British High Commission recruitment: Projects and Prosperity Officer A2 (L) (06/18 YAO)


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4 Responses

  • Comments4
  1. Ndange Rebecca Atte says:

    Good afternoon Sir. I just submitted my online registration into University of Bamenda in the field of master in psychiatric nursing. After getting my admission letter, I will love British high Commission to help me realize my dream for benefits of the underprivileged in my society, nation and world. Please kindly inform me when scholarship is launch this 2022-2023. Thank.

  2. Lum Annociata says:

    Good morning Sir/Ma’am. I am interested. And I would like to work at the British High Commission.

  3. vulie valentine ntumsi says:

    y names are vulie Valentine ntumsi I wish to work at the British high commission as a driver

  4. Ngweya irene says:

    I wish to work at the British high commission

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