Does Reading makes you smarter? This question goes to all smart Cameroonians!
Kamerpower will tell you if reading make someone smarter or not. First of all we will start by telling what reading can do to an individual or a person. Firstly reading improves the way a person thinks and act. Secondly reading also increases ones vocabulary. We will go into details to explain further the above mentioned.There is something i will like you to know before we start.
You need to know that smartness does not have any limits, so for us Africans and especially Cameroonian to explore or brains, we need to keep doing the above mention things.I want to point out that we Africans are not the last, the future of Africa lies in this our present generation and the other generations not yet born, so we will need to pave and prepare a way for our coming generations by putting all these above mention things in place.
Africans are blessed with so many capabilities but yet they haven’t exploited them. Modern societies have many opportunities to read varieties of books, which should make people smarter.
Today, many people can and have improved their way of thinking by just reading. By saying reading, not only books are mentioned, but also newspapers, articles and magazines are included too. However, reading is a cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message. Reading makes us smarter by improving analytic thinking and increasing vocabulary throughout your life. Let me point out the above mentioned points in the first paragraph:
Reading improves the way a person thinks and act
It improves your intellectual thinking and the way you act. Intellectual thinking is a vital component of visual thinking that gives a person the ability to solve problems quickly and effectively. For example, when you read, you improve your general knowledge of the subject and things in particular, and more importantly you are able to spot patterns quicker. If you can spot patterns quicker, your analytic or intellectual skills receive a boost. Intellectual thinking makes you smarter because it gives a new way to see problems.
Reading also increases ones vocabulary
It’s no secret that reading increases your vocabulary and improves your spelling. But did you know that reading increases your vocabulary directly without being taught too? Reading forces us to look at words that we might not have seen or heard recently. Every day, you will be surprised at the words you start incorporating into your mind, conversations and writings. As Charles William Eliot wrote Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. Even when you get old, even when you have read lots of books, you’ll be impressed to see that you will always learn new words at the end of the day. Of course, this won’t happen if you don’t read.
To conclude, reading improves a person’s intelligence. It may take your time, but it improves your life by making you smarter. People, especially children may sometimes need to be pushed a little to read but in the end they will not be disappointed with what they will discover about themselves. If you have any thing to add you can add it in the comment area below.