US Embassy Yaounde Cameroon job offer: 40 Security Guards


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12 Responses

  • Comments12
  1. Mborong charles says:

    Wow this is great I too am interested in applying to us embassy to work as a guard

  2. Ndip Emmanuel Mpako says:

    With a bumble approach sir.
    I solicit the position of a security guard in your embassy.
    I am bilingual with an experience of close to ten years attach with little skill in information technology.
    I will gladly be happy to put my skill in to action if i’m granted the chance to.
    While waiting for a favorable reply I remain your humble applicant.

  3. Djata ondoua Bonachy says:

    Dear sir, I come with all respect due to your past post about Security Guards.
    I am very interested in this post and I’ve got the requirements for this.
    My name is Djata Ondoua BONACHY. Tel: 690262188

  4. Peter suila says:

    Good evening sir I’m very happy to see your puppy post for security guard jobs I have to honor to apply for this position as a security guard I have the job experience for 4 years I am ready were you position me my name is Peter suila 651451464

  5. Tarla Divine says:

    Dear sir, it’s a honour for me to come close to your highly responsible to apply to save your institution as a security guard, sir i have saved in many security company and am currently working with the Cameroon Baptist convention Health services ( security department ) sir, i will will be waiting for your favourable answer. Tarla Divine

  6. Njodzenyuy Derick Afoni says:

    Sir, i have the honor to apply for the job of security officer in your Embassy. I was recruited as security officer in 2012 and have worked at the international finance cooperation as guard for three years 2015_2018, I was promoted to the rang of patrol supervisor from 2018-2020 and my last promotion in Essoka security was the area supervisor in 2020-2021 where I resigned. So I have been in the security field for practically ten years, I am ready for any task you will assigned to me in your Embassy Thanks.

  7. Njodzenyuy Derick Afoni says:

    I am very happy to apply for this job, I have been working in a private security company for ten years in different promotion positions from security officer, patrol supervisor and area supervisor and I have also worked as guard at the world Bank group (IFC) for three years.

  8. Nyuyuver menglamo says:

    I have the honor to request for the job of a security agent in your embassy. I have all the qualifications listed above exept that I have never been a security guard before- but very ready to adapt if am employed.

  9. Veranso Leslie says:

    Sir with youy publication few days ago I have the honor reply as a security officer can your company I have an Experience off 3 years in a sessoka security yoaunde

  10. Veranso Leslie says:

    A job seeker security guard in your embassy sir… I can be contacted 653793639

  11. Mayah says:

    Job seeker, security guard

  12. mariuskouekeu says:

    monsieur l’ambassadeur je vien aupres de votre Haute personaliter soliciter un emploie dan votre entreprise dan le domaine de la securite .jsuis un athlet jai exercer ce metier dan plusieur grande structure de letant du territoire Camerounais. tres ponctuel . calme .maitrise de soit meme je mesure 1.95 je parle englais et ecrire avec le francaise ecrire. en attendant une suite favorable a ma demande veuillez agreer monsieur lambassadeur les sentiment mon profond respect. Marius kouekeu 695582383

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