Teacher Grade One Certificate Examination CAPIEMP Cameroun 2024
Peace – Work-Fatherland
Teacher Grade One Certificate Examination CAPIEMP Cameroun 2024.
Teacher Grade One Certificate Examination CAPIEMP Cameroun Entrance 2024.
Organising the Teacher Grade One Certificate Examination CAPIEMP. kamerpower.com
Article 1; This Order organises the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination CAPIEMP.
Article 2 – (1) The Teacher Grade One Certificate examination is a National official examination organized by the Ministry in charge of Teacher Training at the end of the General Teacher Training cycle,
(2) Successful candidates in this examination obtain the Teacher Grade One Certificate, issued by the Ministry in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 3 – (1) Only one session of the examination is organised at the end of each academic year.
(2) Registration dates and modalities for the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination for Primary and Nursery School Teachers are fixed by a Decision of the Minister in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 4 – The Minister in charge of Teacher Training creates the examination centers for the said examination as the need arises.
Article 5 – The following can apply to sit for the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination Student-teachers who, have been admitted through a competitive entrance examination into a government or private
General Teacher Training College and have completed the training cycle.
a) Foreign candidates, who have been specially admitted into the General Teacher Training Colleges and have completed the training cycle.
b) Any candidate who has once failed the Teachers Grade One Certificate examination can register as an external candidate.
Article 6 – (1) Candidates for Teacher Grade One Certificate examination register in their schools and write in the nearest examination center (GTTC or GBTTC).
(2) External Candidates register and write in the GBTTC of the regional headquarter.
Article 7 – The registration receipt is issued upon payment of an examination fee that is fixed by the Minister in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 8 – Access of candidate into the examination hall is subjected to the presentation of a school identity card of the current year or a valid national identity card and the registration receipt for the session. These two documents should be presented whenever requested.
Article 9 – List of examination papers, their nature, duration, coefficient, structure, rating scale, evaluation criteria and eliminatory marks are defined by Specific texts of the Minister in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 10 – (1) The Teacher Grade One Certificate examination has three (3) compulsory phases: The teaching practice, the oral and the written examinations.
(2) The Teaching practice: It is assessed on four lessons amongst which three are obligatory, namely: a lesson on the second official language, a lesson on singing and a lesson on sports and physical education. Candidates shall ballot (choose at random) the cycle, the level, the class in which he/she will teach and the lesson to be taught, three (3) days before the beginning of teaching practice.
(3) The Oral Examinations: They are evaluated on the second official language, General Knowledge and Music.
(4) The Written Examinations: They are assessed on the Official Training Syllabuses for General Teacher
Training Colleges;
Article 11 – Teacher Grade One Certificate examination questions proposed by teachers of General Teacher Training Colleges are moderated by National Pedagogic Inspectors under the supervision of the Minister in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 12 –
- Marking of the written examinations is done under anonymity.
- lt is proscribed for any teacher to mark the scripts of his/her students.
Article 13 –
- Each candidate is assessed on a score ranging from 0 to 20/20 in the written examinations, multiplied by the coefficient of the subject as stated in each examination paper for the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination << CAPIEMP.
- The absence of any candidate is sanctioned with a 0/20.
- All candidates absent in any of the previewed phases of the exam are considered to have withdrawn as Spelt out in Article 9.
Article 14 –
- Continuous assessments are considered in the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination excluding the unsuccessful years of the training cycle.
- The continuous assessment average of each candidate is calculated by the principal of the Teacher Training College (TTC) and transmitted to the Marking Center on a written report bringing which states the average of each academic year as well as the general average moderated in the appropriate coefficient. kamerpower.com
- Continuous assessments marks for external candidates are those obtained during his/her last participation in the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination.
Article 15 – Candidates, who obtain a general average of at least 10/20 without an eliminatory mark as recommended by the jury, are declared successful in the Teacher Grade one certificate examination.
Article 16 – Certificates issued to successful Graduate at the end of the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination by the Minister in charge of Teacher Training shall carry the following remarks.
- Average, for any candidate with an average from 10/20 less than 12/20.
- Fairly good, for any candidate with an average from 12/20 less than 14/20
- Good. for any candidate with an average from 14/20 less than 16/20.
- Very good. for any candidate with an average equal to or greater than 16/20.
Article 16 – (1) The special envoy (Charge de mission », examiners of the practical, oral and written phases of the examination, are appointed by the Regional Delegate in charge of Teacher Training.
(2) The Divisional Delegate in charge of Teacher Training, on the proposal of the Divisional Delegate in charge of Nursery and Primary Schools, shall draw up a list of practicing school teachers for the assessment of
teaching practice and send a copy to the Regional Delegate.
Article 17 – Every jury tor the Teaching Practice is made up of three examiners: a teacher of GTTC « PENI/ PAENI and two Grade One teachers « IEG ». of whom one is the classroom teacher in the examination center.
Article 18 – (1) Every jury for Orals is made up of two examiners: two « PENI / PAENI » or a « PENI / PAENI » and a Grade One teacher « IEG » – music teacher in the examination center.
(2) The members of the juries for the marking ol the written phase of the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination are appointed by the Regional Delegate in charge of Teacher Training amongst the teachers of the
targeted subjects.
Article 19– The transfer of marks unto the mark sheets, the calculation of totals and averages, as well as the compilation of performance statistics is done at the regional level under the supervision ot a National Pedagogic Inspector appointed as a charge de mission by the Minister in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 20 – The members of the deliberations panel are appointed by the Minister in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 21 -The decisions of the deliberations panel are taken in accordance with the regulations in force and are sovereign.
Article 22 -The results of the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination are proclaimed by the Minister in charge of Teacher Training.
Article 23 – Foreign candidates who have been offered special admission into GTTCs are allowed to take part in the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination.
Article 24 – Any fault, fraud or fraudulent attempt is sanctioned against the author (candidate, examiner, or third party) under the dispensations of the General Policy of Examinations.
Article 25 – Personnel participating in the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination shall receive session and fixed allowances in accordance with the regulations in force.
Article 26 – All previous provisions contrary to those of the present Order, especially Order No. 327713/MINESEC/SEESENI/IGEIIP-EN/DECC of 30 October 2013, organising the Teacher Grade One Certificate examination « CAPIEMP » are repealed.
Article 27– The Inspector General of Education, the Director of Examinations and Certification, Regional Delegates, Divisional Delegates and Principals of GTTC shall each be responsible, for the implementation of this Order which shall be recorded and published. then inserted in the official gazette in English and French.
- Technical Teacher Grade One Certificate Examination CAPIET Cameroon
- Government Technical Teacher Training College (GTTTC) Entrance Cameroon.
- Government Teacher Training College (G.T.T.C.) Entrance Cameroon ENIEG.
- HTTC ENS Bambili Entrance year one First Cycle Higher Teacher Training College Bambili University of Bamenda Concours MINESUP
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