Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance 2024-2025 MINFOPRA Cameroon recruitment
Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance 2024-2025.
MINFOPRA Concours Professionnel.
MINFOPRA professional Concours/Entrance
Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance 2024-2025 MINFOPRA Cameroon recruitment of civil servants Cameroon Concours
ORDER N° 004487 / KAMERPOWER / MINFOPRA OF 05 October 2023.
To announce professional competitive examination for the recruitment of personnel into the corps of Sports and Physical Education civil servants for the 2024-2025 session.
Mindful of the Constitution.
Mindful of decree No. 75/768 of 18 December 1975 on the Special Rules and Regulations of the Sports and Physical Education civil servants 2017.
Mindful of decree No. 94/199 of 7 October 1994 on the General Rules and Regulations of the Public Service as amended and supplemented by decree No. 2000/287 of 12 October 2000;
Mindful of decree No. 2011/408 of 9 December 2011 to organize the Government.
Mindful of decree No. 2011/410 of 9 December 2011 to form the Government.
Mindful of decree No. 2012/537 of 19 November 2012 to organize the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
Mindful of decree No. 2000/696/PM of 13 September 2000 to lay down the General Rules and Regulations for Government Competitive Examinations.
Article 1: Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance.
(1) Professional competitive examination to recruit personnel into the corps of Sports and Physical Education civil servants has been announced. The number of available places for the various categories is distributed as follows:
- 10 (ten) Sports and Physical Education Tutors of the second grade of. the ‘A’ category of the Public Service.
- 15 (fifteen) Assistant Sports and Physical Education Tutors of the first grade of the ‘A’ category of the Public Service.
- 20 (twenty) Senior Sports and Physical Education Teachers of the second grade of the ‘B’ category of the Public Service.
(2) The written part of this examination shall take place on the 14 October 2023 in Yaounde, the only examination centre.
Article 2. Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance.
Concours-Entrance of Sports and Physical Education Tutors (Cat A2)
- Age limit: 50 years at most On 1st January 2024 (be born after 31/12/1966).
- Seniority required: Having served for at least five (05) years in the grade as at 1st January 2024.
- Remarks: Open for Assistant Sports and Physical Education Tutors, category “A1”.
Concours-Entrance of Assistant Sports and Physical Education Tutors (Cat A1)
- Age limit: 50 years at most On 1st January 2024 (be born after 31/12/1966).
- Seniority required: Having served for at least five (05) years in the grade as at 1st January 2024.
- Remarks: Open for Senior Sports and Physical Education Teachers, category “B2”.
Concours-Entrance of Senior Sports and Physical Education Teachers (Cat B2)
- Age limit: 50 years at most On 1st January 2024 (be born after 31/12/1966).
- Seniority required: Having served for at least five (05) years in the grade as at 1st January 2024.
- Remarks: Open for Sports and Physical Education Teachers, category “B1”.
Article 3. Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance.
Candidate’s complete application files shall be submitted, against a receipt, at the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Department of State Human Resources Development, ln-Service Competitive Examinations Service (4th floor, Rooms 405 and 409) or in all Regional Delegations of the Public Service, Recruitment and Training Service, not later than Friday 01 September 2023. The files shall comprise the following documents:
- A registration form bearing a CFA 1000 francs fiscal stamp. The forms can be obtained from the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform or at all Regional Delegations of the Public Service or downloaded at the following website address: or;
- A certified true copy of birth certificate signed by a competent civil authority.
- A receipt attesting payment of a registration fee of CFA 20 000 francs (twenty thousand) issued by either the Service Head for ln-Service Competitive Examinations at the Ministry or the Head of the Recruitment and Training Service at the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform;
- A photocopy of the candidate’s absorption.
- A photocopy of the candidate’s reclassification, advancement in grade or change of corps instrument, where applicable.
- A photocopy of the last advancement decision.
- An attestation of effective presence.
- 2 (two) passport-size photographs.
- an envelop bearing a 500 francs CFA stamp
- All incomplete, late files or files containing documents signed by the police shall be rejected.
- The authentication of career instruments shall be done in the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
Article 4. Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance.
- The syllabus for these competitive examinations is appended to this order.
- The written and oral parts of the examination shall be scheduled as follows:
a. Written papers:
2023Papers – Time Duration Coef. Eliminatory Mark 14-Oct General Knowledge 8am – 12pm 4 hrs 04 05/20 14-Oct Technical Paper 1pm – 5pm 4 hrs 06 05/20 The latest time to arrive at the examination centre is 7:00 am. prompt.
b. Oral part A
Only for candidates who are declared successful in the written part of the examinations for the “A” and “B” categories.
2023Papers – Time Duration Coef. To be announced Interview with a Panel As from 08AM / 01 To be announced Language As from 08AM / 01 The Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform shall announce the date and timetable for the oral part of the examination through a press release.
Article 5. Sports and Physical Education Professional Entrance 2024-2025.
The final results of the competitive examination shall be published through an instrument signed by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
Article 6.
This order shall be registered and published wherever necessary.
- NYSC Entrance (MPEPS, MEPS, MAEPS) CENAJES Bamenda Dschang Bertoua Garoua.
- 13 MINFOPRA Concours Launched Cameroon Entrance.