Belgium Scholarships 2024-2025: ARES grants 150 scholarships for participation into the masters and 70 into training programmes.
Belgium Scholarships 2024-2025: ARES grants 150 scholarships for participation into the masters and 70 scholarships for participation into training programmes.
Within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, the Minister for Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian Higher Education Institutions with the preparation of Postgraduate Programmes (Advanced Masters) and Training Programmes that are specifically oriented towards young professionals from developing countries.
International Courses and Training Programmes are part of the global study programmes of the Higher Education Institutions. They are open to all students who satisfy the conditions of qualification, but aim at proposing training units that distinguish themselves by their openness towards specific development issues.
Within the programme for International Courses and Training Programmes 2024-2025, ARES grants 150 scholarships for participation into the masters and 70 scholarships for participation into the training programmes.
Applying for a ARES scholarship is absolutely free of charge. ARES does not charge any fee at any stage of the application or selection process. You may raise any question or concern about persons or companies claiming to be acting on behalf of ARES and requesting the payment of a fee by emailing us at Any application containing cash will be automatically rejected.
Flemish universities also propose training programmes and courses for key-persons from developing countries. Please refer to article of the Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad ( VLIR ) which groups the Flemish universities.
List of International courses and training programmes – INTERNATIONAL COURSES
- Master complémentaire en aquaculture.
- Master complémentaire en gestion des transports.
- Master complémentaire en santé publique – orientation santé et développement.
- Master complémentaire en sciences et gestion de l’environnement dans les pays en développement.
- Master complémentaire en gestion des ressources animales et végétales en milieux tropicaux.
- Master complémentaire en gestion des risques naturels.
- Master complémentaire en sciences et technologie des aliments.
- Master complémentaire en médecine transfusionnelle.
- European Microfinance Programme.
- Master complémentaire en protection des cultures tropicales et subtropicales.
- Advanced Master in International and Development Economics.
- Master complémentaire en développement, environnement et sociétés.
- Master complémentaire in Public Health Methodology.
- Stage de formation à l’usage des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans les bibliothèques universitaires.
- Stage en système d’information géographique.
- Stage en gestion des systèmes de services de santé – économie et planification des systèmes de santé (filière A) – recherche en système de santé (filière B).
- Stage méthodologique en appui à l’innovation en agriculture familiale.
- Stage en environnement et gestion durable des ressources minérales.