School of Health Science Concours 2024: Catholic University of Central Africa


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7 Responses

  • Comments7
  1. Tata Relay says:

    Please with a bachelor’s degree in nursing what are the formalities to do a master’s in anesthesiology …
    Am very much interested in this please

  2. Fonjock Forsack Gabriel says:

    Am Fonjock Forsack Gabriel am a holder of a state registered nursing diploma wish to know when the competitive entrance exams will be lounch

  3. Chah Peter says:

    Very much interested in Msc in Medical Bacteriology or Haematology. How do I go about it?

  4. Chah Peter says:

    Very much interested in Msc in Medical Bacteriology or Haematology.

  5. Ketu Sullivan ebonta says:

    Hi greetings, I am ketu Sullivan ebonta, I am a holder of the STate registered nurse diploma and I which to inquire on your program of bachelor in nursing science. When will you offer your next session of competitive exams? Do you offer online courses in this program. Thanks for your prompt response

  6. Do line angwieh says:

    Application form 2020 2021 msc medical anesthesia, resuscitarion

  7. Domineering Angwiehsango says:

    Good day, I hold a bachelors degree in education in curriculum studies and teaching (biology ) from buea university. Also I am a registered nurse specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation from school of ban gangrene. Am I eligible for admission in msc medical anesthesia and resuscitation?

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