Concours National Cooperative College de Bamenda & Ebolowa 2024-2025 MINADER First Year
Concours National Cooperative College de Bamenda & Ebolowa MINADER First Year 2024-2025
Concours National Cooperative College de Bamenda & Ebolowa: The competitive entrance examination into the first year of the National Cooperative College (NCC) of EBOLOWA and BAMENDA for the cycle of Senior Technicians in Cooperative for the 2023/2024 academic year is scheduled to take place on the 11th and 12th August 2023 at the following Centres: Abong-mbang, Bafang, Bamenda, Douala, Ebolowa, Garoua, Guider, Kumba, Maroua, Santa And Yaounde.
The Minister Of Agriculture And Rural Development Hereby Announces:
The training duration is two years and students will obtain Diploma in Senior Technicians in Cooperative and Higher National Diploma.
I – Number Of Openings For Each Training Institution.
EFSC/ NCC of Ebolowa.
- Internal Candidats 05 places.
- External Candidats 35 places.
NCC Bamenda.
- Internal Candidats 05 places.
- Extrenal Candidats 35 places.
This competitive entrance examination will take place in one session and be opened to:
Internal candidates:
- Professionals of MINADER.
External candidates:
- Students.
- Professionals of other ministries and civil societies.
II – General Requirements.
Candidates should be of Cameroonian nationality fulfilling the following conditions:
A – Internal candidates.
- Be a professional of MINADER, holder of Agricultural Technician diploma With an effective longevity of service of at least two (02) years attested by his/her hierarchy.
B – External candidates.
- Be a holder of Baccalauréat or GCE A-Level in two papers with one scientific except religious knowledge.
- Be a professional, holder of Baccalauréat or GCE A-Level in two papers with one scientific except religious knowledge and with an effective longevity of service of at least two (02) years attested by his/her employer.
However, foreign candidates and scholarship holders from decentralized territorial authorities and those from other organisations of the civil society could, within the available number of places, be admitted on the basis of qualification by the Minister in charge of Agriculture.
Registration to the competition will be done:
- either online at
- or by delivery ofa file in a competition center.
III – Application File Concours National Cooperative College de Bamenda.
The application file, which should be deposited in the chosen examination centre latest the 08th of August 2023, shall comprise the followings:
- A stamped application of 1000 FCFA addressed to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, indicating the examination centre and the training school chosen.
- A certified true copy of the birth certificate not more than 03 (three) months old.
- A certificate of non-conviction not more than 03 (three) months old.
- A certified true copy of the required diploma not more than 3 (three) months old.
- An attestation of presentation of the original of the diploma.
- A medical certificate testifying that the candidate is able to undertake rural works.
- 04 recent passport photographs.
- A detailed curriculum vitae for internal and professional candidates.
- An attestation of longevity in service with a viewpoint of the hierarchy for intemalk
and professional candidates. - An authorisation to sit the competitive entrance examination for internal and professional candidates:
- A letter in support of the application for foreign and scholarship holder candidates.
- A letter of recommendation or of sponsorship.
- A receipt issued by the chief of financial service of the examination centre as follow
15 000 (fifteen thousands) CFAF for external candidates.
20 000 (twenty thousands) CFAF for internal and professional candidates. -
A payment of 30 000 (thirty thousands) CFCA being for the study of files for foreign candidates or scholarship holders for enterprises and civil society organization.
Candidates’ files should be deposited:
- For the centre of Yaoundé, at the Agricultural Cooperative and Community Education and Training Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- For the centre of Abong-Mbang, at the Technical School of Agriculture.
- For the centre of Bafang , at the Technical School of Agriculture.
- For the centre of Douala, at the Regional Delegation of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- For the centre of Ebolowa, at the Regional College of Agriculture.
- For the centre of Guider, at the Community Development Specialization Training School
- For the centre of Kumba, at the Community Development Specialization Training School.
- For the centre of Maroua, at the Regional College of Agriculture.
- For the centre of Santa, at the Community Development Specialization Training School.
Application files of foreign candidates and scholarships holder received in various examination centers must be necessarily transferred to Ministry of Agriculture and rural development, Agricultural Cooperative and Community Education and Training Division for study.
IV – Examination Calendar And Modalities
Dates | Subjects | coef | Duration | Time |
11/08/2023 | Generale knowledge | 4 | 4h | 8h – 12h |
Language | 3 | 2h | 12h – 15h | |
12/08/2023 | Option1: – Biology / Agronomm or – Economics. |
4 | 4h | 18h – 12h |
Option2: – Mathematics or – Accounting. |
4 | 4h | 12h – 17h |
NB. Eliminatory Mark : 05/20
V – Publication Of The Results.
The results will be published by a press release of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.
VI – Examination Syllabus
General Knowledge: It is based on national and international development items
Mathematics: Candidates should refer to Lower 6 high school syllabuses.
Optional subjects:
- Biology: Lower 6 high school syllabus.
- Agronomy: Agriculture, Rural Economics, Extension, Soil Fertility and Fertilization, Cropping Systems, Crop Protection, Animal Husbandry and Prophylaxis.
- Economics: Upper 6 high school syllabus.
- Accounting: Upper 6 high school syllabus.
Language: English for French speaking candidates and French for English speaking candidates.
VII – Training Fees
Training fees for academic year 2023/2024 are as follows:
Tuition fees:
- For Cameroonians non scholarship holders 200 000 CFAF.
- For Cameroonian scholarship holders 450 000 CFAF.
- For foreigners 600 000 CFAF.
Registration fees 20 000 CFAF.
Refundable caution fee 25 000 CFAF for the duration of the course.
- Rural Production Entrance Exam Cameroon (150 Agriculture).
- Concours professional Recruitment Rural Engineering MINFOPRA Cameroon
After being trained as a young professional farmer from AFOP I Wish to aquire further skills in agricultural cooperative creation and management. /679208824/ 66056036
I have been trained as a young professional farmer from AFOP and need a program that will bost my skills in agricultural cooperative And management.