Public Health Nurses Entrance 2024-2025 MINFOPRA MINSANTE recruitment of civil servants Cameroon


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28 Responses

  • Comments28
  1. Delphine Awasum says:

    Please I need the past questions for the nursing public exam

  2. Aminatou says:

    I just wish to know which grade does HND falls

  3. Ngome Katia says:

    Greetings sir/madam please when will the state nurse concours be launched n

  4. Mantohruta Tangeh says:

    Please will SRN be lauched for 2021/2022 ?

  5. Mantohruta Tangeh says:

    Please will the SRN concour be lauched for 2021/2022?

  6. Bisong Thomas Esong Desong says:

    Greetings sir/madam, I would like to know when will the senior laboratory technicians concour launched.

  7. Bessong Oben Judith says:

    please when will the SRN Concour for 2021 be launched?

  8. Akwa brandBr says:

    Please are the results for state register nursing out and if no when will it be out please I need to know

  9. Abdou Samiratu says:

    Please i wish to know where the examination center for the integration (principal nurse).

  10. Njah says:

    Pls when is the last day to submit documents for SRN 2020

  11. Njuakom Michael Yong says:

    I’m interested

  12. Apah Pius says:

    Greetings, plz I wish to have more information and what documents to process to write the concour plzz.

  13. Amuh says:

    Please help me with information to write the concour in nursing please

  14. Rose Ojakwe Fon says:

    Greetings, please I wish to be informed for the competitive entrance of nurses 2020 and the possible documents to compile. Thanks

  15. Mbohnkang Prosper Puh says:

    Good afternoon sir/mandam, please I wish to know when are they going to write state register nursing in Cameroon

  16. Nanga Sonita says:

    Please i need past questions for State registered nursing

  17. Manjong Florenc Titu says:


  18. Beshel Mirabelle says:

    Greetings sir/madamme, I wish to know and to be inform when the public health competitive exam is launched.

  19. Njuacha linda says:

    Please I will like to know when state regRegiste nursing concour will be launched

  20. Nkeh leatisia nkobu says:

    Please I want to write the integration,what are the requirements

  21. ngansah leonard kiyo says:

    Please is there anybody with idea when we should be expecting the results of the above concour

  22. Ambah monica says:

    I want to write the entrance what are the reqirement

  23. Haze chufi says:

    Please can an individual write the examination with just a transcript from school ?

  24. Anwi Kelly says:

    please I want to write the intrans. what are the requirements?

  25. Dauda Rukaiyatu says:

    please I want to write the nurses integration for recruitment

    • Ndifon Armstrong Agha says:

      please I will like to get detailed information about the direct competitive entrance of nurses 2020 and the possible documents to compile,thank

  26. Oben Relindis says:

    Past questions for state registered nurse

  27. New Olivette says:

    plz I want to write the concour in nursing

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