Dangote Cement Cameroon recruitment 2024-2025


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42 Responses

  • Comments42
  1. Njeck Lucas says:

    Good morning Sir/Madame Am called Njeck Lucas Am a Cameroonian by nationality am 32 years old am a Driver with a category B, C, and D license, I have a ten years driving experience am applying to work in your company as a driver and I will be very grateful if my request is granted Thank

  2. Ngwa Stephanie says:

    Dear sir/madam
    I’m a year two student in university of Bamenda doing transport and logistics in the department of transit.
    I wil love to do my academic internship in your company for the period of two months (July and August). Please sir I wik be very greatful if my request is granded.
    Yours faithful applicant.


    Monsieur le directeur général,
    je viens très respectueusement au près de votre haute personnalité sollicite une place dans votre société.
    en effet suis camerounais d’origine âgée de vingt-neuf ans BTS en Électrotechnique a l’institut universitaire du golfe de guinée mon expérience ainsi que ma formation on fait de moi un organisateur polyvalent et un professionnel rigoureux je serais heure de vous en parler de vive voix au cour d’un entretien que vous voulez bien entretien au cour du quel je vous parlerez des motivation qui m’anime.
    dans l’attente d’une suite favorable veillez agrée monsieur en l’expression de mon plus profond respect.

  4. Asana comfort ngum says:

    Please sir am interested in the job opportunity as. a senior sales manager in ur a company am a Holder of bachelor degree in banking and finance also an MBA STUDENT LEVEL 400STUDENT PLEASE SIR HOW CAN I REALLY APPLY FOR THIS JOB THANKS FOR UNDERSTANDING URS APPLICANT

  5. Douandji Fofie Giovanie says:

    Dear sir/madam i will love to carry out a professional internship in your company. Am a holder of DUT at iut douala in industrial maintenance, actually going to have my Bachelor’s degree by the end of this academic year l will be waiting to here from you.

  6. Douandji Fofie Giovanie says:

    Dear sir/madam l will love to carry out a professional internship in your company.Am a holder of DUT at iut douala in industrial maintenance, actually going to have my Bachelor’s degree by the end of this academic year l will be waiting to here from you.

  7. Kamah Adrain says:

    Sir I would love to carry out a professional internship in your organization to gain more experience. It will be my greatest joy if am accepted sir. My contact for reply WhatsApp; +237650206707
    Normal line 650651636. Thanks for your cooperation sir


    Formation en caissière et comptabilité avec 8 ans expériences

  9. rose Ndoumi says:

    J’ai le respect de venir aupres de votre haute personnalité sollicité une place dans votre societé .
    En effet je suis une jeune camerounaise agée de 20ans et titulaire d’un baccalaureat +1en science economic je vous prie d’accepter ma demande S’ il vous plait .
    Veillez agréer monsieur l’expression de mon profond respect.

  10. Tcholom gaston cephale says:

    J’ai l’honneur de venir auprès de votre haute personnalité sollicité une place dans votre illustre société donc vous avez la charge.
    En effet je suis un jeune camerounais titulaire d’un baccalauréat+2 en gestion je souhaite vraiment être de votre par candidature.
    Je suis un travailleur dynamique ponctuelle et respectueux.
    Veuillez agréer Monsieur l’expression de mes salutations les plus distinguées.

  11. Azah joy Akwi says:

    Dear sir/madam,i am Azah joy Akwi ,a third year student in the Higher Institutes of transport And logistics of the University of Bamenda.I am writing to you to undergo a professional internship programme in your organisation for 3months,beginning from the 1st of May to the 31st of July 2020.I am in the department of land transport undergoing a professional degree programme.Carrying out internship in your organisation will go a long way in helping me improve on my professional skills

    Would be very grateful if I am given the opportunity to carryout internship in your organisation and will remain your humble applicant while waiting for your response

    My contact:652100622

  12. Ashu Takor Ebangha says:

    Good day sir, I wish to apply for a job in your company, i am graduate with B-tech in Accountancy (University of Bamenda) and HND(Higher institute of Management studies HIMS Buea),and other work experience,am 24years,a female,good communication skills.Base in Buea and mobile

  13. Bih Afanwi Edith says:

    I wish to apply for a professional internship in your organization. I am a level 300 student at university institute of Gulf of guinea study management

  14. Nadesh Chosi Tiku. says:

    Good day sir,I have bachelor degree in Banking and Finance from the university of Buea.In addition to my degree,I have further certification and working experiences related in your field.I will be very happy working in your company.thanks for your consideration.

  15. Ashumbeng Eunice Nyuykongmo says:

    My name is ashumbeng Eunice,a holder of a B.sc in Banking and finance.
    Sir,will be pleased if am given an opportunity for a professional internship at dangote for a better practical understanding of my field of studies..am very dynamic,puntual and always eager to meet new challenges.

  16. Awah Michael says:

    Dear Sir,

    I wish to apply for this position in your organization. My contact :(+237) 671337989

  17. Beukam Cheussa Patricia says:

    Hi,Please i wish to do a professional internship in dangote cameroon

  18. Mimi Charlotte takor says:

    Dear sir I am most honoured to apply for a job in your company.

  19. Nimpa kuete Mical prochore says:

    Bonjour monsieur je suis un jeune camerounais de 36 ans niveau probatoire et titulaire des diplômes académique maritime du Nigeria ayant exercer comme docker et agent de sécurité incendie au port de douala .c’est a cet effet que j fais acte de candidature d’un poste dans votre structure.veillez agréés monsieur mes salutations les plus distinguées.

  20. Nimpa kuete Mical prochore says:

    Bonjour monsieur j suis un jeune camerounais âgé de 36 ans niveau probatoire former par l accademy maritime du Nigeria comme able seaman .ayant exercer comme agent de sécurité incendie et agent manutentionnaire au port de douala .c’est a cet effet que j fais acte de candidature dans votre structure pour un poste de service .veillez agrées monsieur mes salutation les plus distinguées.

  21. Njume Rachael Nkuge says:

    Good evening sir/madam I am Njume Rachael a final year student at the University of Buea, studying geology as a major and environmental science as minor.I wish to apply for a job in your company I have an experience in marketing, last year I worked with Appco international now call Nurbeg Afri where i learnt some marketing strategy.Thanks I will be waiting to hearing from you.

  22. Njume Rachael Nkuge says:

    Good evening sir/madam I am Njume Rachael a final year student at the University of Buea, studying geology as a major and environmental science as minor.I wish to do internship in your company during the period of September and October. thanks I will be waiting to hearing from you.

  23. nkwain Delphine says:

    good morning sir I am very interested in picking up a job in ur company if possible.i am a Holder of HPDin radiology.(medical diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy with five years of working experience .

  24. nkwain Delphine says:

    good morning sir I am very interested in picking up a job in ur company if

  25. AMOU'OU Bertrand says:

    bonsoir monsieur le Directeur des Ressources Humaines de la société DANGOTE CEMENT.je l’appel AMOU’OU BERTRAND,je suis Ingénieur des travaux de mines,j’aimerai faire parti de votre collectif d’employer car mon dossier se trouve déjà dans votre base de donnée.je suis prêt à passer à un entretien dans votre structure xi vous me donner l’opportunité.veuille agréer mes salutations les plus profondes.

  26. Nkari Doudou Rial says:

    It’s my delight to work in Sanford to play a role too in this company contact 675272427

  27. Nembo Raphel Tebah says:

    Good afternoon Sir/Madam, my name is Nembo Raphel Tebah from the South West region of Cameroon. I am a holder of a Bachelor degree in law in the university of Bamenda. Am currently taking a masters program Business Law in the University of Yaoundé ii Soa. I must say àm so interested to work in your company. Thank you

  28. Abe Euvance says:

    Good day sir/madam,i’m Abe Euvance,i have a qualification as a customs clearing agent for past three years

  29. Njume Nkonge says:

    I am a young dynamic lady with 5 years sales experience, Good Marketing skills, Good computer skills, Very friendly, willing to learn, a good team player, I am also good at developing sales leads , I can be an asset in your sales team, thanks so much

  30. Naoussifokoufelix says:

    Bonjour mr/Mme,je suis jeune camerounais titulaire d’une licence professionnelle en management services de lautomobile .j’ai 4ans d esperiences et aimerai savoir si vous recruté encore au poste de mécanicien

  31. Abinkeng Smith says:

    Good morning sir/madam, I am Abinkeng Smith a holder of brevet de technician certificate (Bacc) sir just to know if there is any vacancy for me

  32. GUIEGOU GUIEGOU Vincent Marcelin says:

    Bonjour je suis un jeune camerounais âgé de 26ans titulaire d’un probatoire en maintenance automobile et d’un permis B apte sur le terrain eyant déjà exercicé dans deux garages pendant trois ans, je souhaite travailler à dangoté mon contact est le:655-46-22356/674-21-26-54

  33. Ngwanne Tita Daniel says:

    Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to apply for an academic internship from August to September

  34. franklin ezinne says:

    good morning sir, i am a young graduate a holder of a bachelor degree in geology and petroleum technology as minor.sir, i will like to know if it was possible for me to do internship in your company am a very motivated and a hardworking person.i pray i get more info about it thanks so much in advance

  35. D'assise Misom says:

    Yes sir i have a degree in geology with a minor in petroleum technology so please i which to know if there a vacancy for me on yoir company

  36. Motoma Teke says:

    I am interested for the job

  37. nkwehou brightson says:

    Goodafternoon sir/madame. calvary greetings in Jesus name. i wish to know if you are still in need of workers . i currently work with National institute of statistics yaounde . i have been involve in many projects on staistics. i have the qualification to work at dangote services if well paid ,beside being balingual.my address is 675089546

  38. Adizatou sali says:

    Good morning sir/madame juste to know if one with a first school living certificate can found job in your company with computer certificate experience one year

  39. ambicham asig agaabi says:

    sir.i will start by thanking GOD almighty for bringing dangote in cameroon so as to help us more expercially the low class and under previlage ones like us.i will appreciate if my application can be consider judging from the fack .i suite all the reguired qualification besiden being bilingual

  40. Crispin says:

    that great

  41. bongang louis honore says:

    Good morning i have a capacity for job

  42. Ngongha Ivo says:

    Good morning Sir/Madame, just to known if recruitment is still ongoing for the post of senior sales officer. I have a greater part of the qualifications

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