Eiffel scholarship program Selection procedure – Eligibility
Eiffel scholarship program Selection procedure – Eligibility.
Nationality: this program is reserved for non-French nationals. Candidates with two nationalities, one of which is French, are not eligible. Eiffel scholarship program Selection procedure – Eligibility. kamerpower.com
Age: for master’s level, candidates must be no older than 30 on the date of the 2025 Campaign, that is, students born after March 1990. At PhD level, candidates must be no older than 35 on the date of the 2025 Campaign, that is, students born after March 1983.
Origin of applications:
Only applications submitted by French educational institutions are accepted. These institutions commit to enrolling scholarship holders on the academic program for which they have been selected. Applications submitted by any other means shall not be considered. Furthermore, any candidate nominated by more than one institution shall be disqualified.
Levels of study: scholarships are granted to candidates wishing to enrol on a master’s program, including at an engineering school, and for PhD students. The Eiffel Program does not apply to French-run master’s programs abroad. The Eiffel scholarship does not apply to training under an apprenticeship contract or a professional training contract.
Scholarship incompatibilities:
Foreign students who, at the time of application, have already been awarded a French government scholarship from another Program, are not eligible, even if the scholarship only covers health insurance.
Eiffel master’s scholarship:
No application will be accepted for any student already rejected at an earlier application campaign, even if the application is submitted by a different institution or in another field of study. Students who have already been awarded an Eiffel scholarship at master’s level are not eligible to re-apply at master’s level.
Eiffel PhD scholarship:
Institutions may nominate a candidate who was previously awarded an Eiffel scholarship at master’s level for a scholarship at PhD level. Candidates who have already been awarded an Eiffel scholarship during their PhD cannot be awarded a scholarship for a second time. No application will be accepted for any student already rejected at an earlier application campaign, even if the application is submitted by a different institution or in another field of study.
Language skills: when pre-selecting non-French-speaking candidates, institutions must make sure that their language skills meet the requirements of its academic program.
Students studying at an academic program abroad have priority over those already living in France.
The Services of Cooperation and Cultural Action (SCAC) of the French embassies give a consultative opinion on the applications of candidates from their respective countries.
The selection procedure is carried out by a committee composed of four groups of experts (one per field of study). The members of these groups cannot evaluate applications submitted by institutions to which they are institutionally associated.
The evaluation of applications takes into account the consultative opinion of the French embassies.