Institute of Fine Arts Foumban (iFAF Concours year 1) University of Dschang 2024-2025


Hub for students, job seekers and scholarship directory. The site provides free informative information regarding competitive exams, educational opportunities, Universities, Results, Jobs, Internships, Tests, Tips etc., Career Path Guide For Students & Employees with best guides and how-tos

4 Responses

  • Comments4
  1. Uku Henrietta owu says:

    Please what are the documents needed to be deposited by a dress design and style student

  2. Takang Olivia Tabot says:

    What makes a candidate eligible to this exams?

  3. Fukah Boris says:

    Because I wish to study architecture Art and am holder of Bacc A

  4. Fukah Boris says:

    What if somebody is unable to make it through that examination is there any private institutions under university that one can apply in??

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