively complex language structural patterns in their oral and written responses.
Article 2: The Inspectorate General of Education, through its specialized services, and the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board are charged, each in their own sphere, with the implementation of this Order which shall be communicated wherever need be and published in the official gazette in French and English.
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