PEPFAR Jobs Vacancies for PEPFAR


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10 Responses

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  1. Nguegang says:

    Âgée de 28 ans, actuellement en stage à horizons femmes; précédemment en perfectionnement depuis plus d’un an dans un hôpital de district pavillon laboratoire suis titulaire d’un diplôme de technicien en analyses médicales; je continue de travailler avec des personnes atteintes du VIH et je serai très heureux de vous rejoindre dans cette bataille noble pour atteindre les objectifs assignés à votre organisation je s’aurai m’intégrer, m’adapter dans le strict respect des règles d’éthique et de la déontologie.

  2. kengran bernrd maimo says:

    Dear sir/madam
    i have the honor most respectful to apply to work in your organization whose vision is to prevent the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus and prolong lives of those already inflicted with the virus. i am a state registered nurse with 2yrs of working experience in the field of nursing.. i worked in the HIV treatment center for 3months in my years of formation and currently in a private health facility where i work, i still council patients who are newly diagnosed and defaulters as well as follow up treatment regiments for patients suffering from the said virus. i love to see that the vision you have to eliminate this virus comes to reality and i wish to be part of that battle.
    i will be very grateful if my application is treated positively.

  3. Wilson Kimbi Waikem says:

    Hello sir/madam
    I am a state registered nurse in Cameroon. I have worked with the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health services as a supervisor of HIV/AIDS care and management sponsored by PEPFAR through CDC for many years and the anglophone crisis has caused me to lost my job. It has always been my dream to work with your organisation to give my own contribution for the fight against HIV/AIDS. I can work anywhere and i can best express myself in English language. I promised to help you obtain your objective which is the vision 90,90,90. With all hands on deck we can make it.I have been a trainer in option B+ and a facilitator in general HIV/AIDS Counseling.
    while waiting for your considerable reply, i remain your humble applicant. Wilson Kimbi.

  4. Tekeoh Sylvie says:

    Dear sir/madam

    Am Tekeoh Sylvie, holder of state Registered Nurse Diploma. I have work with regional Technical Group for fight against HIV /AIDS for 3years. As psychosocial counselor, I have a great experience as far as Hiv is concern. I will be very delighted to work with PEPFAR to achieve a set objectives.

  5. Tekeoh Sylvie says:

    Am Tekeoh Sylvie, holder of state Registered Nurse Diploma. I have work with regional Technical Group for fight against HIV /AIDS for 3years. As psychosocial counselor, I have a great experience as far as Hiv is concern. I will be very delighted to work with PEPFAR to achieve a set objectives.

  6. Doh Glory Numbong says:

    Interested in voluntary service

  7. Mapon Njussa Alvine says:

    Je suis camerounaise âgée de 26ans célibataire, sans enfants et sans emplois. En effet je suis titulaire d’une Licence en biologie Humaine et Santé de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Universite de Douala et d’un diplôme de Technicien Principaux Médico -Sanitaire option Analyses Médicales. De plus j’ai un ens expérience de 2ans dans le domaine du Laboratoire et presque 1an dans le domaine du VIH/SIDA.Ainsi j’ai travaillé comme stagiaire pendant 6mois au GTR-Lt-ViH/SIDA; comme conseillère pour le VIH et point focal Index/contacts Testings pour CBCHS et comme consultante à EGPAF en tant que AGENT DE RÉTENTION pour la campagne de retour sur traitement des perdus de vues.

  8. Wirba Joyce says:

    Please where should I forward my cv and application letter?

  9. DIEUDONNE GEMUH 678308119 says:

    Dear Sir/Madam;
    I am a holder of a bachelor degree from the University of Buea (Department of Economics and management 2013). I have experience in human resources and facilities management with Good interpersonal and communication skills. I am interested to be part of your prestigious organization in any position that is available. My CV is available on request. Thanks for your consideration.

  10. Ngweya irene says:

    Ngweya Irene

    An application for a job.
    Dr sir,
    It with great honour that I come close to your institution in search for a job.
    Am 24 of age and a degree holder in project management and in sociology. I have worked on this HIV and AIDS program for more than two years to day.Am good in English, French and pidgin.which are the languages who permitted me to easily work with the careers of the virus.
    Believing that my request will be granted to served you in any position you offer,I patiently wait for your kind response.
    Yours faithfully

    Ngweya Irene

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