Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2024-2025 Entrance Faculty of Health Sciences MINESUP Concours
Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2024-2025.
Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2024-2025 Entrance Faculty of Health Sciences MINESUP Concours.
ORDER N°.23-00259 / MINESUP / OF / 28 JUNE 2023
To launch the competitive entrance examination and fix the number of places into the first year of the NURSING / MIDWIFERY and MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES PROGRAMMES of the Faculty of Health Sciences, of The University of Bamenda, for the 2024-2025 academic year.
of the Constitution.
of Law no 2001/005 of 16 April 2001 bearing on the orientation of H igher Education.
of Decree n 20111408 of 09 Decernber 20 II to organize the Governrnent.
of Decree n 20111410 of 09 December 2011 to appoint mernbers of Government.
of Decree n” 20 11/045 of 08 March 20 Il to organise The University of Barnenda.
of Decree n” 2012/433 of 1SI October 2012 organ izing the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decree n? 93/026 of 19 January 1993 to set up Universities; kamerpower.com
of Decree n? 93/027 of 19 January 1993 fixing common dispositions in State Universities, modified and implemented by Decree n 2005/342 of 10 Septernber 2005.
of Decree n” 20 10/3 71 of 14 Decernber 2010 to create The University of Bamenda.
of Decision n? 004/CAB/PM of 10 February 2000 on admission into national schools of training and recruitment of civil servants.
of Decree No. 2011/319 er 10 Septernber 2011 appointing the Vice. Chancellor to The University of Bamenda; kamerpower.com
of Decree No. 2012/364 of 06th August 2012 appointing the Deputy Vice Chancellors to The University of Bamenda; Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2023-2024.
of Decree No. 2012/364 of 06th August 2012 appointing the Registrar to The University of Bamenda.
of Decree n” 2012/333 of 29 appointing a Vice Chancellor and Rectors in some States Universities.
of Decree n” 2012/366 of 06th August 2012 appointing persons in States Universities.
of decree n? 2013/0891 IPM of 12 Mars 2013 appointing persons in the Ministry of Higher Education.
of Decision n 24/0045/ MINESUP /SG/DAUQ /SDEAC/SE of 14 February 2024 setting dates for competitive entrance examinations into State Universities in Cameroon for the 2024/2025, academic year.
the proposal of the Vice Chancellor of The University of Bamenda.
Article 1.
The Entrance Examination for the admission of 60 (sixty) students each into the first year of the Nursing and Medical Laboratory Sciences programmes has been launched into the Faculty of Health Sciences of The University of Bamenda, for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Article 2:
- The examination shall be organised in one sitting and is opened to Cameroonians of both sexes,
holders of GCE A/L or Baccalauréat or any equivalent diploma recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education. - Admission is opened to qualified candidates of both sexes and of not more than twenty eight (28) years old on 1st January 2024.
- Below are the required diplomas or certificatcs a candidate must have to be qualified to register for the common entrance examinations:
- At least 04 papers at GCE O/L including Biology and Chemistry and excluding Religious Knowledge or Probatoire C, D or I.
- At least 02 papers at GCE A/L in Sciences including Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics or Baccalauréat C, D or I.
Article 3:
Foreign candidates may be allowed to sit for the examination in the same academic conditions according to the number of places available in conformity with the regulations in force.
Article 4: Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2024-2025.
The application files shall comprise the following documents:
- A registration form to be collected from the Faculty Health Sciences, University of Bamenda, National Polytechnic Mile 3 Nkwen Campus, the Delegations of National Education or the MINESUP www.minesup.gov.cm www.kamerpower.com
- A certified true photocopy of the birth certificate dated not more than six (6) months.
- A certificate of non-conviction dated not more than three (3) months.
- Medical certificate signed by a competent public service medical doctor.
- A certified photocopy of GCE O/L or Probatoire certificate and GCE A/L or Baccalauréat certificate or equivalent diploma dated not more than six (6) months.
- A receipt upon payment of twenty thousand (20,000) CFA as non-refundable registration fees delivered by NFC BANK S.A. following the bank account nurnber 10025 00030 1710102084428. No other form of payment is accepted. kamerpower.com
- One self-addressed envelope (A4) bearing the 500 FCF A postal stamps.
- Four (04) passport-size photographs.
Article 5:
- Holders of foreign diplomas shall submit either the equivalence or the receipt showing that they applied for the equivalence of their diplomas or certificates. The order granting equivalence and the receipt are issued by the Minister of Higher Education. kamerpower.com
- The final admission of these candidates shall be confirmed only on presentation of the order granting them equivalence within the date limit set by the competent authorities.
Article 6:
Complete files should be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office, Faculty of Health Sciences of The University of Bamenda latest on Wednesday September 15th 2023.
Article 7: Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2024-2025.
The examination shall comprise:
- Academic performance.
- One written paper comprising Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
- An oral examination. kamerpower.com
Article 8:
The written paper will take place on Saturday September 18th 2023 at the Unique Center of The University of Bamenda, Faculty of Health Sciences – National Polytechnic Mile 3 Nkwen Campus.
Article 9:
- For the written examination of 3 hours duration, biology will be weighted as coefficient 4, while chemistry and physics will be coefficient 2.
- The syllabuses of the competitive entrance examination in each section are the same as in the GCE A/L or Baccalauréat programmes.
Article 10:
Each of the written papers shall be marked on 20 points and then weighted according to the coefficient mentioned above. Any candidate who scores less than five out of twenty shall be disqualified.
Article 11:
- The oral test for all the candidates will take place on Saturday, September 18th, 2023 at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Bamenda – National Polytechnic Mile 3 NKwen Campus exclusively.
- The oral evaluation test will cover scientific knowledge, General Knowledge, Bilingualism and physical presentation of the candidate. kamerpower.com
Article 12:
The academic performance will mostly be based on the study of candidates file. Criteria used for the study of files will be:
- The candidate’s age.
- The number of years spent in Secondary Education.
- The results of the GCE O/L or Probatoire, and that of GCE A/L or Baccalauréat.
Article 13:
After the oral test, the jury shall prepare the list of successful candidates per series and in alphabetical order for signature and publication by the Minister of Higher Education.
Article 14:
The composition of the jury mentioned in the above articles is specified in a special decision of the Minister of Higher Education.
Article 15:
The Vice Chancellor of the University of Barnenda, the Director of University Accreditations and Quality and the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, each in his/her own sphere, are responsible for the implementation of this Decision which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever necessary.
Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2024-2025 Entrance Faculty of Health Sciences MINESUP Concours.
- Entrance first year Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine University of Buea FAVM.
- Health Sciences FHS University of Buea Entrance admission into B.Sc. Medical Laboratory Sciences and Nursing MINESUP.
- Midwifery FHS University of Buea Entrance first year Faculty of Health Sciences 40 student admission MINESUP Concours
Can I get pass questions for FHS entrance exams in nursing/midwifery
Pls sir just to inquire on the date to write the nursing entrance examination
Please do I need certificate of non conviction to register for medicine concours
Mekaye randy
Please when are we writing the 2020 nursing/midwifery under FHS
Please sir/madam
Can your documents for nursing be submitted by a close person but not you in the campus ??
Please in need of past questions of FHS from 2015 till 2019
Am a fresh graduate from Catholic university of Cameroon bamenda with a Bsc in food science and technology I wish to study nursing at University of bamenda so can I get admission into level 3 for 2020/2021 school year
Greetings please am a fresh graduate from Catholic university of Cameroon Bamenda with a Bsc in food science and technology second class up 3.56
Please when are we writing the Nursing concours 2019???????The dates please
Please for past questions in MLS
Please i wish to have past questions for FHS (general medicine) Bamenda as from 2013 to 2018,please am really in need of them,thank you.
Please how do I get past questions for nursing and midwifery from the time this department was brought into the university of bamenda till now?
Pls how can I get the past questions. If possible send me ur contact so that I can call. Thanks
I want Past questions for the MLS Bamenda concours please from 2000 to 2006 mostly been from FMBS.Thanks