Concours Health personel Cameroon 2024-2025: MINSANTE Examination into public and private Health Institutions.


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114 Responses

  • Comments114
  1. Monyi Sylvia says:

    S’il vous plaît j’aimerais savoir quand aura lieu le concours des IDE au Cameroun et surtout où déposer les dossiers pour le concours

  2. Clarance says:

    Please can I apply with the carton of the ID card because its been 3 yrs now my ID hasn’t been available yet

  3. Nkab Raymond says:

    For any of the following

    Past entrance questions and solution
    General university admission, UBa and UB
    Certification of documents
    Instant passport size photograph
    NASLA, ENAM…. Hit me on Whatsapp6…7632465.

  4. Ndiy Pelagie Eken says:

    pls sir what about those who just wrote the advance level …….can the date not be shifted becuz i just discovered about it and i dont enough time to prepare

  5. Ntani says:

    Please sir I which to see how the format for the application the application is being written


    Hello please i wish to know the name of the school the examination will take place

  7. Masebi magdalene says:

    Good morning sir/ma
    Please sir, I just want to know if the nursing concours is launch out?


    Gd day Mr I’ll like to know when
    State registered nurses and lab technicians concours will be out
    I’ll be glad if my email hits up…with the information….of the concours

  9. Ntamack paul says:

    Hi please I would like to know when state registered nurses gonna be up date…

  10. Gina says:

    Hello i wish to know when the 2021 nursing concour will be lunched

  11. Masebi magdalene says:

    Greetings sir, Please sir I will like to know when they are writing the midwife concours and the requirements?. thanks

  12. Bisong Thomas Esong Desong says:

    Greetings sir/madam,I would like to know when will Assistant laboratory health technicians concour launched this 2021-2022.

  13. Nyoh Luzian says:

    Good evening sir, pls I would like to know the requirements needed for state registered nurses and nursing assistants.

  14. Ngala perpetual gwei says:

    Please help me with the Results nursing assistant entrance exam centre Limbe.

  15. Ngala perpetual Gwei says:

    Please for the results nursing assistant center Limbe

  16. Yankanyui modestin says:

    Please is the result of the state registered nurses out of the 17/18 October 2020

  17. Yankanyui modestin says:

    Please sir is the result of the state registered nurses out of the 17/18 October 2020

  18. Akwa Brandon says:

    Please has the exam state register nursing out yet

  19. Mba Glory says:

    Good morning sir/madam please I wish to know the place, time and requirement needed for the state registered nursing school in limbe.

  20. Fonyuy Solange says:

    Wish to know the location of writing the IDE in Yaounde.

  21. Frankline Tembe says:

    good evening sir/madam I wish to know the date that one should go to the regional delegation and check the name n the school he/she will write for senior nurses 20202021 and the date of the written exam

  22. Tanfen Annatu Beri says:

    How to register for the concours in public health

  23. Tanfen Annatu Beri says:

    Registration for public health concours

  24. Shedrick munji says:

    What is the date limit for Nursing?

  25. Achua Vivian Edo says:

    Sir /Mme wish to find out how long it talks for one to have an authorization from the minister have not yet sumnitted my doc waiting to hear from you thanks

  26. Jim says:

    What do they mean by:
    1) An attestation of presentation of the original certificate of the required diploma?
    2) Filiére (program) and Speciality
    For example I want to offer pharmacy where do I fill pharmacy?

  27. Etchu sally says:

    Plsss sir I would like to know the requirements needed for the state nursing concours

  28. oben champion says:


    *All you need to know about nursing concours in cameroon* 1)Requirements
    2)Notes and Materials
    3 online registration
    4)Eligibility and Dates
    5) Preparatory Classes.
    call or Whatsapp me follow the link
    *Your Satisfaction is Our goal*

  29. Che Godswill says:

    Good day sir,please i wish to know if i can become a nurse in Cameroon using a foreign degree?
    thanks and waiting

  30. Larissa ndoh says:

    Please i need an updated when they concour again this year

  31. Valentina says:

    Good evening sir.
    Please I wish to inquire about state registered opthalmology in Cameroon.

  32. Mbohnkang prosper puh says:

    Good morning sir, please I to know when the state register nursing concourse with be written and the requirements that are needed . Thanks

  33. Tambe marielouis says:

    Good morning sir,I wish to know when the concourse for laboratory science will be published

  34. Mbei Che Claudia says:

    Greetings sir/madam please i wish to find out if registration for concours have started i wish to go in for medical lab technician

  35. Greetings sir,pls I will like to know when d state Registered Nursing concour will be launched for 2020-2021,d requirements and closing date for submission of files.

  36. Ndum Yvette Ashu says:

    Good day sir/madam please I wish know the requirements needed for a state register nurse concur

  37. Njuacha Linda says:

    Please I will like to be informed when the state Registered Nursing concour will be launched for 2020-2021

  38. Nkeng Sam Nkambeng says:

    Good day sir,please I wish to inquire how to integrate into the public service as a nurse with a Bachelor Degree and become a registered nurse in Cameroon.Hoping to read from you soon.Thanks

  39. Ngufack pamela says:

    Good afternoon sir/madam please I wish to knw when the state registered nurse concour will be launch

  40. AKUMO JELIMA says:

    Greetings sir pls I wish to know when the state registered nursing concour will be written and the requirements needed for the concour

    • Destipelma obi says:

      Good morning… please I would like to know the requirements needed for state registered nurses and when it will be written

  41. Guysih Clifford NANJI says:

    Notify me when state registered nursing entrance concours for 2020/2021 academic year has been launched

  42. Chia Antionette bih says:

    Please for my results state registered nurses competitive entrance exams

  43. Robert says:

    I wish to see the results

  44. Nshom Riser Ndosak says:

    Please I need the list for the registered members for MINSANTE 2019/2020

  45. AJI FLAVINE says:

    Good evening sir please can I know what is required for the assistant health laboratory technician and what is required for them

  46. Tonga Brenda says:

    Please when will the state registered nurse concours be launched again and what are the requirements, must you have biology?

  47. mbah mbah says:

    Good evening Sir. I wish to know when the concour for state register nurse will be launch and the requirement.

  48. Khan megha synthia says:

    Good morning sir please i which to find out about the requirements needed to register for the concour.

  49. Tabe Stephany Ngoumenje says:

    Good day sir please I wish to know the last date the registration in to the state registered nurse will and I also the required document

  50. Tim Clovis says:

    Good day sir/madam, i would like to find out the procedure required to get a transfer from one school to another, i am a level two medical laboratory student in the Catholic School of Health Sciences Shisong and the current crisis especially in Kumbo makes it really difficult for me to attend classes fully coupled with other factors like the high fees which am currently finding it difficult to catch up with.
    any help will be really appreciated. thannks in advance

  51. Ndengwe Gladys Ntube says:

    I wish to know when concourse for state registered nurse 2019 will is lunched. Also to know the age limit for this.

    • Kuh Godlove Kubeh says:

      Please I will like to know when the state registered nursing entrance examination for 2019 will be launched and the closing date.

  52. Motia gayel Esubu says:

    Hello,I wish to ask how to apply for a transfer I am a second year student in shisong but can’t go to school because of the crisis there pls

  53. Rex Toko says:

    hello, I wish to know what steps are required with reference to transfers of SRN students from level I to II and how many times is the transfer been done per year?

  54. Mbong Elvis ehoh says:

    Please how do I get my results ??

  55. Tanyingha cynthia says:

    Required field

  56. D snow says:

    please what are the criteria for registering for Senior laboratory Technician

  57. ndip nadesh says:

    Pls what is the fees for the nursing public school in limbe

  58. ndip nadesh says:

    Pls how much is the fees 4 the public nursing school in limbe

  59. Tseninyuy Ronald Tonka says:

    Hello good evening or when ever this reach you Sir/Madam! please I wish to find out which Government University in Cameroon is offering Masters Degree in Anaesthesia?? I just completed a BSc in Nursing/Midwifery and I wish to proceed with Masters in Anaesthesia. thanks in advance.

  60. Agborta sylvie Eyong says:

    please when will they sit for the state register nursing and midwivery concour for the 2017 accedemic year?,and has the registration ended already for both concours?

  61. Clinton says:

    Good morning, pls when will the registration end?

  62. EYONG PEARLSON says:

    Please what are the criteria for the registration of the concours and when do the registration takes place please???

  63. ntoh lewis says:

    Good morning or afternoon Sir/Madam respectively to the time my words reaches you. Actually i heard from one of friend they launch state nursing in Cameroon and wish to inquire for the circular. please Sir/Madam. Thank you for your concerns God bless. take care and have a nice day

  64. kum julius mbuh says:

    Please when will the registration start.

  65. Banin Julliet says:

    I am banin Julliet wish to ask where the recruitment exams to public service for nurse will be written in yaounde

  66. yeba doris tita says:

    Hi am yeba doris a post graduat from training school for state registered nurses bamenda seeking for job vacancy and can work in any hospital

  67. BOKWE says:

    I Queen am in ub, graduating as a medical laboratory Scientist this acadmic year and i want admission into 4th year of medicine in 2017/18. kindly advice on what to do. thanks.

  68. fouadjue adele alicia says:

    please for my result medical laboratory technician MINSANTE CAMEROON of august 13 2017

  69. Mofe says:

    Hey good day all, just wanting to know when the nursing results for 2016-2017 will be out. its been two months today and all other concour results are out.

  70. navo says:



      Hello, I’m Ghaife Nicoline , holder of State Registered Nursing Diploma. After writing recruitment concour for the third time, I succeeded and went for the oral part . I was 2nd on the waiting list for 30 nurses of B1 categories out of 5. I Wish to know if I should continue waiting or take the concour again.

  71. Please required documents



  73. Tanda Nelson says:

    hey pals good job there. just wanna know about the recent recruitment of workers in the HIV treatment centres and their requirements

  74. good day thank you for the help you have been rendering to us .i just wanted to know when the result for health personnels shall be out .will apprieciate this favour from you .thanks

  75. I wish to know the 2015/2016 health personnel concours result

  76. kenah comfort says:

    Hello karmerpower please when will the SRN results be released.

  77. larissa says:

    Good morning please when will the concour For health personel be released

  78. larissa says:

    When will the results be out

  79. pierre says:

    hello kamerpower can someone go in for both medicin and the medical laboratory technician concour in the same year

  80. Ebage Raoul says:

    can one register for more course? I wonder if the will be clashes

  81. Ntoko Richard .M says:

    Hello Kamerpower,please i was wondering, can i get the most recent recrutement concour(s) under the Ministry of Public Health?
    I woould be most grateful ,you have of great help to us.

  82. please has the goverment lunch the SRN concour already?

  83. Abie-Mboh Nelson Mbongayah says:

    Hello Kamer, please I wish to find out whether the application to be addressed to the Honourable Minister of MINSANTE in view of the Competitive Entrance Exam for Student Health Personnel has to be hand-written or typed. Eagerly waiting to hear from you as usual.
    Kind regards.

  84. ntoko says:

    Hi,i am very grateful for making things easy for some of us,please can u also send me some direct entry concourse into public service of MINSANTE?

  85. Mua Njuh Emmanuel says:

    Thanks for this great to us young job seekers. It has enormously reduce me the stress of looking for information on concours and result. of successful candidate. Thanks for this great support.

  86. Abie-Mboh Nelson Mbongayah says:

    Hello, please I’ll like to commend you ones more for your enormous efforts in alleviating our stress of traveling long distances in search of information. Please, I will be overwhelmed if you can provide us with an English version of the registration form for the Public Health concours. Please there is a big problem in understanding and filling the sole french version available minsanteconcours It will greatly assist us in minimizing errors when making necessary entries.
    Thanks and warmth regards.

  87. Kamerpower says:

    Hello Nwandum! Check back later, You will have them latest tomorrow,

  88. nwandum says:

    hello kamerpower!thanks for this information.please i wish to have the list of the private and public schools recommended by the ministry.

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