ENEF Bambili – Forestry School of Bambili MINEFOP
ENEF Bambili – Forestry School of Bambili MINEFOP Annexe de bambili, Bamenda
ENEF Bambili:
Vu la constitution;
Mindful of Constitution
Vu la loi N°76/12 du 08 Juillet 1976 portant organisation de la formation professionnelle;
Mindful of law N°76 of 08 July 1976 on the organization of vocational training.
Vu le décret N°79/201 du 28 Mai 1979 portant organisation et fonctionnement des centres de formation professionnelle;
Mindful of decree N°79/201 of 28 may 1979 on the organization and functioning of intensive vocational training center des Eaux et Forêts annexe de bambili.
Vu l’Arrêté N° 067/MINEFOP/SG/DFOP/SDGSF/CSACD of 04 january 2016 portant octroi d’agrément au centre de formation professionnel des eaux et forêts annexe de bambili.
Candidates should submit the following documents for the competitive entrance to the Admissions Office at the FORESTRY SCHOOL OF BAMBILI HEAD OFFICE after MILE 4 junction, (HEALTH CENTER JUNCTION).
The various areas are Forestry Guard sub-officers requires (O level / Bepc-Probatoire ) , forestry Guard officers requires (A level / Baccalaureat) and technicians of Agriculture requires both (O level/ A level) candidates. kamerpower.com
Documents required for Admissions into ENEF Bambili – Eaux et Forêts annexe de Bambili
- A certified copy of birth certificate.
- A certified copy of GCE O-Level or Probatoire certificate.
- A certified copy of GCE A-Level or Baccalaureate certificate.
- A medical certificate. kamerpower.com
- Four passport-sized photographs.
- Transcripts of secondary and high school results.
- A receipt for a non-refundable fee of CFA 20.000 Francs payable to CCA BANK (Credit Communautaire d’Afrique – CCA) to account number 0503421420901. No other form of payment is accepted.
- A self-addressed stamped (at current postal rate) A4 size envelope.
- Age limit 34yrs.
The candidates will write on the following papers: General knowledge, French or English and Biology.
- ENEF Bambili Entrance: Forestry School Bambili
- Forestry Concours Cameroun recruitment 30 Ecoguards MINFOPRA Civil servants.
- Forestry concours Cameroon: ENEF Mbalmayo 300 places available.
- Results of National Forestry School Mbalmayo NFS ENEF Mbalmayo (Admisible candidates) MINFOF Cameroon
vous voudrez savoir les dossiers à déposer et comment y précédé pour la déposition
Am interested to pursue my BSc in Forestry
Wow!!! Am speechless. What is going on in bambili? Bafoussam and others? Can someone tell me? Which forestry school is real? Am so confused!!! Someone who knows something should talk please. I really want to be a forest guard but don’t know which school is real.
Good to know we have an anglosaxon forestry school in Bambili
no my bros , don’t go there it is a scam, the only forestry operational as of now is in Mbalmayo, the school has two tutors the ministry of forestry and Higher Education, with Advanced level you come out with a Senior Technician Diploma from there you can continue to do Bachelor of Technology or Professional Bachelor or Assistant Engineer diploma.don’t be scam the forestry school doesn’t belong to the ministry of Professional Training.
a graduate of the 48th batch of ENS Bambili. I wish you could frequently update me on the position of my documents through my email: onforjunior@yahoo.com i will be grateful if this could be done. Thanks
so when is the latest day to submit your documents?