National Medicine Concours Cameroon 2024-2025 specialization in medicine.


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25 Responses

  • Comments25
  1. Prince Kinswil says:

    Please what is the age limit to go in for medical concour in cameroon

  2. Rose ndongo says:

    Please when is thé concours of médicine for this year is going to bé launch

  3. Bernet says:

    Please sir I wish to know when the FHS Results are going to be released.

  4. Samgwa Maxwell says:

    Pls sir I wish to have a guide on the online registration for FHS Bamenda and also wish to know if I can write the concour in a different place

  5. Tezem Kuete Bill Alsen says:

    Good afternoon sir. Please i wish to know if i can write in a différent centre apart from thé one initialy chosen during online registration ? I had an accident un Yaoundé and van no longer travel to dschang where i chosed to write. I wish to change my writting centre.

  6. Joy Rahab Mukete says:

    Can an Advance level holder be part of the concour? If yes, I wish to write it this yer

  7. Joy Rahab Mukete says:

    How can I get admission for the medicine concours?

  8. Joy Rahab Mukete says:

    Please I wish to know how to register for CUSS or FHS and requirements needed for the year 2020-2021.
    Thanks much

  9. Obase says:

    Please I wish to know when medical concours are lunch .

  10. Wung Eugene Buh says:

    I am an A/L level Holder in 2papers(chemistry and biology). I wish to get admission for medicine concour

  11. Echuegbe Ghassan says:

    I need complete information on the concour requirements to do undergraduate course in medicine.
    I am holder 3 A/L in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry.

  12. Ngwa Nevial says:

    please i wish to know the death line for the registration for the medical concour

  13. Evodia Angum Assouh says:

    I wish get an admission for the medical concours

  14. Shu Benedict Chebusi says:

    Please I need to know how to register for cuss or fhs and the requirements needed

  15. Meyoyo Manna says:

    I wish to get admission for the medical concours

  16. Igboji Benjamin says:

    I wish to be offered admission into the medicine concours

  17. Igboji Benjamin says:

    Hello, can foreigners being given the opportunity to study medicine in Yaounde?

  18. Akah Ghandi says:

    Can someone help me with the requirements to register Cuss and Fhs, and their exam structures please


    I wish to get admission for the medicine concours

  20. Ambe Clovis says:

    do you offer scholarship? which are

  21. Nouki Zouopet Michelle Cabrelle says:

    i wish to get an admission for the medcine concours

  22. Nouki Zouopet Michelle Cabrelle says:

    to grt an admission for the medcine concours

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