How to register online for MINSANTE Concours Cameroon ?


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9 Responses

  • Comments9
  1. Kateherly says:

    Can an art student write the concour to become a state registered nurse?

  2. Kateherly says:

    Hi sir please can an art student write the state registered nurse concour?

  3. Akwa Brandon says:

    I am trying to open the registration address is not opening up showing not found

  4. Celeste says:

    Please i wish to find out if the MINSANTE 2016-2017 session results are out. Will appreciate it if you guys get back to me soonest. Thanks and LOVE YOUR SITE

  5. Ghaife Nicoline says:

    Thanks for this oppotunity. Please i’m Ghaife Nicoline . I was the 2nd on the waitng list of final direct recruitment concour for nurses 2015-2016 and was asked to wait since March. I wish to know what to do because im still waitng.

  6. Abie-Mboh Nelson Mbongayah says:

    Greetings Kamer, please it is rumor that successful individuals for the direct competitive entrance examinations to recruit 265 Customs Guards, written on December 6, 2014 are invited to MINFOPRA on May 27, 2015 to pick-up Posting Decisions. Is that true?. Please I will indeed be overwhelmed if you can verify the authenticity of the information and kindly give me a feed-back. This will rescue me (as well as many) from the disaster of late coming given that I am resident far from our National Capital. Please I strongly rely on your usual goodwill cooperation. Eagerly waiting to hear from you as soon as possible. Thanks.

  7. Etienne says:

    Kamerpower you have come to change our nation. A big thank you for that and with your good aim may your organistipn reach the top. What’s the date of the enamel concour in the south west region and the venue please?

  8. Abie-Mboh Nelson Mbongayah says:

    Please I must confess that you are indeed a blessing to us Kamerpower. May God bless your initiators and operators immensely. Through your explicit advice, I was able to fill the registration form with ease. Kudos! to your entire crew. Please if possible, can we again be opportune to get some past (sample) questions posted for each of the subjects to be taken at the Public Health concours?..God bless you!

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