ENAP Buea concours 2024-2025: To recruit 190 Prison Guards – Guardiens des Prisons MINJUSTICE
ENAP Buea concours 2024-2025:
Ministry of Justice of Cameroon
ENAP Buea concours 2024-2025: To recruit 190 Prison Guards – Guardiens des Prisons MINJUSTICE.
Ministry of Justice of Cameroon
Opening of a direct competition to recruit one hundred and ninety (190) Guardians of Prisons / Prison Guards. Program for the competitive entrance examination if found at the bottom of this page (ENAP Buea concours : To recruit 190 Prison Guards). kamerpower.com
Given the Constitution
Considering Decree No. 92/066 05 April 1992 Create and organize Ecole National Penitentiary Administration.
Considering Decree No. 94/199 of 07 October 1994 the General Service Status Public, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 2000/287 of 12 October 2000.
Considering Decree n ° 2010/365 of 29 November 2010 on the Special Status Corps officials of the Penitentiary Administration.
Considering Decree n ° 2011/408 of December 2011 on the organization of Government.
Considering Decree n ° 2011/410 of 9 December 2011 concerning formation of the Government.
Seen Decree 2012/389 of 18 September 2012 organizing the Ministry of justice.
Considering Decree No. 2000/696 / PM of 13 September 2000 establishing a general regime Administrative contest.
ENAP Buea concours 2024-2025: To recruit 190 Prison Guards.
Article 1:
(1) It is open, under the year 2023, a direct competition for the recruitment of two hundred and ten (190) Guardians of Prisons category ” D ” of Public service. kamerpower.com
(2) That contest will take place on 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18 June 2023 in the center of the Region.
Article 2:
The following may submit an application, Cameroonian young women and men satisfying the following conditions:
- be of good moral character.
- be aged 17 at least and 28 years at most from 1 January 2024 (born between 1 January 1989 and 1 January 2003). kamerpower.com
- hold the CEP or First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) or other equivalent degree.
- have a size of at least 1,65m for male candidates and 1.55m for female candidates.
- be free from any kind of illness or infection to exercise the right to leave long lasting.
Application files
(1) Therefore, the deadline for filing application files is fixed to May 12, 2023.
+ A handwritten application addressed to the Minister of State, Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, stamped 1000 FCFA dated and signed explicitly.
+ the full name, date and place of birth of the candidate and his address.
+ the department and region of origin.
+ indication of the competition entrance concerns.
+ Language of composition
+ center of composition.
+ enumeration of attachments to the request.
- a certified copy of the diploma signed by a competent civil authority, dated less than three (03) months.
- a presentation of the original certificate of the required diploma. kamerpower.com
- a certified copy of the birth certificate signed by a civil authority competent, not older than three (03) months.
- a criminal record (bulletin No. 3) dated no more than three (03) months.
- certificate of height gauge.
- A medical certificate issued by a doctor working in the public sector, dating less than three (03) months.
- money order of 20,000 (twenty thousand) FCFA addressed to Director Prison Administration (Ministry of Justice, Yaoundé), representing costs Participation in the entrance examination.
- an A4 envelope with the address of the candidate and a postage stamp of regulatory price
- Two (2) 4×4 identity photos, with the name of the candidate printed on the back.
- to resumes/ curriculum vitae unstamped and duly signed by the candidate
- possibly a document certifying the technical specialty in which the candidate excels. (Mechanical automobile, auto electricity, electricity-building, plumbing, masonry, carpentry, music, computer, driving, sewing etc).
(2) Married female Candidates must necessarily attach a note of commitment to their husbands duly legalized by which the latter agrees to accept the allocation at any time of his wife in any region of the country when operational requirements dictate. kamerpower.com
(3) Incomplete applications, late or whose documents have not been signed by the competent authorities will be rejected outright.
(4) The lists of candidates allowed to participate in the entrance examination will be published at the Ministry of Justice and the Regional Delegations of the ten Penitentiary Administration.
Article 4:
The entrance examination includes a pre-selection test (medical checks, physical test), written tests and a thorough medical examination. The test are rated 0 to 20. The fail mark is 06/20 in each subject. The Program of these test is specified at the bottom of this page. ENAP Buea concours:
Article 5:
(1) The medical screening will focus on the size, weight, visual acuity and hearing, the ability to handle functions that require a good physical condition and general presentation.
(2) The physical test of the pre-selection is rated from 0 to 20 with an eliminatory mark of 06/20 on a race, an endurance race and a timed exercice of muscle tonicity;
- speed timed race covers 100 m of Candidates of both sexes.
- also timed resistance the race is about 1000m for female candidates and 1500m for male candidates.
- a timed exercise of muscle tonicity which is to make the arm tense, the body V untill exhaustion for candidates of both sexes.
Article 6:
- Candidates will report to the places held an hour before beginning of each test and must obligatorily present their National identity cards, receipt of the deposit slip of the LAYOUT in order for them to write the entrance examination compose, except paper composition.
- The places where the medical examination will take place, the physical and written tests will be indicated by publishing them at the ministry. ENAP Buea concours 2023-2024:
- Only candidates who have successfully passed the medical check and then the présélection physical tests will be allowed to come for the written tests.
Article 7:
The entrance examination will take place according to the following schedules: (Concours ENAP Buea 2023: 210 Gardiens des Prisons).
Dates et Horraires | Nature des epreuve | Duree | Coef |
12, 13, 14, 15 june 2023 de 8h-16h | Visite médicale de preselection | – | – |
12, 13, 14, 15 June 2023 de 8h-16h | Epreuve physique de preselection | – | – |
17 june 2023 de 8h-10h | Etude de texte | 2H | 4 |
17 june 2023 de 11h-13h | Education à la citoyenneté | 2H | 3 |
17 june 2023 de 15h-17h | Administration Pénitentiaire | 2H | 3 |
18 june 2023 de 8h-10h | Mathématiues. | 2H | 2 |
Note: The eliminatory mark is 06/20.
Article 8:
Final results of the contest will be published by the Minister of State, Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals after a thorough medical examination.
Article 9:
The candidates declared admitted definitively shall bring the original of their national identity card to enter the Ecole Nationale Prison Administration of Buea. ( ENAP BUEA ).
Article 10:
This order shall be registered, published according to the emergency procedure and inserted in the Official Journal in French and English.
Program of the average II.
The given topic is to test the candidate’s ability to understand, analyze and write. Mastering grammar and vocabulary. ENAP Buea concours:
- Reunification and Unification.
- the Revision of the Constitution of 18 January 1996.
- President of the Republic.
- Prime Minister, Head of Government
- Ministers
- Parliament (the Senate and the National Assembly).
- the power of the judiciary: the Special Criminal Court
- Civic Education
- the family
- duties of citizens
- the value of work and the importance of the effort.
- decentralized communities
- the Commune
- the Mayor and the Municipal Council.
- civil status.
- the administrative organization of the State
- administrative units
- the Governor
- the Prefect.
- Deputy Prefect.
- the Penitentiary System (Decree No. 92/052 of 27 March 1992)
- Special status Corps of Prison Administration officials.
- (Decree No. 2010/365 of 29 November 2010.
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