Internship with UNAIDS : United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)


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25 Responses

  • Comments25

    Greetings sir. I am Dr MBUOMBOH LIWO pharmacist by profesion. i defended my pharm D on the topic ADVERSE EFFECTSA AND COMPLIANCE TO ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY AMOUNG PEOPLELIVING WITH HIV/AIDS AT THE YAOUNDE CENTRAL HOSPITAL. Have loved and hope to work in your organisation. I speak English fluently, can read and understand French, love working with a team and capable working under all working conditions.


    Greetings sir. I am Dr MBUOMBOH LIWO pharmacist by profesion. i defended my pharm D on the topic ADVERSE EFFECTSA AND COMPLIANCE TO ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY AMOUNG PEOPLELIVING WITH HIV/AIDS AT THE YAOUNDE CENTRAL HOSPITAL. Have loved and hope to work in your organisation. I speak English fluently, can read and understand French, love working with a team and capable working under all working conditions.


    Greetings sir. I am Mbuomboh Liwo Fostain A, a Pharmacist by profession, product of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the UY1. I, defended my PharmD thesis on ”ADVERSE EFFECTS AND COMPLIANCE TO ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY AMONG PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS AT THE YAOUNDE CENTRAL HOSPITAL.
    I have always loved and hope to working in this organisation. i speak English fluently, can read and understands French, hard working, with good working team spirit.
    Tell:+237-652480187/ +237-691561288

  4. Ngeh Cynthia Manka'a says:

    I am a holder of HND and BSc in Medical Laboratory Sciences and has field experience both at the treatment center of various hospitals and also in various Laboratories which entails I’m able to work with a team as well as clients. I’ll be so happy if given this opportunity cos dealing with such clients (patients) is my priority.

  5. Orock-Enacka Ray Etchi-Affah says:

    This is a lovely internship program I will never want to miss.


    Je m’appelle Bianca Ngwanya d’Afrique du Sud. J’adorerai dire à tout le monde sur ce blog comment mon statut est passé du VIH positif au négatif, et j’en suis maintenant un témoin vivant. Le VIH sévit dans ma famille. J’ai perdu les deux parents à cause du vih et je n’ai pas réussi à surmonter la douleur. Comme nous le savons tous, médicalement, il n’y a pas de solution au vih. Il y a quelques mois, quelqu’un m’a présenté un médecin natif en ligne appelé DR.WATER. Je lui ai montré tous mes tests et résultats. On m’a déjà diagnostiqué le vih et cela me faisait déjà des ravages. J’avais déjà dépensé des milliers de rands pour d’autres médicaments auparavant, mais j’ai pourtant décidé de l’essayer. j’étais sur son dosage pendant 3 semaines. Même si je n’y croyais pas, je l’essayais juste par frustration. Après les 3 semaines, je suis allé pour de nouveaux tests. Et vous ne croirez pas que 5 résultats de laboratoire différents ont confirmé que je suis négatif. C’était comme un rêve, je ne crois jamais que le VIH puisse guérir. Je veux juste aider les autres de toutes les manières possibles, j’ai inclus le numéro Whatsapp et l’email de DR.WATER à la fin de ce message. J’ai rejoint de nombreux forums et j’ai posté ces témoignages et beaucoup de gens ont contacté DR.WATER par moi et ils étaient également négatifs après avoir utilisé son médicament. La BBC a même publié en direct que DR.WATER peut guérir même l’hépatite, l’artère coronaire, le cancer, l’herpès, le VPH, l’asthme, le diabète et bien d’autres. Tout le monde l’a vu et il est maintenant publié dans certains journaux et magazines.
    Numéro Whatsapp de DR.WATER: +2349050205019

  7. Agbor Benson Mbi says:

    Good day sir/madamme.
    I am Agbor Benson Mbi,a 32years old HnD holder in nursing science with 5years work experience.
    Sir,I can work under any condition, Very collaborative and dedicated.
    Resident: Yaounde, Cameroon
    Am at your service any time and anywhere sir.
    I have attestation to many HIV and Aids seminars.

    Tel:+237 675. 31 61 74

  8. Anyam Awa says: (673 514 511)
    I am Anyam Awa holder of a BBA in Management with a minor in Accounting and Finance, from the Higher Institute of Commerce & Management of the University of Bamenda. With knowledge and experiences in several domains and institutions of industrial training like CamCCUL, MITACCUL, and GP-DERUDEP II and having undergone an MBA studies in Management, i strongly believe i might be instrumental working with the team taking into account my desire and willingness to new challenges

  9. patience says:

    i am patience. i work at irad and has had a lot in resaerch and innovatoin. i enjoy team work. i have had alot to do with collection of qualitative data in projects. with individuals and focus groups. as well as resaerch writings. i will be happy to be part of your team.

  10. Kifem Mark Seka says:

    I am Kifem Mark Seka a current holder of a Bachelors Degree in Geography at the University of Yaoundé 1 and a Certificate offered by UNICEF for Entrepreneurship . I will be honored being a part as an Intern to take part in the UNAIDS Program on HIV/AIDS reasons by that I am very good in taking part in team work, pay close attention to instructions , I’m dynamic and creative and always looking forward to bring out innovative ideas to help motivate and inspire those around me. While waiting accept my heartfelt greetings.

  11. Yomi blescine says:

    I am yomi blescine a cameroonian by nationality currently studying microbiology in the university of bueq and i minor in mlt i will be please to be part of this great team so as to help build a health cameroon,I’m hardworking, diligent, and respectul I’m ready to learn while waiting for your reply i remain yours faithfully
    Yomi blescine

  12. Mbalang Evon Nange. says:

    With respect to the internship in zero HIV/AIDS,I wish to apply for it. I am an educator currently studying educational psychology in the university of Bemenda Cameroon, the internship will give me an opportunity to practice counseling which isy ultimate goal in order to help the UNO in achieving their objectives.
    I am good at team work,creative and dinamic which are useful qualities to help achieve this dream which has been my cry. While looking forward to meet you, I remain yours faithfully Mbalang Evon Nange.

  13. Ebot says:

    Am called Ebot shalom, a Cameroonian by nationality a holder of advance level certificate, currently in the university of Buea reading environmental science, I can work as a team, work under pressure and am willing to learn,

  14. Akpo Dorcas Itoh says:

    I am a nurse by profession and has acquired a good working experience in both rural and urban areas will be happy to work in this organization

  15. Bose Faith Meban says:

    Thank you for this opportunity. I am a holder of a bachelor degree in economics from the University of yaounde 2.please I will like to take part in this internship so as to be able to contribute in bringing HIV to zero and build my skills in serving the community.

  16. Marion Cosby says:

    I am pleased to find this opportunity
    Am a holder of a bachelors in nursing and will love to be part of this team whenever I work with people who are HIV infected I feel proud and happy . Thanks for this good opportunity

  17. Hanson Christabel Akwanwi. says:

    I am a Cameroonian based in the Northwest region. I have a bachelors degree in management science. I would really love to be a part of this internship because I have lost closed family and friends due to this illness and am currently living with one who is dieing and needs help. I have good knowledge of staying with person with such illnesses. I am good in personnel management, can speak in public and ready to work anywhere with the population to save lives. I wish I have the opportunity to proof my worth

  18. Agnes Enanga Jabeya says:

    I am a Cameroonian from the South West region of Cameroon. Am fluent in both French and English. A holder of advanced level certificate and very hard working. Would love to be a part of your team.

  19. Bisong Simon Egoh says:

    Bisong Simon Egoh

    With much simple and clearer words my address already carries my n ame I am a Journalism student( Print journalism)and I am much better at report and critical reasoning i will be honoured to carry out this internship with the United Nations and I believe my communication in English and the local broken will help in establishing our goals. I am very polite , respectful and a good leader I carry my responsibilities well and very punctual with these few words I have raise my case up and I hopefully wait for a reply yours faithfully Bisong Simon Egoh

  20. Titanji N. Ernestine Velma says:

    Titanji Ntsama Ernestine Velma

    With prior to the internship in zero HIV/AIDS, I wish to apply for this internship, I am a nurse by profession and I have gathered experiences while working with health establishments and doing outreach services in rural areas, this internship will give me the opportunity to express my know-how and bring forth ideas that will help the UNO in achieving better results. I can express my self in both French and English, I am good at working with a team and always willing to learn more. The IEC (Information Education and Communication) will help us in achieving this dream. Looking forward to meet you. Yours truly T.N.Ernestine

  21. Bame Hope says:

    I am a Cameroonian from the North west region. I have an HND in Management.I am bilingual , very hardworking and always ready to learn

  22. NGO OUM ONOMO Mireille says:

    NNgo Oum Onomo Mireille,juriste ,titulaire d’une maitrise en droit privé fondamental et stagiaire à la Commission Nationale des Droits et des Libertés. Mon ambition est d’intégrer la grande famille ONUSIDA dont les idéaux,les missions et les activités ont toujours su retenir mon attention.Travailleuse,dynamique,serieuse ,je reste à votre disposition pour toute information utile.

  23. Eseme Isaac Njang says:

    I am Mr.Eseme Isaac,a Cameroonian by nationality, perfectly bilingual and a holder of the GCE Advance level.I wish to work with a well recognised organisation.I am polite,honest and know my limits.I am also willing to learn.

  24. Magni buma beatrice says:

    Mrou Mm
    Jai lhonneur de venir aupres de votre haute personnalite sollicite un stage a ONUSIDA
    Jai 31ans, titulaire d une capacite en droit juridique et persevrrance,le dynamisme sont mes atout pour une bonne reusite.
    Veuillez agreer Mrou Mm l expression de mes sincere salutation

  25. Tchotcha Mbiawa Hugues martial says:

    Tchotcha Mbiawa
    Hugues Martial

    J’ai l’honneur de venir très respectueusement auprès de votre haute personnalité sollicité un poste dans votre société.
    En effet je suis âgé de 30 ans et j’ai une licence en gestion d’entreprise, et je souhaiterai pouvoir travailler dans votre société et accepter tout poste pouvant correspondre à ma qualification.
    Le respect, la ponctualité, la persévérance et le dynamisme sont mes plus grand atout.
    Restant à votre disposition pour convenir d’un dialogue, veuillez agrée Monsieur ,l’expression de mes sincères salutations.

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